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Posts posted by BB1955

  1. Best thing to do is come here settle down and check things out for a year or two . You will learn fast the good the bad and the badly ugly . I would make it a point to stay single for atleast two years . Then consider a live in for a while . Always good to road test a car a while before you buy ..... One thing for sure is you dont need a woman to live comfprtable here ...... You can do it own your own . If your too lazy to clean up after yourself hre a maa baan....

  2. Interestingly I just had the exact same issue with an item from Hong Kong (free postage), first time I've ever had a no-show sad.png

    Opened a dispute the day before the time expired, got a rapid response from the seller offering a refund, I actually said I'd wait a few more days (he actually has 28 days to respond) but he gave me a full refund immediately.

    Apparently there is a new requirement in HK for all outgoing mail to be x-rayed and this is causing significant shipping delays sad.png

    Well, the item I bought is coming from HK as well! That's interesting...

    If they are just the delays, it means the item can still arrive, just very late? How long ago has it been Crossy?

    Well, I went to open the dispute and it's sending me to a PayPal?

    Because you paid with PayPal, you may be eligible for coverage by PayPal Buyer Protection. See eligibility

    This dispute will be opened on the PayPal website. Therefore for any inquiry related to this, please contact PayPal customer service.
    Here's what to do next:
    • Click Continue to PayPal.
    • Log in to your PayPal account.
    • Click the Resolution Centre tab.
    • Click the Resolution Centre link.
    • Communicate with the seller on PayPal.
    • If the case can't be resolved, you can file a buyer protection claim on PayPal.

    I thought you're supposed to resolve it through eBay 1st, no? Or is it something new? Never had to use it so I don't know.

    I had the same thing happen coming from Hong Kong a year or so back . Paypal is the best way to resolve it thats what I did . Paypal asked me to wait and sure enough a few days later the package arived and I closed the dispute . Had I not opened it and it never came I would have been out of luck .......

  3. If the Thais wanted to show that they are serious about drug smuggling - they would have gotten her to continue to the contact while they were undercover and then keep moving the busts up the food chain. Hauling off a Rwandan mule doesn't really prove anything except a great many Thai photo ops and back slapping in the good old boy Thai network.

    That is always the next step in good LE .... Time consuming and costly and you lack the media exposure from the first arrest ...BUt the bigger person will just find another suplier story goes on ...

  4. I know....You will not believe it like most of my friends in California....even in my home country, Brazil.

    I live here now for more than 3 years. I am 69 now. Because Chiang Mai is a wonderful city to retired was my first choice. I lived 3 months before in Bangkok just because I had a girlfriend there. I didn't liked BK at all! In Chiang Mai I was looking for a small house with a nice garden to rent and after 2 months living in a small apartment and searching for a house...I found one. But...was in Lampang, a smaller and not so busy city 2 hours away. I got it with a help from a local Thai resident. Looking for rentals using a rental office is a bad deal.

    A lovely, fully furnished modern small house, on a gated community, with a lavish garden for $100/month rent. I got a second hand scooter, just to be around if I need it. I not recommend to drive in Thailand. Too dangerous and can be an unnecessary spending. Tuk tuk transportation is cheap and safer, and the bus system is OK. To do something on my free time, I was assisting English teachers at government elementary schools for free. I like to teach. Was fun and interesting, and I met nice people. I did just 2 to 3 times a week, because I like very much to travel and to date nice women, and I did every week going to close cities for few days. Sometimes staying in new friend homes or nice hotels for about $20/night. . Chiang Mai, Phayao, Chiang Rai, Phrae, Nan, Lamphun, Pai, and many more. I like gardening and cooking, and shopping food village markets. I changed my diet, avoiding meat and any fast food. I like to bicycle and walking, and that is my favorite exercise for the body. For my mind, I got into Buddhist meditation and reading, but not into sexual abstinence like monks do. In 3 years I dated for very short time, or for a while, more than 30 women, and I do not like to drink or the bar environment. Safe sex is mandatory for me! I expect to live and die in peace the rest of my life. I traveled to Burma, Malaysia and Bali, always meeting new friends...and 1 month in Cha Am Beach. A nice place to live too!

    My monthly average spend including everything? not more than 20.000/bth = $700 including not expected expenses, like an accident with my scooter, reselling it with loss, $300 hospital bill because a street dog bite, bad dates, etc, etc.

    Hard to believe it? Many things are hard to believe in Thailand, like finding a soulmate.

    I got married, 6 month ago, with a wonderful and beautiful 47 years old business owner in Chiang Rai. Divorced with no small kids. She makes about $750/month and I use another $750/month. With that money we pay a nice 2 bedrooms house rent, the payment for a brand new car in trade for her old car, all the housing and her business expenses, our traveling, and some wine and a nice dinner one time a week. We most cook at home or take out sometimes. We have a savings account together, I match every money she can put in, and I think will be enough money there to travel to America next year....or invest in a new business we have in mind. Yes, life cannot be better for $1,500/monthly expenses!

    The further you are from the city center the cheeper the rents are . Really unless you are a bar hopper any of the outter cities have almost the same things as inside the city with the exception of farrang food , fish bowls, and Kareokee clubs . For me personally when we first got here I wanted to live as close to the city center as possible . Ended up 15 k in Hang Dong stillexpensive property wise but Im so glad I dont have to deal with the inner city unless I want to ...

  5. Lawerence. That's great I was expecting to pay more for health insurance. I will check out BUPA. I did take a look at Cigna and didn't seem too bad. I realize the devil is in the detail.

    I definitely am considering inflation. My pension is tied to CPI in the states so if there was ever hyperinflation for a period of time I guess I would just have to come home or go somewhere else.

    I have been to Thailand enough to know it is not a panacea however, I also know enough about it to know it is where I want to live.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    There are a few other Thai insurance companies that will cover you as well and for a lot less .

    • Like 2
  6. Very easy to do with that kind of money . Its possible to do it on quite a bit less . I retired at 55 been here 3 years have a wife house car motor bike my budget hardley ever goes over $2000 a month ,

    Does that include payments on the car and motor bike or did you pay cash?

    Cash for the bike and car , no payments to the wife either hahahahahah

    • Like 1
  7. Im sorry but my dress up clothes consist of a clean pair of jeans minus any holes . A clean tee shirt plenty of deoderant and flip flops . I wear that to immigration I also wear it if I go to our consulate .... But I ll agree I have seen some creatures in both places ...... I think the main thing is take a bath before you go ! Bath not baht although I think both will do about the same in both places......

    • Like 2
  8. Bring a jacket and also a good blanket . Computers here are the worst so bring that . When I came from the US I shipped 5 boxes I d go add something to the boxes wife would say you wont need that ,,, Well been here three years and wish I had everything I didnt need ....

    • Like 1
  9. Thank you Harrry....it is really worthy to give it a check.... has anyone already investigate or tied to do anything in Chiang Mai?

    Any suggestions appreciated.

    I tried at Hang Dong hospital a few momths ago had yellow book Thai spouse but was told I could not get on it Im just wondering if I should try again . My wife has it and used it many times

  10. I spoke with a tour guide just across from Thape he said he avoids them as much as he can . If he has a choice between farrang and Chinese he will take the farrang first ..... I asked him why and he just shook his head and said bad customer never want to pay , always complain too much ...

  11. They came to my hoouse on my first extention based on marrage . I think there were five of them ... Had to have someone from the moo baan come to the house as well . They took a photo and left. No mention of paying any fee for this . Have had two extentions after that and no vist . I have moved to a new house since then Im curious to see if they come out again on my next extention . They already know I ve moved so guess wait and see....

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