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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. HD's post reminds me of the fall of the Berlin Wall with the intrepid reporter safetly ensconsed in the Red Lion across the street watching and reporting every development. giggle.gif

    "Well it is officially gone into history.

    They have torn it all down"

    "They think it's all over......

    It is, now."

  2. Just wondering if they will update the whole industry. When I go in to my SCB and try to take money out on my ATM (Canada) card they can't do it. I have to go to the machine and it will not give me more than ten thousand baht even though the ATM bankcard allows me $1,000 a day. They tell me That the SCB machine will only allow me 20,000 baht a day and I must do it in two transactions.

    I need more than that for a month and I don't mind the 150 baht charge but twice for less than I need is ridicules so I go inside use my Visa for all that I need and transfer the money on line from my savings account to my Visa who in turn charge me a money advance fee.

    Try Bangkok Bank. I don't have an account with them, but I get over the counter withdrawals on my UK atm card of 30,000 no problem.

  3. When we lived in South Korea we had them in our apartment. Granted, they didn't play loud music but went on talking and talking. We were told it was news about the building, garbage, military service for the men,... We couldn't turn them off or lower the volume. It was about 2 or 3 times a month and lasted for about an hour sometimes.

    Very invasive.

    They were actually in your apartment? Or do you mean your apartment building?

  4. IMO the problem is with some of the westerners is that they cannot distinguish between Thais and other asian nations. I find this very sad. They can lisiten to the language but have no idea.

    We've just come back from Bali where all the Baliineese insisted that my wife was Balineese and not Thai so it's not just a western problem.

    In Krabi several years ago, the Thais thought my northern Thai wife was Japanese......

  5. Hhahah this is hilarious.I almost chocked on my cornflakes IF i was inclined to eat sugar infested health foods,which i am not.

    Well on the 2 days i have posted here most of the time has been personal attacks

    Today it is Wigan.

    Wigan is famous for one thing only and no it is not Wigan pier

    Would it be connected with leaning on a lamppost at the corner of the street? biggrin.png

    Maybe "Wigan's Chosen Few"???

    Wigan Casino more likely......

  6. Have you tried the brand new, opened last week, Thai Watsadu store? It's located on the superhighway, about 5km or so south of Makro, on left hand side, just before the Saraphi traffic lights. You can't miss it. I pass it everyday, but not been in it yet. It belongs to the Central Group & looks like a home pro type of place. I originally thought the construction site was going to be a new Central Mall, but I was mistaken due to all the Central Group logos on the banners.

  7. Here's a cobra they dealt with......


    Might be safer to teach them to leave it alone, how many reports on TV where a dog is killed by a Cobra ? as they get older they get slower and eventually the cobra will win


    Can't teach old dogs new tricks. Better the dogs than the kids.......

    True True but I am sure the kids know (mine do) to move in the opposite direction if they see a snake and the snake like most snakes will most likely be doing the same, the one you have to watch out for is the Malaysian Pit Viper who will not move when you approach and is the culprit of most deaths in Asia as people step on them.

    Lets hope they all stay safe (even the snakes biggrin.png



    I don't train my dogs to attack cobras or any other snakes. They do what dogs do, they attack and kill most small living things in the garden. Snakes, rats, mice, birds on the ground. I guess it's nature in action. I probably should put some charts up with the most dangerous snakes likes kraits, or cobras which we get, to advise them to avoid. Not had a viper yet. One of two kraits lost a battle with the lawn mower, the other slid away. The boys know to come running & yelling when any snake is seen. And they do. We have a copy of "Snakes & other reptiles of Thailand" by Cox et al at hand, but the dogs don't seem to care......

  8. Here's a cobra they dealt with......


    Might be safer to teach them to leave it alone, how many reports on TV where a dog is killed by a Cobra ? as they get older they get slower and eventually the cobra will win


    Can't teach old dogs new tricks. Better the dogs than the kids.......

  9. According to my research "It's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well" It reared and opened a large white hood, which I don't believe Rat Snakes have, but as I said "I think was .." and am looking for other's thoughts

    Where's "goshawk"? He knows his snakes......

  10. Sure: engines are getting cleaner all the time, and there is more enforcement; both the yearly technical check for cars older than x years, and also random spot checks. My wife was stopped fir one recently.

    I'm not too concerned about vehicle emissions for a city the size of Chiang Mai. If there was an issue then road-side environmental measurements would show it.

    That said I don't want to deny anyone the right to be concerned about anything.


    Is it dirty engines or dirty fuel? I was behind 2 red plated new pickups a few days ago. As they accelerated away from a red light, black smoke belched out of their exhaust.

    I for one wouldn't live anywhere within the superhighway. Far too many diesel trucks pumping out fumes.

    The yearly check on exhaust is a joke. The police checks are simply extortion. The police rev your engine way too high, & for way too long. They're creating more pollution than if the trucks were just allowed to continue unchecked.

    I wouldn't live close to major arterial roads such as the Hangdong road, or Chotana heading north. Very heavy traffic filling the air with their noxious fumes. I may moan about the burning fields of the farmers, but I'll accept those ahead of the likely pollution of the city.

  11. I never did understand the purpose of those laminated cards, does anyone know the reasoning behind it.

    And the best one, at the Airport Plaza if you go in on a bike, they scribble your number down on a scrat of paper and then reckon there will be a 100bt fine if you lose it.

    I cant say I would stop on the way out to discuss the fine.....it would be revs up for sure

    Once, driving out of Tesco, realised I didn't have my laminated card, so just gave the guard a wave as I kept going. totally threw him. A jaw dropping moment.

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