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Posts posted by chantorn

  1. In the many hours that I spent around the fighting and protests I never witnessed any tension or hostilities between the protesters and the ambulance personnel -- they were shoulder to shoulder like brothers in arms. I have video footage on the night of May 14th at Soi Rangnam where Vajira Hospital medical personnel attempted to rescue a dead person and being shot at multiple times, taking great risk, but made it out. On the very next day a person from the same Hospital crew was shot in the head and killed by the army, I believe in the same location. It seems to be an indication of media manipulation to say that Reds and Army "alike" were anti-medical personnel. Apparently this is a lie to cover up the truth.

    Somtumtiger and hammerred, your comments show your lack of honesty as well as where your loyalty lies, duly noted.

    I admire your courage to tell the truth.

    DSI and CRES will be arriving at your door step soon. If you are luckly, you may be be deported. If you are not luck, you will be like the English man & Australian man; in jail. Because you have just admitted that you are at the crime scene taking video, when the law say you must not be in that gathering.

    I am sure your IP address have been requested any moment now.

  2. There is another charge that can be brought against Thaksin, namely a crime against Humanity. However I doubt Thai society, being morally blind, will countenance it. I recall that in 2003 almost 2,500 people, including a nine year child were done to death by the Thaksin regime in a so called war against drugs. It later transpired that most of the victims were innocent and to compound the offence the murdered innocents were, and still are, slandered as unrepentant drug dealers. Drawling drawing room Marxist apologists continue to cite that there is no proof to implicate Thaksin or his Ministers. However he was PM and if we employ normal standards of accountability then he and his ministers have a prima facie case of a crime against humanity to answer. Murder on this scale definitely constitutes a Crime against Humanity!

    Thaksin has been charged and acquitted for this already. Besides, the war on drugs appeared to have the support from a higher institution.

    Sorry, discussion of the higher institution is not allowed.

    Please don't try to lead the discussion into that direction.

    Everyone in TV will get into trouble.

  3. It may be in the interest of the Thai government, if it wants to taken seriously. For instance, the EU wanted to send observers to cover the last election 2007 (also an internal affair), but the army junta refused to even discuss the idea.

    Given that Thailands recent problems are based around "free and fair" elections, it would be a good idea to have international observers.

    But I don't really see either side agreeing to this.

    I didn't know the red side was against international observers. Do you have any link supporting this?

    Here is an article on the topic:


    Thaksin has gone on record saying 'the UN is not my father' when some asked about the 2500+ drugwar deaths. In the recent 'protest' the UDD leaders (and maybe PTP MPs) have petitioned UN, USA, UK and EU to sent observers to protect them from this obviously evil government (petition accepted, no comment, don't call us, we call you.). Internal affair. Now that this protest is over I very much doubt any of the parties involved wants foreign influence. It would spoil the Thai fun.

    Thaksin is right. UN is not Thaksin father. Thaksin's father, Lert, was born in Chiang Mai in 1919 and married Yindi Ramingwong (Daughter of Princess Jantip Na-Chiang Mai). In 1968, Lert Shinawatra entered politics and became an MP for Chiang Mai. (from Wiki)

  4. Thailand has come the laughing stock of the western world. Charging him as a terrorist become he made speeches to the Red Shirts against the government is not terrorisms.

    Making speeches is not the reason for charging him, it's the contents of those speeches.

    I have listen to the speech that DSI submitted to the court. He say something like "everybody to gather at the provincial hall". Never has he say burn them down. This is implied and assumed by DSI and Thai court.

    All his video link clips are in youtube. Please show me one that Thaksin say "burn it", "loot it" or "destroy it" etc.

  5. The tragedy is that we will not get accurate information for a long time to come, if ever. There is still a wide rift between the different factions and obviously also an eclatant lack of knowledge within the red masses. Example? I just came back from upnorth where some villagers still swear and discuss the fact of the murdered (by the Government) soldiers, who refused to shoot at red shirts. By now the story has been found out as another manipulative plot, using pictures of soldiers killed in the South while serving their country.

    I've also read a discussion on another (Thai) forum who ended like this: <We aren't finished, we'll come back to Bangkok soon!> Answer: <We know, next time we'll be ready for you!>. I'm afraid we're in for a long, very long healing process.

    Long process? No.

    Mark say by September, everyone in Thailand will be a happy big family.

    Election will be held 14-Nov-2010.

  6. Goodness, now that the Reds are dispersed, the Bangkok gov't and it's many journalist supporters are really going on the information warpath.

    How many times do we have to say it? A few random Reds had possession of their own weapons, 99% did not. If an outsider would read this article or the many like it flooding the 'news' these days for the first time they would think the Reds were essentially a heartless, callous military.

    Why would I believe any opinion or assertion by "Dr." Panitan Wattanayagorn or Colonel Sansorn would say? They are gov't right-hand-men with one-sided objectives.

    Your post completely evades the warnings stated in advance (warnings to the government!) that stood as orders to the red shirt mob. They heard Nattuwut and they heard Arisaman. They heard Veera calling on them to burn down the counter corruption agency. They heard over and over the violent rhetoric from the leaders. They chose to stay after hearing calls for violence over and over from their leaders.

    It is a kindness on the part of many people to say that they were forced into staying by the redshirt guards, or the possible repurcussions they would suffer if they returned home without redshirt approval. It is a kindness on the part of many that say they couldn't leave because they had to surrender their ID's to get paid. If they were NOT there 100% of their own free will then they get to deny involvement in premeditated terrorism.

    If, on the other hand, they were there, like the reds on this forum say, voluntarily in all ways then they are ALL guilty of insurrection and supporting domestic terrorism on the behalf of Thaksin.

