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Posts posted by Chicog

  1. I wasn't aware of the details of Pollard's case but his action seemed far more damaging than Manning's.



    He sold numerous closely guarded state secrets, including the National Security Agency's ten-volume manual on how the U.S. gathers its signal intelligence, and disclosed the names of thousands of people who had cooperated with U.S. intelligence agencies.


    That gets people killed (if they're lucky).

  2. 1 hour ago, Henryford said:

    Just to add i have the same problem. I have a 2TB WD external hard drive which works fine on my laptop with Windows 7. I bought a new laptop with Windows 10 and it doesn't recognize the external drive plugged into a USB. I can still use my old laptop but it's a nuisance if W10 can not access external hard drives.

    For reference I've never had any problem access external drives in Win 10 and I'm using the Insider Preview.


  3. 19 hours ago, NanLaew said:


    ...and prepare to be disappointed.


    OK, their latest version managed to solve one, long-standing update issue but I still have two others that it can't do squat with.


    Well post them and we'll see what we can do for you.

  4. 2 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    I'd be amazed if city's heirachy - Pep up to Owner - weren't aware that a rebuilding exercise needs doing as the core of the team remains Mancini's and are now say 28 to 33 year olds, and that Pep needs to build HIS OWN TEAM which takes a few transfer windows. So while the 'interest' on this forum is nice (ho ho), weren't not in such a bad position, and I'd be surprised if there was any kneejerk reaction from the Owner now he's got the manager he's wanted for 8 years and I'm confident we'll be alright.


    You don't know Arabs like I do.

    He might have thought that winning the CL with Barcelona meant Pep would automagically win it for Citeh, but they soon get bored with their toys when they don't work like they think they should.



    • Like 1
  5. 39 minutes ago, NancyL said:

    Wow, 23 pages and still going strong.  It has a long way to go to beat CM's favorite thread, the venerable "Rain" thread, started in 2009 and still hanging in there at 123 pages.


    I think I'll bring up the subject at the Ladies Lunch on Thursday, if there's a lull in the conversation.   This thread, not rain.

    What's on the menu? Soup?




  6. 1 minute ago, oxo1947 said:

    possibly not---but if you had to build a team...having hold of  Sheikh Mansour cheque book, would not be a disadvantage.........:coffee1:


    Yes, but how big a cheque is he allowed to write between now and the end of the window?

    Perhaps if one is not forthcoming it could be a sign of things to come...

  7. 5 hours ago, petermik said:

    Guardiola is an excellent coach and manager but new to English football aka the Premier League where games come thick and fast, the difference between clubs at the top and bottom is not the same as in other countries,there are no easy games in the premiership,its the most competitive and physically demanding league in world football (technically we may lag some other countries) and he will take time to adapt as any manager will (OK Conte is doing well in his first season and good luck to him) he will have learnt much from his first season I,m sure and come back stronger for it.

    There now a Red asking for patience and understanding for our "noisy neighbours" manager...whatever next :cheesy:

    Sometimes when I read some of the comments on these  football forums I wonder actually have the contributors ever actually played the game competitively at any level or does their knowledge and expertise come from sitting in front of the TV screen  :sad:

    Guardiola has never actually had to build a team.  His efforts so far suggest he isn't as good at it at people think.

    The only question is will Shiekh Rattle and Roll give him time? Bear in mind he'd already organised this manager before he told the previous one.

    Pep will probably already be planning what he's going to spend his redundancy money on.




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  8. 9 hours ago, cooked said:

    I have the impression, in Bangkok at least, that ambulances automatically turn on sirens and lights when going anywhere. No wonder they are disrespected.

    Well considering that usually they are attending medical incidents, I don't think that's at all surprised.

    They are disrespected because of idiots who don't give a toss because it isn't them or one of their loved ones.

    I hope this bloke has a heart attack and gets stuck behind a like-minded cretin.

  9. Bottom line is I treat everyone I meet with the same level of politeness I would expect back.

    But if they're up their own ar$es, as a few people on here seem to be, it's not difficult to just ignore them and get on with enjoying yourself.

    No need to let someone else's misery drag you down I say.



  10. 39 minutes ago, jellydog said:

    Its bizarre. So many questions unanswered. Why is Zabaleta in midfield instead of Delph ?


    I get the impression Pep is trying to prove something by losing, as crazy as that sounds.

    What, that he's worth a 20 million pound pay off?



  11. 1 hour ago, NancyL said:

    OK, Amykat, Buddhalady, the OP and I need to draw up a roster, so we can cover this thread 24/7 to keep it under control.  Meanwhile, we'll invite TallGuyJohn who came up from BKK to join our team as someone who can write from our perspective. 


    Amykat's been deflecting more than her share of bullcr@p on this thread.    I spent Sunday working on CEC stuff, today at CM Immigration and tomorrow I'll be helping someone at Suan Dok hospital.  Hard to chime in when I'm typing on a Smartphone.  I'll do what I can this evening.




  12. Who'd have thought Everton, including a few kids, would inflict Pep's worst ever career league defeat?

    Who's that bloke who manages Athletico again?


    I expect negotiations will start this morning.





  13. So after all this, a couple of women have worked out that some men are misogynistic twits.

    Here's a newsflash for you: Some women are androphobes, too.


    Both subsets are quite easily avoided.







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