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Posts posted by SomTumTiger

  1. Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

    There is a giant dent in the hood of the Ferrari, a giant dent in the motorcycle, a dead policeman, a number of witnesses and video camera cctv, an already attempted cover-up, and an arrest.

    But of course...lets wait for "all" the evidence...

  2. Russian Pictures

    Just returning from their critically acclaimed tour of New Zealand, TPO returns to perform Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, a popular classic of the orchestra repertoire, is performed by TPO under the baton of Chief Conductor Gudni Emilsson. Also featured is piano soloist Eri Nakagawa, performing Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3


    7 September 2012 / 7.00p.m. / MACM

    8 September 2012 / 4.00 p.m. / MACM


    Gudni A. Emilsson


    Eri Nakagawa, Piano


    Thai Traditional

    Sergei Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3 in C major op.26

    Modest Mussorgsky / Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition

    For ticket information - http://www.thailandphil.com/tickets-and-policies/

    For Shuttle Info from BTS - http://www.music.mahidol.ac.th/salayalink/


  3. It was probably the only place they could burst out laughing without being seen, having thought again about what they had just told the inquest about firing rubber bullets was the truth..................................

    Two years on, Phi et al are still having the same argument. Nothing has been solved, no one's opinion has been swayed. Congratulations on wasting a lot of your own time!

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  4. He was delivering to whom? He didn't impart any information on that according the paper. Then again, there was that rather impressive display of bright shiny ordinance that was "discovered in the wat", looked like it had just come straight out of stores whistling.gif .

    What is it about Thaksin that you admire so much Phi. The passion with which you defend him is admirable, but I can't help but wonder why you feel this way.

  5. Prime Minister Yingluck on Thursday cited a conflicting engagement in Chiang Mai as reason not to chair this afternoon's ceremony to hand out compensation for red-shirt victims of the 2010 political violence.

    Well, the lady really works for it, giving taxpayers value for their money.

    Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra will officially visit Australia May 26-29 to strengthen bilateral relations in the fields of trade, investment and educational development.

    I would have thought this was excellent use of the PM's time.Why the sarcasm?

    No reason, they just can't help it..........

    Sad really.

    "They" as opposed to...broad brush strokes Phil.

  6. Now how about looking in reverse - Have the Red Shirts ever acknowledged that they are responsible for some of the deaths? The DSI claims that at least 12 people were killed by the Red Shirt side. Yet they still play the complete victim asking for justice against authorities but not against members of their own group, their leaders, nor Thaksin who organized it all including the deadly military weapons.

    Only 12??

    Just the deaths of the Red Shirts who were killed in their own arson attack of Central World plus the assassination of Seh Daeng is about 12 already before you've even started to count the soldiers, civvies, reporters and their own red shirts that were shot by the reds and blacks, or the people killed and maimed by the grenade attacks.

    You lost any legitimacy of knowledge in the first line, let alone the rest of your sentence.

    Then he's in good company Phi! But frankly - the fact that you refuse to acknowledge that the reds were responsible for ANY deaths mean that your legitimacy was lost a long long time ago.

  7. And Farang still say Thai students are stupid. . . . . .

    I can't believe it . . . . I mean the Farang.

    No they say most (not all Thai students) are stupid.... as a result of the crappy education system they are put through which sucks the curiosity, inventiveness and thirst for knowledge out of them. And replaces it with sociopolitical gibberish and nonsense.

    Glad to see you back sparebox2

    No... they actually say that not just all Thai students are stupid but all Thai people are, too.

    So if this education system... "sucks the curiosity, inventiveness and thirst for knowledge out of them. And replaces it with sociopolitical gibberish and nonsense."... how do you explain these students winning prizes at a top US science research contest?

    Because I said most - not all. Clearly there are exceptions, but unfortunately they are exceptions as opposed to the rule.

    The "exceptions" are beating out the best in the world....ponder

  8. "If you don't want to reconcile, I don't mind living abroad. But you should think who would benefit from the continuing fight because only arms merchants will become rich."