    Time for the reds on the board to make a stand :)

    I also heard a Brit calling on them to burn down and loot Central Plaza. I also heard an Oz Sniper on stage figting with the Red

    So this 2 don't count, because they are farangs.

  7. organised burning and arson, or not, and by who ? the legal system would tell very soon, as they have all the 'heads' with them !

    apparently, there were 'organised command' and 'action plan' to perform these burning and arson in such very short time, just with in 4 hours after red leaders surrendered. it was certainly not an simultaneous act, by Isaan farmers and protesters !

    perhaps that moron already 'leaked' some hints to us, but just no one read his code :-(

    Could it be the men in WHITE that does the arson? and shooting in the Temple? They are not with the Army, just roam with them.

  8. Not according to the Australian Embassy; they said he tends toward gross exaggeration.

    Are you saying that the Thai government is feeding grossly exaggerated information

    Why would the Thai government do that? I see no reason other that to tell the truth to the Thai people.

    FYI, PRD is not ASTV or PTV.

  9. The reds were assisted by snipers and black-clad extremists with military training. This "Black Army" would hit the security forces from behind the lines.

    Was the video clip below already discussed at the board? Sorry if yes, but was an explanation/ conclusion found what happen there?

    Between 0:11 - 0:19 you can see a person in civilian clothes, a white shirt and shorts, armed with a rifle and probably also shooting. Similar to the clips with a sighting of one of the 'terrorists'. But the problem here is that he is together with regular army troops, soldiers in combat gear, Abhisits security forces.

    So, can I conclude as follows:

    If Black: belong to Red

    If White: belong to Army?

  10. The official policy is seven kilograms and one bag per passenger.

    However, my experience has been that this rule is not always enforced.

    Agree for Swampy, I often take 10+ kg on hand carry. Not sure about other airports. In KL-LCCT they have full control of the terminal, so I will be more careful.

  11. Kidney failure caused by his brain ceasing to send proper processing messages.

    Chantorn, he may have taken a bad path after the passing of his beloved wife,

    who seems to have been his grounding, but not being convicted of his latest actions,

    and the process of his being removed from the army incomplete, he still was a Thai General,

    with a long record of service to his country.

    As the song in the movie 'White Christmas' said:

    "What do you do with a general, when he's no longer being a general."


    So if Thaksin is shot dead now, perhaps the same new agency would report Thaksin death as "Breathing failure". Also, Thaksin may have taken a bad path after his beloved wife divorce him.

    And since Thaksin have been grounding, but not being convicted of his latest actions, and the process of his being convicted of terrorist incomplete, he still was a ex-prime Minister, with a long record of service to his country, and the ONLY PM who completed a term, he should also receive a Royal funeral? :):D :D

  12. he was NOT a Trained Sniper. For a stArt he would not have the brains to be a professionally trained sniper. The &lt;deleted&gt; is a Military Wannabe. Australia is full of them. Go and drink in any bar in the Kingdom where Aussies gather, you'll meet one. Thailand seems to be a magnet for them.

    (BTW I am ex Oz Military)

    Check 'em out.


    Perhaps you have forgotten to read the news. The government say that he is a sniper. Thai government never lie.


  13. Non Australian readers should be made aware of the Aussie rules in cases like this.

    An Irish immigrant who happened to be a world record holder, would be cassed as an Aussie 5 minutes after leaving the airport. On the other hand if he was just an ordinary mick, who 30 years later robbed a bank (or got up on a red stage in Bangkok), well he is just a moronic Irishman.

    I came to Australia 30 years ago, fortunately I haven't robbed a bank...but I'm still reagarded as a Pom

    What is a Pom?

  14. He could be the Australian snipers that shoot Seh Daeng and the 6 innocent in the Temple.

    If the army can push that, they (the army) is cleared.


    Ex-Australian army sniper nabbed for joining UDD BANGKOK, 25 May 2010 (NNT) – A former Australian military sniper has been arrested in Bangkok for taking an active role in the recent anti-government protest and staying in Thailand with expired visa.

    The Aussie, identified as Mr Conor David Purcell, was nabbed by the Immigration Bureau’s ad-hoc team while resting in his apartment in Sathorn district today. A preliminary investigation reveals that the man used to serve in the Australian Army as a trained sniper before traveling to Thailand. He has been in and out of the Kingdom 4 times and even made an appearance on the stage of the United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) during the recent mass demonstration.

    Mr Purcell was first arrested for residing in Thailand on expired visa and faced an additional charge for demonstrating with the UDD after being questioned by the police. He is now detained at Pathumwan Municipal Court in Bangkok while further investigation will be conducted on whether the suspect is related to recent sniper attacks in the city or not.


    News ID: 255305250040 w_r_top.gif

    btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : Rungkarn Rujiwarangkul

    News Date : 25 May 2010

  15. Off the Middle Path

    New York Times

    May 24, 2010


    BANGKOK — Last Wednesday, the television station where I work in Bangkok was attacked and set on fire by an angry mob while I was anchoring the news. The men who invaded the building were members of the red shirts — protesters who had seized control of the center of Thailand’s capital for more than two months with the goal of bringing downing the government.

    Attacked and set on fire by a English man (Farang).

    He is in jail now, according to Mark.

  16. Their Majesties the King and Queen will graciously sponsor the funeral of Maj-General Khattiya "Seh Daeng" Sawasdipol who succumbed to brain injuries yesterday morning.

    There has been a dicussion going on in facebook (in Thai) for some time on who Sae Daeng was really working for.

    It has been said that he worked as a spy for the US in Vietnam and for Thailand in Cambodia if this is true he has a history.

    He was also reported as saying something like: 'when the truth comes out my photo will be in every home in Thailand'

    Probably we will never know.

    Maybe you mis understand something.

    Seh Daeng did not die of brain injuries.

    Sae Deang Dies After Suffering from Kidney Failure


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