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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. If he can swim and smoke at the same time? Mustapha Phag.
  2. Maybe a way of getting you to say something about your income that would make you admit you are doing something that could be taken as working without a wp.
  3. Boeing did a test flight with an A380 for 3 hours running one engine on fuel made from cooking oil.
  4. SuperRich had a place downstrairs, is that still there?
  5. Mods can move if required. Is there a big difference between bank's rate and bank's booths rate at the airport for exchange?
  6. Farting will be taxed as well.
  7. I suppose all the buyers will just think oh well we better go and buy the real thing.
  8. If it's being destroyed it's really worth 0000 point nothing.
  9. Sunset phala beach Ban Chang. Taken by friend there. 1661872511531.mp4
  10. China just started another big lockdown so they won't be coming next week.
  11. Advertised as made in Germany. Around 9000 baht.
  12. Antisceptics??? I fully agree the teacher should pay, then get sacked after payment is made. A long time ago my cousin, she was about 8 or 9 at the time was continually refused permission by the teacher to go to the toilet. She eventually wet herself. Sent home to change and my grandfather was there. He picked up her wet underwear, walked to the school and slapped the teacher with them.
  13. At that price for electric how many would you have to buy in a year? If you're really so anti then buy one from Germany.
  14. Have a look on line. 250 baht if your power source ( right arm ) is ok. ???? Other types, 1000 baht and up for electric. Comes with sausage making nozzle. Buy your pork, beef or whatever and have a go. Good recipes for sausages etc on line. Friend tried both types of sausage skins and prefers the natural to the collagen type. 7518fa783f9fd892277cbebfecf673e5.jpg_720x720q80.jpg_.webp
  15. My father taught lessons in a strange way. I told him I wanted to be a farmer and I would like some land to get started. He kicked me between the legs and said There's two acres to start with.
  16. Every morning I check the news on this and one thing that would really scare me is the headline Instant Noodle Flu.
  17. All that free education and healthcare was mostly paid for by tax and NI contributions from working people. So in my mind not exactly free.
  18. I have it on good authority ( Alf Garnett ) he was Church of England.
  19. So the son should pay for the sins of the father?
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