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Posts posted by sometime

  1. Joint accounts are generally not accepted for the purposes of extensions, you're probably lucky they are letting you use it at all sad.png

    We have just got our retirement extension based on 800,000 in the account last week for the sixth year running no problem, also using our bank account that is in joint names, could it be that it’s ok because we are both Farang?

    If this is not the case new bank account due in my name only

  2. We have just renewed our visa today, based on the 800k in the bank armed with multitude of photocopies and duplicate forms that were not required,

    All that they required was

    1 Completed TM 7 with photo attached.

    Photo copies of original O stamp and latest visa stamp

    Photocopy passport face page

    Photocopy of TM6 Departure card

    Photocopy of proof of address, House book or Utility bill

    Photocopy of bankbook, first page showing account number and name

    Photocopy of bankbook showing 800,000+ and transactions for the past three months

    Letter from the bank showing the amount in the account.

    Photocopy of Marriage certificate (non Thai Spouse)

  3. What I am referring to is "damping", not reduced sound transmission. While the results may be similar, the mechanism is different. As I understand things, damping is preventing the re-transmission of sound --- either internally and externally. That's what I'm looking for data on.


    No, the discussion here is not limited to the COST of one type of block over another. Read the title. It is about Pros and Cons.

    FWIW, a porous / fibrous material between layers of mass doesn't do all that much for reducing sound transmission. Fiber board and fiber blankets work well to reduce the reverberation of sound within a space, but I'm not sure how important that is inside a residential wall.

    However, I don't think it is about atomic bomb shelters.


    It is difficult to sort of imagine one's way, acoustically speaking, through a breeze block wall. Each block is complex with 'chambers', 'walls' and 'connections'. But a double Superblock wall might have some significant advantages over a double breeze block wall.

    Yes double or treble the cost. biggrin.png

    You are beginning to sound like some of the artchitects huh.png I had to deal with, and never mind part of the title " Pros and Cons " read the post.

    OP Posted 2012-01-29 10:19:06


    Im trying to figure out why someone would spend say 25 to 30BHT on one of the lightwieght "breezeblock" type products versus for example

    simple concrete blocks made by locals at 4bht a piece, also the small terracotta bricks that are mere Satangs a piece.

    Has anyone done a compartive analysis of these 3 types of building materials to ascertain which one actually represents good value?

    OP Ruf

    ( " However, I don't think it is about atomic bomb shelters." ) Acoustically speaking there pretty good at it. laugh.pnglaugh.png

    I am in the process of blocking in the garage door (this is a DIY job) had the breeze blocks delivered today,4 Baht each, and yes they are brittle, especially when wet after a nights rain, they are now drying off under cover.

    So here are the questions what is the best thickness for the render? As I have seen that it varies so much.

    What is the best rendering product/name and what is a good mix ratio?

    I could get someone in to do the job but I tend to like hands on.

    The photos are my last DIY job, all good for the waistline,post-9958-0-56238700-1329564693_thumb.jppost-9958-0-35370200-1329564746_thumb.jp

  4. True came a few weeks ago to exchange the old box for the new HD box, on the back of the box there is a USB slot for a memory stick, but the instruction booklet doesn’t say any information to the use of a memory stick in the box, Any ideas?


  5. I do have a True Move H prepay. I just purchased this device last month and I have had this problem from the start.

    Again, which plan do you have, exactly? http://www.truemove-...freetosurf.aspx I assume it's all topped up?

    Which aircard do you have? http://www.truemove-h.com/aircard.aspx

    Does it disconnect during usage? Or during idle times? Are you perhaps on the extreme, outer edge of coverage?

    I could understand that they might close idle connections in order to manage bandwidth, but that it should re-connect automagically as soon as you make a network request.

    I also have the same problem I am on a postpay contract using their aircard E173, and avery 3 hours it disconnects even if downloading or listening to the BBC, I just allow for this problem.

  6. I can't help with the rescue centre, but meanwhile you should try to feed it. Not knowing what species it is, I can't say what its natural diet would be, but raw meat scraps should be acceptable.

    We used to watch the little Owls at dusk trying to catch the geckos off the wall, so I caught a gecko cut it up, only managed to get one piece down it, just keeps its beak tightly closed,its got that hooked beak into my finger a few times.

    will let it go tonight ad hope for the best.

    I have seen and cut down so many of these nets strung between two bamboo poles with dead birds hanging from them, plus the snares I remove whilst walking the dogs, they seem to put these traps down and forget them.

  7. When I got my new Navara the Nissan girl took me to a accessory shop they use to order my Aeroklas hard top, whilst there they were putting Tints and lots of extras on a new Vigo that was not yet registered, so Toyota must also use the shop.

