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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. 'World Class Hospital' with no parking??

    I remember 10+ yrs ago when the Ram was newer and cleaner and parking was never more than half full. Too many successful drs getting cars!

    Make the staff park in the overflow carpark wink.png

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  2. Quality nuts, bolts & washers shouldn't rust. My 11 year old truck is rust free. Hell, even the nuts & bolts on my lawn mower are rust free after 9 years......

    I'm with you on this one...my guess is,that sooner,or later(perhaps) we will find out,if it is a real problem or not...from forums,or from "the Boss" himself...

    I take it that yours is OK, so far. Must have been from the same "batch".

  3. Just taken a look under my less than 3 weeks old Ranger. Rust on nuts & bolts. <deleted>!! Location, Chiang Mai, well away from the ocean. 11 yr old Strada - no rust.....

    check out the Mazda Bt50 thread for more on this rust issue...

    Yeah, I read that earlier, but thought it time to transfer the rust to the Ranger thread.

    Is there no rust proofing from the factory?...sounds strange! I've always had a coating reapplied on my car every 6 months so never had a problem with that.

    Quality nuts, bolts & washers shouldn't rust. My 11 year old truck is rust free. Hell, even the nuts & bolts on my lawn mower are rust free after 9 years......

  4. Just taken a look under my less than 3 weeks old Ranger. Rust on nuts & bolts. <deleted>!! Location, Chiang Mai, well away from the ocean. 11 yr old Strada - no rust.....

    check out the Mazda Bt50 thread for more on this rust issue...

    Yeah, I read that earlier, but thought it time to transfer the rust to the Ranger thread.

  5. The report on cm108 says that it was caused by a pickup that cut in front of the bus, causing it to swerve off the road. Nobody was injured.

    OMG, that's great news!! (How is it possible, though?)

    The bus was empty, just the driver.

  6. Saw it this morning during "rush hour". A tour bus heading north had hit a tree next to the superhwy, just north of the outer ring road fly over. The front end was lifted up, crushed against the very large tree. Was one of those fancy painted buses, that local tourists tend to use.

    Didn't get more than a glance at it as I headed south - didn't want to cause or get caught up in another crash.

    Anyone else see or hear anything?

  7. Has anyone checked the underbelly of their BT50 or Ranger? I am starting to see rust on some parts on my BT50. Similar to this guy's Ranger. but this guy has it bad. These are images from the newrangerclub forum.



    You sure it's not Chilli Orange highlighting? laugh.png

  8. Prefer km/l myself smile.png

    In the New Ranger it shows only L/100km...unless there is a way to change this?

    Convert in my head. The manual shows both, but I haven't found out how to change it...

    Do you have the manual in English?I downloaded the one from the internet,but it does not say anything about it...and the guy at the dealer says 'can not'...(sorry for the of-topic thing)

    No, just the one from the internet.

  9. Thai's in general have a "mai pen rai" attitude about garbage disposal. Throwing it onto their neighbor's land when the neighbor is not looking or a moobaan common area is not uncommon....and dumbing garbage/tree cutting/etc., in a remote area or along the road is also very common. And everyone knows plastic bags are meant to be thrown on the ground. A lot of this problem comes from the govt not providing disposal sites, garbage cans, nor garbage pickup in many locations....and I think we all know how hard it can be sometimes to find a trashcan even in a mall.

    Our nearest village has rubbish collection, but some prefer to burn their plastics or dump it in the irrigation canals feeding their own rice fields, for burning later sad.png

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