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Everything posted by moogradod

  1. I am actually scared to do that. My problem is not my own tax - easy peasy even on the considerably high state pension I get (but below 1.8 m - have to give a portion to my divorced first wife). But I never understood why they do not approach my Thai wife which transfers between her accounts amounts far above 2m per year (for example to optimize risk and she recently bought a house). From all interest 15% withholding tax is deducted. So if I file so must she even if the interest earned per year might not be much after the deductioons (I actually never calculated it, but will do so tomorrow) and I am uncertain what this could mean (only in the case something goes really pear shaped with the new regulations - money I gifted her was always done under strict observance of the tax laws at the time, some even while she was not tax resident). And then there is still the risk that the IO wants proof of payment. Maybe not now, but maybe in 3 years. Even worse. So I more and more conclude that I have to file a tax return already for 2023. Need to find a good tax accountant (as well because of the language barrier). My wife does not understand these matters and can translate but probably not really make sense all the time.
  2. Does your "turnover" include incoming plus outgoing financial transactions ?.And then it depends how far back this will be. Before we moved here we did transfer many millions to Thailand - but all in strict observance with the tax laws at the time - I needed more than 1 year to clarify that. In the last few years I have no more income over 1.8m per calender year but occasionally I transferred money to my wife to one of her more than 15 bank accounts - for example as a gift when she bought a new car - which was over 1.8 m. but this is many years ago, when my account saldo was far more than it is now. We both have only very few transactions, this includes ATM and supporting the family. The biggest joke would be if they would make my poor Thai Farmer family make a tax return because of the support we send them. But I not really think that this would happen - just a play of the mind.
  3. For unknown reasons you cannot receive Private Messages. I did as well write somme comment but here is at least the most important info attached. I did install a Viofo 129a plua with front and back camera. Very nice picture and the back camera nearly not noticeable from outside. They have as well a (successor ?) Viofo 130. You should review that. I bought the camera online, Rocket Sound do not sell them but the installation is perfect.
  4. I will send a PM.
  5. Extremely spot on. The unsecurity in many ways is the absolute worst here. It has actually made me real sick and I get medicine from a hospital which provides me with loads of nice purple pills in any quantity. At least that. Besides I really thought that I do not have to pay taxes on my pension and so I have "missed" two of them it seems after all I read. Now what to do when again changes are in the air. Walk into the RD to explain (it would be peanuts for them, but who knows). To pay anything, even for past years would be the least problem. I have enough money. But I only may under no circumstances risk that my stay in the country is endangered. This would have an impact on my family is well - and that is acutally why I came here in the first place with a preparation over many years. I have as well a heart problem and cannot just move as some suggest to Malaysia or somewhere else - let alone that I would never leave my family. It does not look like it is going to become a real problem but when it is (many influences that could have an impact - too complicated to mention all) then this means I will have to depart to where no flight ticket is needed. I must admit that I did imagine a more beautiful retirement age than what I have now for the few upcoming years that I might still survive. And most of the reason is the uncertainty that sourrounds so many subjects here in Thailand. I hope I can get all straight with the (probable easy - but not sure) tax issues, this would be a big step forward again.
  6. Treat yourself to a night in Bangkok and let the Shop "Rocket Sound" take care of it. Their parking is full of Supercars. Must be a well known place. They did it for us (Front and Back) professionally. Would choose them anytime again.
  7. I do none of them and would be happy if nobody did. I usually avoid surroundings where bad manners are displayed - if I can.
  8. Sounds good. May I ask what happened to the tax declaration 2022 ? Forgotten and forgiven ? And are these tax offices set up per Province (like Chonburi) or Sub-District within the same Province (like Pong or Na Chom Thian) ? I will change my living adress by the end of this year within the same province, but I can decide if in 2023 or 2024. Would this matter then ? I get my state pension directly remitted to my Thai Bank account, there are no accompaning papers apart from the entry in the bank-book and I get an SMS from the bank which says "via AUTO". This is from BKK-Bank and I could not find out yet what this means. This is all I could ever show to the tax guy apart from the initial acknowledgement that I get a pension (social security, but attention, this is Switzerland and different from the US) and what the amount is (original paper from the government) It is therefore very easy to identify the 12 remittances per year in the bank-book. As far as I interpret the DTA between Switzerland and Thailand, the tax has to be paid in Thailand. This may have to do with my nationality which is NOT Swiss.
  9. Maybe not because of any payment that were due for current remittances but because the possible "reciprocal" not clarified nature of some of the rules that may on top interpreted differently by different officers. As an analogy: Something like some IO does not let you enter the country even with a valid visa without any appearent reason. Then there is always this talk about information exchange. When you say "to the homecountry" what do you mean exactly ? Me for example have no living adress in my country from where I got my passport and neither from the country from where I get my state pension. So who gets informed by who ? The only possibility which would make sense is that the institution that remits the pension informs the immigration department (which then does not know what to do with it, they have nothing to do with my tax). Still too many open issues - who knows what the outcome will be ?
