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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. Thai PM cautions over Red Shirt arms training claim BANGKOK,

    Oct 13 -- Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva on

    Wednesday cautioned the public that report of alleged arms training for

    hard-core anti-government Red Shirt activists on Cambodian soil was

    merely information obtained in investigation which has yet to be

    verified, saying he will discuss the issue with his Cambodian

    counterpart once the investigation is concluded.


    Kind of contradicts the original headline doesn't it?

    The whole thing smells very yellow

    I wonder who these men really are?

    The case smells like a premature opening up. See what openness in government actions leads to ;)

    . . . government actions leads to . . . invasion of Cambodia.

    Once done, rename "Siem Reap" to "Siam Victory".

  2. Facebook is blocked and you convienantly left out that I wrote it was a minor grievance

    I keep seeing this but I've never had any problem accessing it?! Wish I did, would then stop erstwhile friends from aeons ago attempting to contact me with page upon page of mindless drivel.:boring:


    I think that comment came from some english "teacher" who complained that at his school facebook is blocked so he cannot contact his friends (all mega qualified teacher) for advices on teaching.

    that was one of his examples that came in a rant why Thai schools are so bad - facebook is blocked in the school computer network.

    Why block facebook? I don't get it.

  3. Yellow shirt mouth piece the Nation should have asked who order the Coup. Or who ordered to pay billions in bonuses to the military or why Prem is still in charge? The fact is that The Nation is going for the symptoms and not for the root cause. That is understandable when your owners were saved by the coup when they were dragged to the court by the anti corruption commission.

    Are you sure you're posting in the right thread? :blink:

    There's been no mention whatsoever in the either the OP or subsequent posts regarding the coup nor military pay nor Prem.... until your post mentioning all three. :huh:

    We are not allowed to ask who order the coup. We all knew the answer, where are not allowed to disclosed it. Just pretend that we don't know.

  4. hanuman1 (I had 5 quotes, was allowed only 4 - it was like Sophie's Choice...)

    What are you hoping to discover? That people who are horrified at terrorism are just pretending to be appalled? Yeah, there's promise in that line of investigation. Please pursue it all the way to the end. You'll need to be persistent. Some will be quite adamant that they actually dislike terrorism. But you'll wear them down and they'll admit the truth in the end. Go get 'em tiger.


    Do let me know what planet you live on, maybe I'll be able to interpret your ramblings more easily.

    I don't endorse terrorism. Four words. Too difficult for you? Let me know which words you have trouble with. And how about this - I don't like Taksin either. Sorry. :jap:

    And since you're clearly someone with enough time on their hands to go 'Century Gothic' on us and dig up everyone's quotes to take pot shots at, how about finding one where I do try to garner sympathy for terrorism.

    It'll only take half an hour before you give up and decide on a new font. You've got years left, right?

    Just beat them up, and eventually everyone will admit to their crime. How I miss the medieval dungeon.

  5. You don't address even a single issue in the article. Is k.Vivit wrong when he says 'the exception is now the rule'? Should those in prison be considered political prisoners?

    In Ayutthaya a lady was arrested using these laws for selling flip flops with K.Abasits face on them. Under these laws she can be held for 30 days without charge.

    This in a province where the emergency decree was supposed to have been lifted.

    K.Niran said people have been jailed for thinking differently to the govt. Prove him wrong.

    are you saying that thailand has laws allowing people to make money from a persons image without their consent? I don't think any country would have copyright laws allowing this?

    No. He's claiming that the lady was arrested by police illegally. He's claiming her arrest was made by police citing an Emergency Decree which is not in effect in that province. He's demanding anyone who disagrees with his claims to disprove them.

    No. He is unwilling to provide any evidence in support of his claims.

    Yes. Lost on him is the fact that, if his claims were true, the evidence would have already been presented by PTP and Prachatai.

    Yes. He's actually as stupid as he sounds.

    I believe the lady bought those ugly flip flop from Chatuchak market, which is in BKK, the area WITH the SOE. So she should be put to jail for 90 days, lock in a dark and dam cell.

  6. Bout appealing to Thai court NOT drop charges against him is as topsy turvy as the world gets.

    Anything but be handed to a USA court where facts actually might be presented,

    and the questioning will be MUCH more pointed. I think the guy is going stateside,

    one day not too far off, like it or not. But stall he will no matter how absurd the arguments seem.

    If the charges are not dropped yet before all witnesses are heard yet, Bout and his defense can perfectly demonstrate how ridiculous and fictional all these charges are and that there is obviously not enough evidence.

    But why should Bout go to the USA at all, no matter how fair trails over there might be.

    Some could argue that the USA should arrest their own criminals and put everyone who was and is involved in military aggression and invasion of other countries and killing of civilians in the occupied territory into jail. There is plenty of evidence and plenty to do. Once that is done, they can maybe look after figures like Bout.

    It's a completely DIFFERENT case.

    This is not about the case he is to be extradited on,

    but stalling for time because another case was also filed.

    Nothing more than a tactic.

    If he was going to France or the UK or Argentina for this it would be the same.

    He has lost the extradition appeals and is stalling because the OTHER case existed.

    So he is appealing to KEEP HIMSELF CHARGED. Even as the prosecuters have dropped the case.

    Topsey turvydom.

    It is not criminal to have a tactic.

  7. " have proposed that the governors of all provinces in the country be elected......."

    No way. Selection is best. If election is needed, maybe 30% elected, and 70% remains selected. The problem with election is that it allows for voting selling/buying. No such selling/buying in the selection method.

    u sound like somebody brainwashed you

    Selection method is vulnerable to corruption? Or not in your dreamworld?

    Selection method is vulnerable to corruption? Not if you listen to Sondhi of PAD.

