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Everything posted by overherebc

  1. Uk nationals can work for 90 days at a time without a wp but require a letter of invitation from the company. Leave after 90 days for a week and return you can do 90 more etc. I assume eu and usa nationals get the same deal.
  2. So far I have not had a reply. Checked spam etc.
  3. Thanks, Got it done. Any idea how long before they confirm?
  4. @Lite Beer What's confusing?
  5. Appointment for nonO extension renewal. Search and googled. What's the link please Thanks
  6. Then again perhaps the OP on here didn't rely on the correct questions being asked so what we get is nothing like the facts that should be reported so we don't really get a clear picture of what is meant by the Thai Government.
  7. Well if it's original 45 and then 45 extended that's 90, but if it's 45 and 30 that's 75 or if it's still 30 VE will it be plus 45 or will it be or not be plus 30?
  8. Sons-in-law. ???????????? I know you'll get me sometime. ????
  9. She wants to tax sheep and cattle farts it seems.
  10. 1660011094754.mp4 1660011089220.mp4
  11. Friend came back from Oz a couple of weeks ago thru swampy. No Q at imm' and thru in minutes. Just sayin'
  12. I would wait until all gets quiet again after the Sattahip fire. Seems around 50 officials were there last night.
  13. Wonder if the working tv stands in front of the non working tv nowadays? Remember when they used to stand on top. ????
  14. Seems the strip was being well 'policed' last night, haven't heard of 'other' areas being visited.
  15. Usually comes out of the tap at around 8 degrees, average. Ref pouring what I call cold water on a burn, if all that is available is colder than tap water I don't think sitting around waiting for the water to warm a couple of degrees while you or someone is burning is a very good idea.
  16. By the way do you know how insulting the phrase 'try again' is?
  17. Where did I mention water from the fridge. I got steam burned over my chest and arm and what we call cold water in uk ie, not from the hot tap was used. As a result it healed faster and scarring is minimal.
  18. Just a comment, not at you. I am always surprised at the number of people who don't understand that pouring cold water on burns is one of the best things you can do. As much as possible for ad long as you can until real help arrives. Bottles drinking water, any supply at all.
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