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Everything posted by warrima

  1. A couple at our work got married and they picked a completely new family name for themselves. Even more confusingly they also changed their given names. It took us months to stop calling them their 'real' names.
  2. Over 19MUSD Global income in 2021 according to their finance audit. Quite the business. They are looking for a fundraising director with a salary of nearly 40k usd. I imagine the execs and other directors do well also. When Granny sends her full weeks pension wonder how little makes it to the bottom of the pyramid.
  3. Many thanks for your input Sheryl. This is a little higher - about 5 inches above the crack and central over my spine. Definitely same location as before as it left a small scare when it ruptured last time. It protrudes slightly but if i pinch it with my thumb and finger i can feel the mass under my skin.
  4. Agree but just looking to gain some knowledge before i do- maybe other members have had similar.
  5. Does actually sound like this according to NHS site. Only difference is that this is not painful at all and there is no other swelling.
  6. I went to a little clinic the last time when it ruptured and they just cleaned it and put a dressing on it. Got the usual boat load of medications. Mrs translation from the doc was that it was a seed - but said it was nothing to worry about. Just wondering if its a Synovial cyst.
  7. Ive a lump in the center of my lower back, just under the skin. Its pea sized and quite hard but not painful at all. I had the same about 2 years ago but it eventually ruptured and some puss and blood weeped out for a few days. It healed up and i thought no more about it - although it left a slight hollow. This feels like the same thing back again as its in the exact same location. Any idea what it could be and if its a concern?
  8. According to Hipflat the price has dropped 23% since launch on that development. 26 m2 shoeboxes.
  9. Marginally related - The Mrs consumes the soft drinks from hotel mini fridges and then restocks them again from 7-11 before check out.
  10. Was about to write the same thing. Why is the op so proud of leaving it back trashed. Pretty disgusting thing to do regardless of ownership.
  11. Fair warning the burgers are getting up towards nearly 300 baht there. Id recommend a sticky rice burger fresh out the microwave at 7-11 and a comfy seat on the steps out front.
  12. They should have at least tried to age them with a wet tea bag or something!
  13. Swamp coolers are useless here. They just add to the humidity. I thought this guy was some big shot in Dubai before he moved here - according to his golf article. Now he's nickel and diming on air con in thailand. Classy!
  14. It kind of blows my mind that the world world turns a blind eye to a Red bull heir being on the run for murder. Such a global business with exposure at the very top of motorsport and big sponsorship deals in other sports.
  15. http://www.upbeat.co.th/new/index.php Tend to get quite a lot of hassle from the RTP if your pulling a trailer. I used to need one for work occasionally in the past. Guaranteed to be stopped at any road blocks.
  16. I only find the BTS economical if its just myself traveling. If its the family (+ Mrs & kiddo) then taxi makes way more sense.
  17. I guess they must save some money though by getting them two size's too small.
  18. I think he will start of with good intentions but the long term career civil servants in place will gradually grind him down. People don't like it if you mess with their rice bowl. The corruption is entrenched and is essentially accepted.
  19. Most Condos are the same. They have a standby generator for the common areas only. Ours was of from 3am to 6am one day last week.
  20. Ive noticed this with all Shells. I use Diesel which is price capped but i only see PTT and Bangchak following the cap price. Shell regularly a baht or 2 more around me.
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