  10. Correct statement. A lot of harm has been made in the name of religions. Even from Buddhists. Jainism may be the most peaceful religion of all. I am a Lay Tibetan Mahayana Buddhist. This does not contradict the fact that all religions (I am actually not so sure about the Muslims) are there for one purpose: To be of benefit for the people. At least this is the idea. One should distinguish between the teaching and the people who act in its name. The latter may include some black sheep who do not even understand the religion in which name they act. And some teachings may be simply erronneous. Especially for you as a scientist the following short slip from YouTube might be interesting. No, its nothing sectarian - just a very entertaining speech of Sam Harris with the title "Science can answer moral questions". You might enjoy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj9oB4zpHww
  11. I cannot but add one more entry to my list above: Tampopo (The movie is even available on YouTube in full length (Japanese with English Subtitles) It helps to enjoy the movie if you have been in Japan yourself, then you will understand many of the fine jokes better. But highly recommended.
  12. None for the last 50 years. Before that I remember the Avengers (John Steed and Emma Peel) and I had to look Bonanza every Sunday because my dad was a fan. But all in all I dislike TV Series. Well, Twilight Zone was not bad actually.
  13. Then I obviously misunderstood @digger70. Nothing about God and Hell here although to your beliefs as I know it you would make a connection to *religions*. And by the way "religions" have nothing to do with the drugs you mention. Even not with Ayahuasca I think. Religions are for the benefit of people and to promote understanding. Nothing about some Creator God. There are other more serious and more subtle teachings. Psylocybin or LSD make ultimately more confuse than promote a correct understanding of the world. Timothy Leary, pls. forgive me, but the confused and half-knowledge times are over.
  14. @digger70 is right. The proof ? Experience, the best proof there is ! There are other reasons than to get something back for any good deeds immediately. But the seeds of your beneficial actions stay with you in a subtle way. But better not elaborate on that, its one of the most complex topics I can think of.
  15. We will see how complicated it will really get. If you are right I would better engage a lawyer / accountant as well just to be sure to prevent misunderstandings with bigger impact. Actually I do not see any arise but as you know ....... The problem will be to find the right one. Needs to be specialized and professional, willing to confine time, speaking English very well and have lots of experience with the authorities. And this all in Chonburi. If you find one pls. drop me a PM. I will then check him out. Thanks.
  16. Of course we do. And the sequel "Babe: Pig in the City". My wife and myself are collecting pigs from all over the world. We even own an original Haekelschwein (one of about 15000 worldwide all hand made by a German Granny alone). No idea how many we have all in all. That's a 68 year old higher educated guy with a place of childhood in his chest. We (that includes my wife) love our pigs.
  17. The English film titles are "Gran Torino" and "No Country for Old Men" as per my list above. Both are great. My list contains many well known movies, but I suspect that not many might know "Cypher" (2002) which I regard as a insider tip. Spirited away is a Ghibly Studio animated film which won the Oscar and is regarded by many as the best hand drawn Anime ever.
  18. More than 3 (not in order of preference). Just pick the ones YOU like the best: Snatch Gran Torino 12 Monkeys My Neighbor Totoro (Tonari no totoro) Spirited away (Sen to Chihiro no kamakushi) Pulp Fiction Leon the professional (directors cut) Wild Things Mulholland Drive Lost Highway No country for old men Fargo The big Lebowski Cypher True Grit
  19. And only accessible via Facebook. Again a company which looses my business (a company without proper website is not acceptable to me). But maybe there are Bratwürste from this company sold at Villa, too. But Villa (and TOPS) have Bratwurst-prices in the criminal range.
  20. I give up. My post is now two times displayed but maybe only for me for it says "hidden" in the upper corner. If anybody is interested I could give them a PM if this would be allowed (I dont know - any admin please advise - I would like to benefit the community but only if I am allowed to.
  21. My original post is back ! Obviously someone reversed his judgement. Thank you for the benefit of all.
  22. I had posted the full details and now they are gone. Before it was published it showed a message like "....needs approval ...". Maybe my post was deleted but I did not get any message that this would be so - because of that I try again in the next post. If someone does not approve what I post, then pls. give me a short message.
  23. I gave you the contact details as requested. Call them up or visit them. I suppose you do not want me to post a transscript of our wills and living wills - but if I recommend them please take it as that. You may call me bugger if you do not like what you get from them.
  24. For the admins: The above post is no commercial but a genuine recommendation. ???? I am in no way affiliated to the company.
  25. And here it is: Thai888 Law Company Pattaya View Talay Building 5D Office Number 10 & 12, Ground Floor Thappraya Road, Jomtien, Nongprue, Banglamung, Chonburi Thailand 20150 Tel: Jeab 08 6376 0527 Thai & English Kelvin ++ 66 (0)8 0102 8978 English International FAX: 038075543 Email: [email protected] www.thai888.com I had as well recommended this company to a friend of mine, and he came back delighted. Dont be put off by the building and place - they refrain from representative decor - instead they are experienced and professional and produce superb results. We are more than happy with them.
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