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Everything posted by YorkshireTyke

  1. Someone else who knows FA about it. Or maybe you know more than the staff in the Revenue Office? Tax Identification | The Revenue Department (English Site)
  2. I just completed this quiz. My Score 20/100 My Time 180 seconds  
  3. An expert who doesn't know that you have to be working in Thailand to obtain a TIN.............................
  4. It's moving to the higher floor (2/3? )that was mainly empty alongside a new Thai passport office.
  5. I did mine last week and took photocopy of lasty 2 pages of passbook going back to May 24. The lady at the front checking docs before you go up insisted I had to copy 2 more pages going back to Oct 23. Just a heads up, copy all pages of bank book since your last visa renewal.
  6. They will ask you for 500 Baht per letter, I did 2 last month for licence renewals. Tell them you don't want it today, they will send you back to the front desk and give you a receipt with a date one week later. Mine was dated Friday, I think 2 pm, I wanted to drive to Pranburi to get my licence that day so I went about 11 am, the lady on the desk tapped my receipt and pointed at the clock, said come back at 2 pm.......they've lost their little bonus so won't be flexible with you. So if you plan ahead, go a week before you need it and it's free.
  7. So channels don't work or buffer but you will still renew? I wouldn't and I would bin HDprime if I couldn't watch my EPL seamlessly.
  8. The cash isn't in Thailand. The only reason is the foreign quota is full.
  9. I'm not aware of the tax implications, can you expand? One idea is too gift it to my son in the future, just change ownership to him, Thai. Is it any different legally to buying a house/land as I already have and many others?
  10. Hi all As the title says there is a condo unit for sale but the foreign quota is full. Can I buy it in my company name the same as I have with my house? What would be any complications? I won't be living in it, either rent it out or stay the occasional weekend. This condo is in a building I've always thought the best deal in the area and the Thai wants a quick sale, it's around 1 million cheaper than the foreign quota ones currently for sale. Anyone done this suucessfully or been warned not to buy? Thanks.
  11. OK, I didn't make a transaction, just wanted to check my interest had been credited and the value, usually on the 9th.
  12. Just logged on to Lloyds and all working as should. Not sure if they tweaked anything at their end or I just got lucky. Anyone else care to attempt to log on this morning?
  13. I wrote to her again since Crossy posted he was also having problems and sent her this link and said she will advise her IT team. I will keep you updated of any more replies.
  14. So you have the same account where they call you to input a 4 digit code the same as topt and me? They replied again to my email saying they have adjusted my profile and could I try again. I did this at 7 pm but still no call received, just the circle going round and round on my laptop. I replied with that info and they replied apologising saying she has escalated the matter for further investigation. Again no mention of others having any issues. This lady seems helpful and responsive so if you guys want to exert a bit of pressure her name is Andrea Gaul and email is *Email removed* (see rules)
  15. Currency internet banking, user ID starting with C ? I think you have a different account, not talking like for like here.
  16. No, it is compulsory and part of their secure log in process. Log onto Internet Banking | Lloyds Bank International Currency internet banking, user ID stafrting with C
  17. I got replies to both emails, one saying ring the telephone banking number, the other one more promising as it asked was I in a quiet room, did I type or speak the number. I did reply but that was late in the evening so probably close to closing time in the UK, I will wait until this evening again which will be after lunch in the UK and try your Skype suggestion. What is worrying is that they never mentioned any problems at their end which hints it's at my end. I've tried again this morning but the call doesn't arrive, just the waiting circle on my laptop. I did also send the screenshots of yesterdays attempt which shows I did input the correct 4 digit number. I've also made and received calls using my number to check the sim/phone is working ok. I may swap the sim to my old phone to to definitely eliminate any issue with my phone.
  18. Not used a VPN, never had problems without one previously. I've searched my emails and found a couple of messages so I have replied to those with my problem, see if I get a reply.
  19. I did ring a number, can't remember if it was from my bank statement or contact us from the website, however, I got a Thai message probably saying not enough credit! Tried logging on again just now, received the phone call but the 4 digit code was not accepted. Again took screen shots to prove I input the correct code.
  20. Looks interesting.
  21. Anyone use it and having difficulty logging on ? Those who use it will know the process. Last week a couple of times I got to the stage where they call me and I input the 4 digit code, each time it said wrong code and didn't alow access. Twice I took screen shots of the log in screen on my laptop and the code I input on my mobile to ensure they were correct. Yesterday and today I get to the stage to request the call but it never rings, just the icon going round on the laptop until it times out and says I input the incorrect code. I searched Google and it does say on 2/9/24 customers had trouble accessing their accounts but I think that was UK Lloyds, not International and was over a week ago. Can anyone using the service attempt to log in and inform me if successful? I've checked my sim card and had friend call me to ensure the problem isn't with my mobile. Thanks.
  22. Yes, I can identify with that. I chose the green to paint the cupboards from a chart, in hindsight I would have chosen the shade I wanted then gone 1 shade lighter.
  23. Part of my reason for change is a few years ago there was an advert for a very expensive sofa but what caught my eye was the colour scheme of the room. I think it was light grey with darker grey door jambs. I can always change back to white if it doesn't work out.............
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