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Smokin Joe

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  1. It is literally on the wall or window of every massage parlor. But they don't use the gibberish transliteration for the word "massage" into English. The signs say "นวด ไทย" (Nuat Thai) and in English it says "Thai Massage"
  2. In 20 years you never saw or heard the Thai word for"Massage"? That's pretty hard to believe.
  3. Exactly. I can't think of any other country where you can go surfing in the morning and snow skiing in the afternoon on the same day. And if you like the outdoors, the USA has more wilderness than the entire continent of Africa.
  4. That was all long after his FISC court ruling when he authorized the Dems to use federal agents to do surveillance on the Trump campaign.
  5. Bottom Line: Things have not been the same since we stopped drinking from the skulls of our enemies.
  6. While Boasberg was a FISC judge he authorized the Dems to use federal agents to do surveillance on the Trump campaign in order to assist Hillary. This info has been conveniently left out of his Wiki page. https://time.com/7269502/who-is-judge-james-boasberg-trump-wants-him-impeached/
  7. I think you missed my point. You are saying that the price for two weeks is almost four times the price for one week.
  8. 240 AUD Per week 940 AUD Per fortnight (two weeks) Are you sure about that?
  9. Exactly. The folks that are making a big deal about not always having a physical or "wet" signature are just confusing the issue. But I believe that many documents were signed without Biden's knowledge or participation. That's the real issue. The other big issue is whether a preemptive pardon is legit. It basically gives someone permission to commit a crime and then use a preemptive pardon as a defense.
  10. My apologies if you are not actually a woke lefty. I know that is a very horrible insult. Your post certainly make you look that way. If it was intended as humor I think it fell flat.
  11. Pretty disgusting post by you. As soon as someone reads the story it's obvious you are just putting a hateful and dishonest leftist spin on something he did. For anyone that doesn't want to read the article, the story is about a pregnant woman who wasn't feeling well and he offered to let her use the bed to lie down. What The woman said about it: "Luna described the moment in detail, adding it was the “most compassionate thing” that could have been done at the time as she was experiencing “pre-eclampsia symptoms,” a serious complication during pregnancy..."
  12. Correct about Medicare but Tricare does pay outside the US. I have filed and been reimbursed for both inpatient and outpatient care here. For me it has always been pay up front and file a claim afterwards. I believe reimbursement is max 75%.
  13. Like I said in the previous post "Just like a leftist moron to take my post as serious suggestion." Of course it would be akin to an act of war. I would be surprised if our generals would obey an order like that. It would be political suicide for Trump As far as NATO though. Canada could call all they wanted but nobody would answer.
  14. Just like a leftist moron to take my post as serious suggestion. It would actually take a full platoon of marines. As for needing to refuel I think they would just stop at a petrol station. I assume Canada has those.
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