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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. I have heard that because the American embassies will issue the affidavit without proof, that sometimes Thai immigration requires proof. Is that true?

    If so and you are in Thailand and your bank(s) are in the US, what proof do you need? Are statement printouts from your computer sufficient, or do you need a letter from your US bank and statement copies?


    This has been true for me for the last two years . I have had to have the income letter and they now request a letter from my pension company as well . This is on a ext based on marrage

    • Like 1
  2. I made the move at 55 retired early sold everything and left . Everyone knew my plans and said " You ll never do it . Son pictched a fit , ex wife tried all kinds of crazy crap ... Within 60 days I sold all my houses and property what I didnt sell Good Will got . 15 days before my retirement date I landed in Bangkok . My Thai wife my dog and four suit cases and a pocket full of money . Will I ever go back for a visit ??? Not sure ... Do I miss the USA ...... NO ... Do I wish I brought more than four suit cases YES ....

  3. I was sitting at Thape Gate one afternoon . Four Chinese teen agers had all rented bikes . Well three could ride them and they were trying to teach the fourth one how to balence a bike . It was so funny . He would go three or four feet then crash ...... I will agree on a motor bike they are dnagerous they will stop anywhere .......

  4. Thanks, Khun Jean, this sounds reasonable!

    We advertise ourselves and never requested the help of a broker. They just call and ask if they may help to find a buyer.

    Just wonder how they can get any money at all. Should be impossible without a real contract. Maybe the buyer does have a contract and tries to bypass the broker fee now. As a result, the broker is asking us to pay the 3%. Just guessing.

    Once the contact between buyer and seller is established, there should not be any way for him to enforce his fees, unless the buyer really signed a contract.

    My wife does this as well in her spare time . If she sees a house offered for sale by the owner she will ask them if they would like her to show or list the house. If they say yes she then asks them if they are willing to pay the 3% if she finds a buyer if they say yes she will list the house and show it . If no then she will do nothing .

    She did have on situation where she had a lady come from Sweden to look at one of her lots. While we were driving her around she saw a moo baan with lots she liked . My wife brought her into the office of the moo baan found the lots listed took her and showed them . The lady ened up buying two lots over 2 million baht . Moo baan gave my wife a whooping 5000 baht ... The lady was nice though and made sure she covered her gas money ....

    No contract not even a verbal aggreement so was not much to complain about ... Live and learn

    As far as by passing the broker I assure you if they buy the property the broker will expect 3% ,, I would make it clear up front who is going to pay it and get it in writing . It could keep you out of court or your land being tied up in a civil issue that could take months to sort out in court ...

  5. I ve ate at the Geko several times always had a great meal . Service is always good . I dont care about the specials I just want good food . Never been disapointed . Sausage Kings good as well can say the same , as well as The Dukes Riverside . The Hideaway is also good. You can but about any type of cheese you like there ... Mad Dogs is ok too I just prefer these three ....

  6. with what my wife cleans the floor in the bathroom ate the material in the gap between the ceramic.

    The home maid before could even clean out the teflon from the pans.

    I was forever having to re-grout the bathroom floor tiles. As a result, my wife is now banned from cleaning the main bathroom and I do it myself. It used to be: Pour on Vixol or some other equivalent, close the doors and leave for half an hour or more. Open the doors and then spray the floor once all the vapour had dissipated.

    Thats funny I had to do the same thing my wife used that duck cleaner just eats grout and gets the dirt out . I ve banned it from the house !!!

  7. Taking the wife to see the temples in July . What are some of the good hotels to stay in . Would like to be close to the city so we can walk around in the evenings and eat . Looking to spend 20 to 40 dollars a night . Also have not checked yet but does an american need a visa if you fly in ?

  8. So this is about a couple of graduates who ripped off their banks by doing a runner to Thailand and not paying back their student loans.

    Life is hard isn't it.

    They have run away from what they call a struggle? This is no different a situation than most young people breaking out into the real world from mummy and daddy's financial apron strings have to endure.

    It's called building a life from the bottom up and we all had to do it. They are not running from the stress of living in California and their student loans, they are running away from life itself.

    They won't last a year here with that attitude.

    This story does not belong here. It is not news to anyone.

    Did you bothet to read the article because it says they are paying off the student loans.

    Yes I read it and it said they had no means to pay back the student loans . Sounds like runners to me .... If they cant make it in the US now they will find it tens harder here . I would not recomend to anyone jump and pull stakes move to Thailand for a better job and life . Just plain crazy .........

