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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Are you referring to the various ones people like to stick up their noses? Just wondering, does anyone ever make cannabis powder and snort it like snuff?
  2. Ah so cannabis is 100% chemical, toxic substance and toxin free, that should be such a relief to smokers everywhere.
  3. So you believe they don't or won't add fertilizer or chemicals ( whatever) to the crop ( spelling ) that you will smoke or whatever.
  4. Of course. And all the stuff you buy here will be as pure as the driven snow, sorry, I mean slush.
  5. Used to be one, regularly, where the Lam-Chabang turn off was, pre-motorway, Sometimes trying to stop fast traffic while totally drunk. His motorbike parked at the side of the road.
  6. You little wild thing. Did you do a study on it's potency or do you just go wild and hope? ????
  7. Ah, the future is here.
  8. I've noticed that having a great 'knowledge of cannabis' was never considered essential in my working life. Can you study it for your O or A levels or maybe a degree? Did you? Must be fascinating to listen to a load of, quite possibly, elderly expats discussing their 'weeks best smoke'. ????????
  9. Reminds me of the three old guys, 85, 87 and 90 years old talking. 85 years old complains I can't pee properly, worst time of my life. 87 years old says worse for me, I can't <deleted> properly. 90 years old says 90 is the worst. The other two ask, what, you can't pee or <deleted> properly? 90 year old says every morning at 6.30am I pee like a horse, 6.45am I <deleted> like cow. What the hell is wrong with that? the other two ask. He says I don't wake up til 7am
  10. One story says he swam across. Klong Luk?
  11. I thought all you 'weed' smokers were supposed to be all 'laid back' and happy all the time, and never talked down to or badly about others?
  12. According to many posters all levels of THC are legal if you grow it at home for your own use.
  13. I suppose in reality putting any smoke, tobacco or cannabis, into your lungs can't be that good for you.
  14. Need to speak english and actually study, oooh, too hard.
  15. Don't quite follow your idea that backing into a parking space is wrong. It beats coming out backwards where you have to reverse two thirds of your car into possble traffic when only one third of car comes out giving more chance to see left and right of your car if you have reversed in.
  16. In the local market I heard. A meeting place for the nigerian expats there it would appear.
  17. Get her to wash the hummer before she leaves.
  18. Might get SWMBO to call them soon and see what they say.
  19. Good memory. ???? Last office was very easy. Never had a problem with them.
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