  8. "Don't underestimate that the red shirt will not dare to do it as Nuamthong Praiwan used to set an example for them."

    Nuamthong was a taxi driver who slammed his taxi against a tank following the September 19 2006 coup. He later hang himself in protest.

    Somyos said the explosions of bombs made of fertilisers were carried out by the red-shirt people who were angry at the government.

    He said the red-shirt leaders could not control these angry reds as they decided to take revenge on their own.

    The taxi driver suicided, which is not really the same as 'suicide bomber'. 'suicide bombing' doesn't seem part of Thai mentality, although with reincarnation suicide seems more easy than for some Christians.

    As the red-shirt leaders can no longer control their people and some angry reds are taking revenge on their own, I guess the government is justified in cracking down on them.

    When PTP and UDD hand over material to the UN chief Ban Ki-Moon, a few red statements like the OP here should also be passed along. ;)

    I believe the taxi driver did not hang himself. Someone make it looks like so.

  9. We all have been taught in school that Thailand is the greatest, especially during King Rama 5, which make us equal the European (and ahead of the American at that time). We Thais even have our own written language, which the Burmese, Laos and Cambodian copied. Vietnum & Malaysia don't even have their own written language, hence they use Roman alphbets.

    We all have been taught in school that Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos are communist, and they try to influence the Thai rural people into taking arms to bring down Thai's democratically elected government; just to turn Thailand into a communist state, just like them.


    Many scholars believe that the Thai script is derived from the Khmer script, which is modeled after the Brahmic script from the Indic family. However, in appearance, Thai is closer to Thai Dam script, which may have the same Indian origins as the Khmer script. The language and its script[citation needed] are closely related to the Lao languageand script. Most literate Lao are able to read and understand Thai, as more than half of the Thai vocabulary, grammar, intonation, vowels and so forth are common with the Lao language. Much like the Burmese adopted the Mon script (which also has Indic origins), the Thais adopted and modified the Khmer script to create their own writing system. While the oldest known inscription in the Khmer language dates from 611 CE, inscriptions in Thai writing began to appear around 1292 CE.

    You are full it. What is the source of your information. The Khmer script is more than 600 years older than Thai script. If anything you copied it from them........oooh nooooooo......never.

    Actually the whole region acquired its script from the Indian. So whatever you thought of your script as being original is actually not. Even your religious script which is in Pali, came from Sanskrit. Face the fact.

    Pho Khun Ram Khamhaeng (Thai: พ่อขุนรามคำแหงมหาราช; Pho Khun Ramkhamhaeng; birth: around 1237-1247; death: 1298) was the third king of the Phra Ruang dynasty, ruling the Sukhothai Kingdom (a forerunner of the modern kingdom of Thailand) from 1279-1298, during its most prosperous era. He is credited with the creation of the Thai alphabet and the firm establishment of Theravada Buddhism as the state religion of the kingdom.


  10. " have proposed that the governors of all provinces in the country be elected......."

    No way. Selection is best. If election is needed, maybe 30% elected, and 70% remains selected. The problem with election is that it allows for voting selling/buying. No such selling/buying in the selection method.

    Taking the piss again I see.

    One way or another the govs will be beholden to powers

    beyond their abilities to push back.

    Maybe here it's better to have them all on one team,

    rather than scattered across a dozen incoherent party platforms

    or controlled solely by the local power brokers.

    "Maybe here it's better to have them all on one team".

    Agree, as long as it is the Mark's team, and not Thaksin's team. Then it is OK.

  11. Bout appealing to Thai court NOT drop charges against him is as topsy turvy as the world gets.

    Anything but be handed to a USA court where facts actually might be presented,

    and the questioning will be MUCH more pointed. I think the guy is going stateside,

    one day not too far off, like it or not. But stall he will no matter how absurd the arguments seem.

    I cant say I blame him its an obvious set up with made up charges just to get him to the USA and there is no way he will get a fair trial in the US simple as that, if they get him there thatsit for him and I too would do ANYTHING to avoid being sent there.


    Why can't he get a fair trial in USA? Every been on a USA jury?

    I have. It is 100% possible to get a fair trial. Even for this guy.

    It may have been a sting operation to get him, but he hung himself out there.

    He'll tell what he knows, and go into witness protection and disappear.

    Things could be worse. like staying in a Thai jail forever.

    His biggest worry is that those he might talk ABOUT

    will try to off him BEFORE he can talk.

    Go watch "Runaway Jury" (Cusack, Hackman, Hoffman, Weisz). The movie show that US jury CAN be bought.

  12. Cambodia is lying, and DSI knew it.

    Should the DSI be positive on their publicaly released statement , they should have informed the Cambodian authorities BEFORE spouting off , that is normal protocol of which you are obviously unaware of or could care less . It is people such as yourself , who stand behind unsubstantiated cods wallop for no other reason than the people making the statement are Thai , we all , of course , are fully conversant with the fact that "I Thai , I know " . What you have not thought about is that it could cause grave and far reaching repercussions for people such as yourself , together with Thai in general , I lived through WW11 as a young person , you have no idea what that involves with all of the deprevation . Should you believe that many Thai already suffer these conditions , please be ready for a very severe eye opener , it would look good on people such as yourself , be as stupid as you wish , but please do not open your mouth and prove it to all and sundry .

    We all have been taught in school that Thailand is the greatest, especially during King Rama 5, which make us equal the European (and ahead of the American at that time). We Thais even have our own written language, which the Burmese, Laos and Cambodian copied. Vietnum & Malaysia don't even have their own written language, hence they use Roman alphbets.

    We all have been taught in school that Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos are communist, and they try to influence the Thai rural people into taking arms to bring down Thai's democratically elected government; just to turn Thailand into a communist state, just like them.

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