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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. 5 minutes ago, amykat said:

    I am telling you what happened in Thailand  for me


    I can't say I'm surprised.




    and what happens here for expat women.



    Not the ones I know, who aren't judgmental and hostile to people they don't even know.

    You appear to have a rather large chip on your shoulder.

  2. Quote

    If I saw a woman with that nice shape you described, which is very attractive to a lot of men, I would compliment her on it and ask if she's seeing someone then take her for dinner instead of talking about brexit and try to make her feel bad about herself. 


    Christ on a bike it goes from bad to worse.



  3. I would say that, if it's that miserable then move. 


    Buddhalady says she lives in a community comprised of old farang men married to Thais.

    It's somewhat of a leap to then state that " I find the attitudes of farang men in CM to be so difficult to accept that I just avoid them like the plague", if that's all she gets to mix with on a daily basis.





  4. 1 hour ago, dddave said:

    I can't imagine him avoiding the same pitfall that swallowed Windows Mobile and the Amazon OS..no availability of a large selection of apps.  Even though 90% of phone consumers probably only use 10% of the apps available, they still like knowing they are out there and downloadable at the touch of a button.


    I've got one of those Amazon phones in a drawer somewhere. Never did manage to unlock it.

  5. Have you not password (or other) protected your PC?

    Anyway, installing a new battery is so simple they should be able to do it in front of you in less than half an hour, even if there are a few screws involved.

    Added: Make sure they get a brand new battery out of a sealed packet.

  6. Quote

    The 2nd reason you do this, I believe, is because of the "we hate Western women thing" you must stick to this to get peer approval. 


    There's another absurd judgement from your own posts.


    I don't need approval from anyone for anything. 

    And I certainly don't hate Western women.

    I do, on the other hand, intensely dislike bitching harpies.




  7. 5 minutes ago, amykat said:


    I have already addressed the generalizations thing Chicog.  But to this next part ..you know nothing about me. I said nothing about my dating status here. I didn't even say that I had a low opinion of men here ..that is some of YOU men who keep saying that about yourselves!!!


    That was an extremely insulting low blow and you know it!!  That is what you men on the forum do to shut us up and intimidate us from speaking. That is called bullying in the teenage world. 


    Please don't play the bullying card, that's pathetic.

    I'll remind you of your own words; frankly you're full of it and I'd say that regardless of your gender:


    What I did NOT know ...men here hate Western womenThai women run the show.  Thai women do not allow friendships with other women.



    5 minutes ago, amykat said:

    I am NOT posting with a negative attitude. I have a positive attitude.  If you don't like reality that is not my problem.


    Without wishing to piss on your strawberries, that's exactly what you're doing. Maybe you just don't see it.


    You seem to be an adherent to the old adage of "Give a dog a bad name and hang him"".



  9. 12 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

     So yes it cost City to catchup the established top teams, but when EVERYBODY doubted that City's owners could turn us in to an established top team, nobody can doubt that they did what they promised.


    It didn't "Cost City", don't make me laugh. It cost the people of the UAE. It's their money being trousered by the Royals after all.


    • Like 1
  10. 21 minutes ago, amykat said:

    The 2nd reason you do this, I believe, is because of the "we hate Western women thing" you must stick to this to get peer approval. There are surely some among you who don't feel this way and would like our company, but you have your pack mentality and that wins out.  I believe there are some men who would like to date some Western women but would find if difficult due to this also, and if you really haven't given up on Thai relationships yet, maybe a Western woman will not date you.




    And still the tiresome generalisations....


    I think I can see why men don't want to date you, you seem to have an extremely negative opinion of them.



  11. Andy Rubin Nears His Comeback, Complete With an ‘Essential’ Phone

    Android's creator is building a high-end smartphone to be the centerpiece of a series of AI-infused consumer gadgets.
    Mark Gurman
    Mark Bergen
    January 13, 2017, 9:29 PM GMT+3


    Just over two years after leaving Google, Andy Rubin is preparing to take on the smartphone industry he helped create.

    Rubin, creator of the Android operating system, is planning to marry his background in software with artificial intelligence in a risky business: consumer hardware. Armed with about a 40-person team, filled with recruits from Apple Inc. and Alphabet Inc.'s Google, Rubin is preparing to announce a new company called Essential and serve as its Chief Executive Officer, according to people familiar with the matter.  A platform company designed to tie multiple devices together, Essential is working on a suite of consumer hardware products, including ones for the mobile and smart home markets, one of the people said. 

    The centerpiece of the system is a high-end smartphone with a large edge-to-edge screen that lacks a surrounding bezel. At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in early January, Rubin discussed the smartphone with mobile carrier executives, including some from Sprint Corp., people familiar with the talks said.


  12. 1 hour ago, amykat said:

    I did not say anywhere in my post, that most farangs here are sex junkies ..or anything else that YOU stated ..no matter what I think. In YOUR posts, you quite often ASSUME you know what we Western women think about all of you Western men here and that YOU know what we are thinking about ourselves.


    And yet ironically you claim to know all about farang men and Thai women with generalisations like this:



    What I did NOT know ...men here hate Western women.  Thai women run the show.  Thai women do not allow friendships with other women.


    I'm sure some men here may hate Western women. Perhaps they've had bad experiences in the past.

    I also know plenty of Thai women that are friends with farang women here, and where it is the case, are intelligent enough to realise that they are no threat to their own relationships with farang men.

    I suspect you've seen a microcosm of the people around you and simply made ludicrous assumptions of your own.


    Most of the Western women I know are smart enough to be able to judge people on their merits not on absurd stereotypes.

    That's one of the reasons why I'm friends with them.

  13. A strange game today, we just sort of cruised through it from beginning to end, but scored from one knockdown and Swansea fell apart. All the goals were almost comedic.


    Still, never going to moan about four goals, a clean sheet and three points.


    Ollie got a knock on his ankle, but we can probably do without him against Burnley.



  14. 4 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    To be fair i don't know its always only the spurs fans on the TV forum who constantly rattle on about City's finances. Why's that?


    I think the phrase you mean is 

    'City's Handouts".



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