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Everything posted by YorkshireTyke

  1. Update: I went to homepro and tried to convince them that the tap wasn't brass as described as what appears to be rusty water is leaking out. After discussion with plumbing section and customer service they agreed to come to my house the next day. 2 management/customer service team and one technician came as agreed and the technician comepletely took the tap apart, cleaned it and showed me the inside which wasn't rusty at all! They blamed it on me using Tomi bathroom cleaner, there was a bottle in the bathroom, which has corroded the black outer surface and causing the brown stain. Apparently I should only use water or washing up liquid to clean the actual tap. Lesson learnt. Now that's been resolved maybe you can solve my other bathroom problem. The en suite in guest bedroom, the room was used twice last year for a few days but basically not used for years. The original basin tap had corroded a bit so I changed it for a cheap one I had bought online. In a very short space of time it went rusty so I replaced it again with a more expensive one from Homepro , identical to one I used successfully in another room for a few years. This also went rusty very quickly along with anything else metal in the bathroom like the handle of a cleaning brush. The small bathroom window is always open as is the door. What can cause this and how to remedy it please? Any ideas?
  2. I meant to add fitted July 94
  3. Just found my receipt for the taps, 1390 Baht each. Spec says made of 100% brass for durability and corrosion resistance. BASIN FAUCET HANG BF-158MB
  4. A few months ago I bought from and had fitted by homepro 2 bathroom taps. No matter how much I clean them a few days later brown dirty water seems to ooze from the base of the taps. It happens with both identical taps in 2 bathrooms. Any ideas why?
  5. I ran the speed tests from an app. Just clicked GO, didn't adjust any settings.
  6. I think his was KM2, a white one about 3 years old. Yes, just checked again now you ask, definitely 5G Edit: Those speeds were using a random speed test app, not testmy.net connected to UK which are only giving me around 40 or less.
  7. Quote : Just look at how much info I have imparted for your one-liner. This is beginning to look like a one way trade and I don't waste my time on one way trades..... Fair enough. Thanks anyway. Quote : I can't try HDPrime as it's not showing the QR code for payment. Tried on laptop but same result. Meaning I tried the QR code on my android box and it didn't work so tried using their website on my laptop as they say it doesn't always work using a box. Quote : Given the issue you have, if I was in your shoes I would purchase the 30 days of 'Live TV' for 99 points. Thats what I have been using for the last 7 years or so but as I subsequently said I've messged a user and the problems from 3 months ago haven't been fixed so I've finished with them. I really can't understand why my laptop shows adequate speeds but android boxes don't even though my laptop is a similar distance from the router. Oh, and IPTV Smarters say I've been blocked when I tried to download to my laptop. Anyway thanls all. Have a nice day.
  8. My LAN cable order has been cancelled. No notification but when I checked my account the order has gone. I have a blank email in my spam box with the order number but my account shows my last order was the 8th Feb. When I ordered it there was a message saying if not delivered by 22nd there would be some reward or compensation or something. Anyway I've ordered it again................... HDPrime : messaged a guy who uses HDPrime, he has the same problems I had when I stopped subscribing, channels missing, catchup not always working etc so I won't be bothering with them anymore.
  9. I can't try HDPOrime as it's not showing the QR code for payment. Tried on laptop but same result. LAN cable not arrived either!
  10. Yes, was going to. On Lazada today alongside the sellers name it says packed. When I click the link track package nothing happens! There is a Lex number which I input into Lex tracking site which says not found. However, I'm still hopeful it will arrive as info not always updated on Lazada I guess. Packages normally arrive late afternoon here.
  11. Jeez why the fighting ? I didn't say it was your provider and I didn't say it was the provider who messaged me, I said someone else. And I haven't posted any emojis.......... And you are very rude and insulting saying I have lied when you don't read or understand my post. Did I say it was your provider ?
  12. You are so wrong. I posted a sad emoji ?? Wrong guy, if you want to insult me get your facts right. I only get a pm notification if I'm on the thread and look at the message icon at the top, I don't get any notification, wrong again. I don't think I've shown a bad attitude or been rude to anyone who has tried to help me, in fact I thanked them for their patience dealing with an old guy who isn't too familiar with this technology and terms. Your the one who was rude suggesting I ony pay 200 baht and shouldn't be surprised if the service is poor when I never have done that. I have now read your message, someone else previously also suggested to me a cloak and dagger provider who wanted lots of info via FB or messenger and had to be recommended so I didn't bother but thanks for the suggestion.
  13. Because I was led to believe they had ceased trading and until I checked my account with them I didn't realise they offered a 3 day deal for 100 Baht. And from my posts you know I was more than happy with their service, I don't want to try various IPTV providers as I've tried in the past and none are as good as HDPrime. And they worked fine on my other 3 boxes.......
  14. I didn't realise I had many issues, I thought it was only one ? And how does not reading your PM explain why I have so many issues ???
  15. I think countless times is a bit of an exaggeration ! But running as they was originally or running with missing channels so pointless? Actually last weekend I was going to take out a 3 day subscription but I went away for the weekend so I intend doing it tomorrow evening. And yes I talk about HDPrime as they are/were so much better than all the others I've tried so far for the things I want to watch although slightly more expensive but not prohibitive. Also in previous discussion someone said they hadn't replied to his telegram..................
  16. ????? Jeez are you going to say the name of your provider or not?
  17. Yes if it gives me what I want. Looking at iPTV GTV which has been recommended by a friend. If I pay monthly it's 31 euros a month.......
  18. Been paying double that for TV alone, no movies or series, for around 7 years but a few months ago a few channels dropped out and they didn't reply to emails as they did previously and online it was suggested they had been shut down so I asked for recommendations so I tried what was offered including 2 providers who were both recommended from 2 people I know. Instead of the sarcasm why not share who you use and the cost?
  19. The only thing I live stream is foorball but the trial doesn't give sport although I did put a few music channels on whilst doing other stuff and thye froze occasionally. The format is identical to a provider I had a free day trial from last week but a lot of stuff wouldn't play, ch 5, sky max, 5 star. The one I'm using now plays everything but FHD but still on trial. One I subscribed to has a lot of playback issues, especially footy the next day and not always has the programmes to show it
  20. Because I did a different number of tests. Yes, London GB Internet provider is True
  21. D2Pipes, yes ordered from your link. 10m, less than 100 Baht with postage.
  22. Latest update: I can't test with Lan cable yet as Lazada says will be delivered by Saturday. Speedtest using testmy.net using wi-fi Mecool box 38, 40, 39 X96 41, 36, 24, 33 Laptop 215, 219 Mobile 72, 71, 51, 71 Ugoos AM8 on the way, probably reach no later than Sunday. Streaming IPTV with free trial from Xstream : Catchup mainly plays with good quality picture apart from some FHD channels like BBC2 and ITV2 which buffered.
  23. Lan cable ordered, should deliver Saturday.......... Thanks for your help and patience guys.
  24. Ok I will do speed tests as directed tomorrow, I have to do school run now ! But with the mecool box buffering is not an issue. It plays SD and HD but will not play FHD at all, not even with buffering from this IPTV provider
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