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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. I had a similar situation . Wife went home to visit her family . When she got back the neighbor told her I stayed gone most of the time , came in late . I thought this is a bunch of crap . I ve found that most Thais could work for CNN ......... Word to the wise if you do anything "which I don't " Don't poop in your back yard because you will be sure to step in it ...... And never phone a farrang friend , they tell there wives and you know the rest .....

  2. Trash me all you like but to me the only good snakes I have ever seen have been in the middle of the road with tire tracks across there backs ......... If I can kill it its dead .....

    Swine! facepalm.gif There's only a couple of types of vipers, cobra's and kraits that you have to worry about, haven't you heard about the people, all over the world, who think they've driven over a snake only to find it wrapped around the engine of the car when they get home??

    Yes I have read about that and I would only hope that it would be wrapped around my fan blade in about 50 pieces

  3. My wife speaks just about perfect english sometimes to good . I do find it odd when some of my friends whos wives still speak" me go to bat room " talk to her like she doesn't understand common English. Years ago we talked like this , some of my friends would just crack up listening to us talk . No problem its all part of the cross culture marriage....

    The best one was when she first came to the US we were watching TV and she was scratching her arm . I asked whats the matter she said Im skitchey I died laughing ..... The other word was very she could not say a V sound to save her life ,, was always worry .......

  4. You will be very hard pressed to find 400sqw for what you are wanting to spend . You might find a rice field that needs to be filled . But in a moo baan even that far from the city your looking at a lot more than 900,000 baht ..... 10,000 per sqw is the bottom end of property prices from what we found when we looked ......

  5. I know someone is going to say as far as there dollar will flow . Saved you from typing it .... Im just curious I have heard all the way to the sons and daughters of sisters and brothers ? I have tried to explain unlaws to my wife and how us farrang view them , sunk on dead ears .... I have no problem helping mother inlaw and father inlaw IF they need it but,,,,,,, further than that, they are on their own as from my to hand to theirs .... Wifes hands may be different but its not much if any ......

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  6. Would someone please help me? I'm an Australian and I've been sending 30K baht to a bar girl in Thailand for 3 years now. She swore she loved only me, but recently a picture appeared on her facebook page with another farang. I feel like jumping off a balcony. What can I do?



    Make sure you have clean undies on ...... for the pictures !!!

  7. Been here three years . Never been hit up for tea money . Got stopped expired registration office wrote me took my dl I paid 500 baht at the police station got my dl back. When getting my yellow book after all was done I gave the official 500 baht . I got a very funny look from him like whats this for . I replied thank you for you .. Some fruit to the lady at the counter that helped us as well .. Im sure there are a lot of stories , but you cant judge everyone in Thailand as excepting tea money ... Its a different culture here and so many things have been expectable over the years . Live and learn ,, when in Rome do as the Romans hahahaha

  8. If it's an HP Pavillon, it's most probably the Video Chip, HP Chiang Mai was asking 8K to fix it and weeks, got mine fixed in Pantip within 2 days for 1.5.

    First floor near the escalator, parking side.

    Dropped it off there today Thanks ... he s gone up 300 baht but I don't care

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