    The way I read this is as follows:

    Reconcile or fight.

    If you don't reconcile, it's fine with me, I am happy in Dubai.

    If you choose to fight, no-one benefits.

    Does this make me a rouge?

    It makes you a bad speller - its rogue

  9. Perhaps a better label would be the TV Reds and the TV Anti-Reds. Same thought applies though. Neither are capable of compromise or admission that fault lies among all parties.
    Quite hard to compromise after 89 or more people died! The people who started this structured and organized mayhem must be held accountable and go to jail till the end of times!

    But what if both of them started it. lol

  10. I suggest you all read today's column by Voranai Vanijaka in "The Other Newspaper". He lays out the entire sordid affair clearly. Its all gray areas. Both sides are right - and both sides are wrong. The problem is that the TV red shirts - Phi, and others, refuse to see that their "side" is wrong in any degree, while the TV yellow shirts see everything the red shirts do as evil and having a hidden agenda from Thaksin. Therein lies the problem No compromise means no progress.

    The army killed red shirts - yes

    The red shirts killed army - yes

    Thaksin paid red shirts - yes

    The army used live ammunition and killed innocents - yes

    The red shirts fired RPG rounds and used human shields and parked NGV trucks near residential areas - yes

    The yellow shirts invaded the airport and forced its closure - yes

    The red shirts invaded a meeting of world leaders and forced its closure - yes

    The red shirts burned down lots of buildings and invaded a hospital - yes

    All these things happened. Not just some of them. ALL are at fault. ALL need to try to restore a sense of balance. I actually think Thaksin understands that. It seems the TV red shirts do not, TV Yellow shirts, and anyone else who constantly refuses to view both sides of the issue are at fault - which is most of us.

    Post has been up for 5 hours - certainly both the TV reds and TV yellows have read, but neglect to comment. Compromise, and admission of partial responsibility don't work with their indoctrinated belief structure.

    You are asking for a response from certain people, well, to get it, perhaps you need to be a bit more specific as to who these people are.

    I know of only one TV yellow. Of course there are those that accuse anyone who posts anything anti-red of being yellow (i'm sure you too have had that one thrown in your face), but the truth is that most of the anti red posters here, started with a degree of support for the PAD in the early days, but ceased it altogether when things like the airport nonsense started happening. Being able to change and review one's opinion in this way, doesn't speak to me of the indoctrinated belief structure you speak of.

    Perhaps a better label would be the TV Reds and the TV Anti-Reds. Same thought applies though. Neither are capable of compromise or admission that fault lies among all parties.

  11. I suggest you all read today's column by Voranai Vanijaka in "The Other Newspaper". He lays out the entire sordid affair clearly. Its all gray areas. Both sides are right - and both sides are wrong. The problem is that the TV red shirts - Phi, and others, refuse to see that their "side" is wrong in any degree, while the TV yellow shirts see everything the red shirts do as evil and having a hidden agenda from Thaksin. Therein lies the problem No compromise means no progress.

    The army killed red shirts - yes

    The red shirts killed army - yes

    Thaksin paid red shirts - yes

    The army used live ammunition and killed innocents - yes

    The red shirts fired RPG rounds and used human shields and parked NGV trucks near residential areas - yes

    The yellow shirts invaded the airport and forced its closure - yes

    The red shirts invaded a meeting of world leaders and forced its closure - yes

    The red shirts burned down lots of buildings and invaded a hospital - yes

    All these things happened. Not just some of them. ALL are at fault. ALL need to try to restore a sense of balance. I actually think Thaksin understands that. It seems the TV red shirts do not, TV Yellow shirts, and anyone else who constantly refuses to view both sides of the issue are at fault - which is most of us.

    Post has been up for 5 hours - certainly both the TV reds and TV yellows have read, but neglect to comment. Compromise, and admission of partial responsibility don't work with their indoctrinated belief structure.

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