    I selected part electric, if I had the chance again I would go for all electric.although it cuts down on space.

    The location is from Pattaya heading towards the Toyota and Nissan garage through Naklua, there is a Esso filling station on the left the fitting shop is just after the filling station.

    Thanks I will check it out when I am back in Pattaya. Can you explain the difference between part electric vs. full electric and why you feel full electric would be better?

    Do you also know if you could get a Fino upright under it?

    Part electric-only the front legs are motorized, so when you press the button on the top the lid tilts, then you press a switch inside that operates the motors on the front legs to lift the top. Full electric- all 4 legs are motorized, so the top can be fully adjustable.

    The reason I would go for full electric is the wife can’t close it against the force of the hydraulic rear struts,

    A friend has a top of the range Vigo and the top is all electric and operated by a key fob.

    The height from the bed to the lowest point of the top is only 34 inches

  8. Homeworks in the back where they keep the cement & building products they sell it by the roll assorted mesh size galvanized hot dipped, but mine rusted in 2 weeks.

    They also have electroplated but the mesh was large, you might be able to order a smaller size electroplated.

  9. When I got my new Navara the Nissan girl took me to a accessory shop they use to order my Aeroklas hard top, whilst there they were putting Tints and lots of extras on a new Vigo that was not yet registered, so Toyota must also use the shop.

    I selected part electric, if I had the chance again I would go for all electric.although it cuts down on space.

    The location is from Pattaya heading towards the Toyota and Nissan garage through Naklua, there is a Esso filling station on the left the fitting shop is just after the filling station.


  10. Finally received a reply from Onga, see below, so I would suggest don't buy Onga products in Thailand, because you wont get spares,I fixed the Vee clamp with 2 large jubilee clips. :whistling:

    Yes you are correct; I don’t think you will be able to find suppliers of Onga parts in Thailand very easily.

    I would suggest seeking the parts out of Australia from one of the local dealers if they are prepared to ship it out to you.

    Unfortunately you might have to do a bit of ring around.

    http://www.onga.com.au/dealerlocator (Dealer Locator)

  11. Hi

    Help is required in locating spares for my ONGA PANTERA P21 sand filter, the vee clamp around the top has corroded and broken at the clasp, and I also require an O for the tank flange.

    I have tried the internet but no luck, I have also emailed Onga Australia but no reply.



  12. I purchased my PVC gutters from True Value they come in brown or white, went for the brown to match paintwork, they have now been up for 4 years and still as good as new, they are suppose to be imported from USA and tested in Arizona, they have a 10 year guarantee “take this as face value”

    Fitted them myself very easy.

  13. I thought that in a pool using a salt chlorinator all the chlorine was FREE and not TOTAL because when the chlorine has done its job and killed any bacteria etc etc it turns back into salt to continue the process.

    I believe the best way to approach this is as follows:

    1. Adsjust the total alkalinity first (acts a a buffer to prevent rapid changes in Ph)

    2. Adjust the level of Stabilizer (Cyanauric Acid)

    3. Adjust the Ph

    The cyanauric acid will bring down the Ph a bit. If you are not using this cycnauric acid you should as it slows down the loss of FREE Chlorine in the pool dramatically. The sun here in LOS will disipate the FREE CHLORINE quite rapidly without it. I bought a large drum of it from the Pool Dr. at a very reasonable price (much cheaper than buying small containers of Stabilizer). Make sure your test kit measures FREE CHLORINE and not just TOTAL CHLORINE. The FREE CHLORINE is what acts as the sanitizer in a swimming pool.

    I hope this helps.

  14. Hi Phil

    The product you mention contains NANO SILVER, my vet sold me this very expensive product,they make a huge profit on it.

    The best thing I have found for wounds is BETADINE available at any pharmacy, and its cheap, note not iodine

    If you Google NANO SILVER this will give you more facts.

  15. Just returned from renewing our retirement visa at Pattaya immigration, gave them all the required photo copies, everything as last year, but they now require two photographs, so there was a bit of a build up with people being sent out to get photo’s taken.

    So anyone going, take 2 photographs with you.

  16. Do EVA have a bag drop at Suvarnabhumi,

    checked in online for flight from Heathrow, printed boarding pass, but no bag drop, so everyone who had checked in online had to queue with all the passengers who were manually checking in, so it’s not only the Thais who have to get their act together

  17. I have finally managed to access the internet, for the past four years I have been with Hutch using their 3G dongle, I am in the Najomtien Silverlake area (no phone lines) with not many problems , not fast but acceptable.

    But the past two week it has been useless, from 8am until 7pm sometime I can’t even get Google to load, trying to get Thai Visa to load is a long long wait, this is using Firefox and Google Chrome.

    But on the odd occasion its back to the normal speed, anyone else having problems.


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