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  1. Hi, For anybody who is looking for an appointment to renewal their license in Bangkok in December and January their are still appointments available at Bangkok Transportation Office Area 1 Bang Khun Thian. I did make an appointment just on Monday via online booking and every day this and next month where still available. Super plus is they also issue both types of IDL as of act 1949 and 1968. Each cost 505 Baht. I got both of them but I don't know if it is necessary to have both. Countries included in the agreement can be found here: https://treaties.un.org/pages/ViewDetailsIII.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI-B-19&chapter=11 Cheers
  2. Hello, I wrote in an expat forum that if you hold a valid non immigrant B visa and work permit you allowed to use the Fast Track on economy ticket. Is that true? Thank you
  3. Not leather shoe related but if you are into sportswear then Nike Thailand has sizes up to US14 available.
  4. I have an XBOX One S if you are interested.
  5. I found.... https://www.facebook.com/doctorautoclinic/ https://www.doctorautoclinic.com/th/ They quoted me 120,000 - 140,000 Baht for my BMW depending on the current surface condition. I haven't been there yet.
  6. Hi All, I would like to change the color of my car but not by using wrapping film. Does anyone know a professional body paint shop in/around Bangkok and/or Chon Buri please? Thanks
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