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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Dont the rules say they should apply for asylum in the first available country they arrive in? Anyway in real terms they are economic immigrants, read from that, only want what they can get for nothing.
  2. Does that include illegal immigrants who choose to ignore the laws and rules on immigration and arrive in uk to effectively scam the system?
  3. Lift them out their rubber boats and then take them straight back and drop them off.
  4. No need to worry. They will be well taken care of using money that pensioners worked all their life for. Maybe those that are facing £4000 a year power bills can spare something for the mainly young fit men who come over the channel in their little boats.
  5. This thread reminds me of the country bumpkin going to the zoo for the first time and when he saw a giraffe for the first time said there's no such animal.
  6. The tree had an interesting visitor.
  7. Did it rain around your way last night? It was non stop here.
  8. Well, the decision is not final. I read it as suspended until final decision.
  9. overherebc

    Bum guns

    Can any suggest a good one ( from experience ) that doesn't start to leak or drip after a couple of months.
  10. If you were driving a well battered but road legal land rover the temptation would be so strong.
  11. Yeah yeah, did you notice it was only flat at the bottom though. ????????
  12. Only if you're an idiot in the first place would you drive drunk or stoned.
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