  9. if you are worried about loosing the house then I would advise you not to buy one . Never invest in Thailand anything that you are not willing and able to walk a way from . Plain simple ... I just invested in a new home with my Thai wife of ten years ..I know if the crap hits the fan Im out. We are making wills so that if she dies or I die everything will go to the other . Thats the best I want to do . I know I could do a 30 year lease but Im fine this way .. I have read many horror stories and Im sure there are some that come here buy a house and then find there bags on the steps . This is Thailand not the land of OZ

  10. Be careful so that she does not begins to hang out with other Thais. They will start to compare how much each husband is making, and how much each husband is giving the family back in Isaan. For many, it is a competition. Who´s got the richest foreigner.

    It doesnt matter what country you live in with your Thai wife they will talk to each other and find out whats what and whos who and who has money and who doesnt and who gets what ....

    They have a netwrk better than CNN .....

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  11. Been an avid Harley rider and owner for many years .. My last one being an Ultral Classic . The bikes are great they ride nice handle good and have enough speed to get you where you want to go . Well when I made the move here to Thailand I looked at the options of shipping my bike here . It was an easy desicion NO. The taxes and all the hassles was just not worth it ... Now I ride a Honda click ! Faster and cheeper and doesnt burn my legs up stopped at traffic lights or stuck in traffic ........


  12. I would walk away fast .. If the buyer will not put the money in your hands forget it send them packing . Sounds to me like the agent wants there cut before the deal closes. If the deal fails your chances of getting money from the agent is pretty slim . If they want your house they will do what it takes to make the deal . On the flip side when I was looking for a house to purchase we found one we liked that was rented for 11 months and the owner would not sell before the renter was out . We agreed on a price and agreed to wait 8 months for the renter to vacate . I offered a deposit until then . The seller said no its ok we will do everything a few months before they move out . We stop looking for a house . Two months before the renters move out she calls us to bring over the chanote so we can begin the process . She also tells us the price has gone up 200,000 baht if we want it . I told her in the same breath keep it .... The house was well worht the extra 200,000 baht. But I was not going to be hi jacked .... Two years later house is still one the market ........ I ended up having one built got tired of dealing with people .

  13. No two situations are the same one action you could be a hero the next a deadman . The best responce I have seem thus far was the guy ran up laid the guy out and then ran off . I think if you can end it with one punch and run you would be much better off . I know as an ex cop I hated those calls , 9 times out of 10 both husband and wife went to jail for the night ....

    • Like 1
  14. I believe it would have worked with (or without) any visa in Hangdong. Requested was actually only the Passport and they only copied the main page. I gave them however a full copy with visa as well as the yellow tabien baan. These did not draw attention until the lady tried to write my name in Thai and I told her to have a look at the Tabien Baan. A face of surprise and she happily made another copy. No interest in the visa still. So it would have most likely gone through.

    I got my card at Hang Dong Hospital as well. Simple process but I was told that in order to be placed on it you must be on yearly extentions . They were carful to check my stamp and made sure they had a copy of it ... So who knows .....

  15. Hi everyone,

    I just moved to Chiang Mai about a month and a half ago, so I'm still getting used to the lay of the land. Could someone please tell me where the Hang Dong Market is that is close to the 5 bay auto repair shop? (Other than the obvious fact that it is in Hang Dong wink.png ). Thanks in advance for your help...

    Drive on hwy 108 Hang Dong road towards Sanpatong . You will pass a gas station with a 7/11 on your left the Hang Dong post office will be on your right . The next market you see on your right is Hang Dong Market . The first road you see on your right next to the market if you take that road it will come out the repair shop you speak of will be at your 1:00 poss. If you go left follow that road when the road makes a hard right just a few hundred meters on the left is another repair shop . They are very good as well ..... Pm me if you need further ....

  16. I haven't used them yet, but the 5 bay auto repair shop right behind the Hang Dong Market seems to be one busy place.

    I ve used them they are good . There is another shop not far from that one if your traveling south on the same road . The road make a sharp right turn rice fields on the right , shop is on the left . My cars there now getting some major repairs . The english is about as good as my Thai so I always take the wife . Another good place is on the super highway I think the name is Amway auto air . My car was acting up running hot I went in they checked it told me what was wrong did not charge me anything . They couldnt do the repairs .... I have had my a/c repaired there in the past very fair and did a great job on the car .. Honest people ......

  17. I lived in a gated moo baam for two years never had a problem . Bought a piece of land in another moo baan not gated no secuirty I feel safe here I did install security bars for what ever good they will do . From what I have been told and have read most times they come in at night when your sleeping and come in through the roof. Fact of the matter is your never 100% protected from someone coming in your home . But you can lower your odds by purchasing a home that is not on the edge of the moo baan and make it appear someone is home ....

  18. We found most of the houses we saw on the internet when we went to view them, were much different from the pictures , Easier to look on your own and you will get a better price that way . WE also found that most houses listed, the prices were jacked up much higher than normal ... Best to drive around and find houses for sale by the owner . Also once people find out you are looking for a home to buy everyone you tell will become and instant realtor ...........

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