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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. My two questions are: (1) Where did all this <deleted> water come from...I don't recall the rainy season being any more "wet" than most other years? and (2) What happens to all this sand after the emergency passes...does it end up down the sewers and in the klongs thus filling/plugging them up and constricting the water flow so it's even worse next year?

    The water came from the sky ;)

    But, what happened was, the rains came early up north. Started in March I think. By Late April, the reservoirs near where I live east of Chiang Mai, were high, but not full. Normally they are very low at that time of the year. But no action was taken to lower the levels even though it was unusually wet rainy season. Then when the big storm hit a month or so ago, it was too late......

  2. The hotel I'm in no longer provides its guests with bottled water. I find this confusing.

    I'm talking about those glass bottles with the pull-off tops that sometimes don't seem to fit right. Am I to believe they import this from Bangkok? I had assumed there was some kind of giant water filtration set-up here in CM that did this sort of thing.

    So I'm boiling water and using that to fill the empties. I don't want to hear any talk of pesticides or medicines or whatever in the tap water, since I'm sure the anxiety over what that will do to me will be more harmful than the adulterants, at least over the short-term.

    Don't worry about the pesticides in the water - there's more than enough in the fruit & veg....

  3. message on thebox home page "for the next 24/48hrs you may find problems accessing this site, this is because we have been forced to change DNS providers, this was beyond our control, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    If you have lost access to www.thebox.bz or http://thebox.bz your ISP will update your local DNS register within 24/48hours.

    ~bz staff"

  4. There's a shop east of Narawat Bridge, south side of the road. First block east of the river. Saw it a few weeks ago as I waited at the traffic lights. Very close to the traffic lights. Sign in English in the window read "powdercoating". Maybe they can help you.

  5. May I ask which one does he attend and I assume you are happy with it? Thanks.

    Oops, sorry, forgot that bit. Ambassador Bilingual (ABS). It's on Hwy11 just south of the middle ring road, on the west side, across from the Isuzu dealer. It's only in its 3rd year. Has a small school feel to it. Very happy so far.

  6. Thank you for that information ..... Not good news for my budget.

    I remain a a bit of a loss in finding a decent reasonably priced school for my 6+ year old.

    What is your budget? Then maybe we can suggest schools that match it.

    Thanks for your reply, At the moment our daughter is in Wattana, Bangkok.

    Girls academy, about 30K per-semester. Very good Thai school with both Thai and native speaking English teachers.

    I woulds assume that 20 to 30K would be our max. Any suggestions appreciated.

    Bilingual schools here are about 35,000 baht per semester. At least the one my son goes to is.

  7. Thank you for that information ..... Not good news for my budget.

    I remain a a bit of a loss in finding a decent reasonably priced school for my 6+ year old.

    What is your budget? Then maybe we can suggest schools that match it.


    Where in Chiang Mai are you located? Is this the tropical storm you think, or something local?

    hammering down in nimmanheminda area. doesn't feel big storm like though in fairness.

    The worst thing that could happen now must be heavy rain upstreams north of the city. Anyone?

    The radar map is showing a big storm in the hills north of CM

  9. [

    And two of my ex employees originally came to Thailand to work in the "dairy" industry here. It is 100% confirmed that most if not all of the commercial milk brands is made from imported reconstituted milk powder.

    In the absence of obvious and abundant dairy cow herds roaming the Thai countryside how else would you account for all the "milk" in the supermarkets?

    There are a couple of dairies southeast of the city, close to the superhighway near Saraphi. See the milk being delivered in milk churns & small tankers that collect from the cows out San Kamphaeng way. Seen at least one Friesian herd that way. Obviously not enough to supply Thailand. One of the dairies produces cartons with "Gold" label.

  10. Does most of the milk have sugar? I only have it in tea (no sugar), but wasn't aware there was sugar in it. I know there's sweetened milk, but never buy that. Usually buy foremost, Thai Danish & King's milk for the kids.

  11. Here's some pics from the water being released from below the northern dam at Mae Kuang reservoir.<br><br>post-99758-0-86781700-1317363797_thumb.jpost-99758-0-94038300-1317363811_thumb.jpost-99758-0-11843500-1317363827_thumb.j<br><br><p>It was quite an experience to stand a couple of metres from this torrent.  This is feeding the irrigation canal that flows alongside the road leading straight to hwy 118.   They are also releasing water from beneath the southern dam to another canal.  This is in addition to the water pouring over the top of the dam.

    </p><p><br></p><p>Pics of water pouring over south dam</p><p>post-99758-0-16595000-1317364461_thumb.jpost-99758-0-70974600-1317364478_thumb.jpost-99758-0-69194200-1317364502_thumb.jpost-99758-0-73427500-1317364516_thumb.jpost-99758-0-94558600-1317364538_thumb.jpost-99758-0-64573800-1317364553_thumb.j<br></p>

  12. The dam is full and the level can't get any higher. One of the safest non flood areas in chiang mai now is the restaurants on the side of the dam

    Not so sure about those restaurants being safe. Here's a couple of pics from today. Hope no one is in the loo (door with pepsi logo). This is the restaurant to the south of the northern dam, where the ferries leave from.


    In the second pic, the tables have been moved up from the dining area to the car ports.

  13. Sounds a bit positive at least.

    Just checked the Hydro page. The water level in Ban Pong, San Kamphaeng is flooding (it has risen from 4.72 m - 6.22 m between 00.00 and 6.00).

    Is this a result of releasing water from Mae Kuang, or because of a local flash flood?

    That'll be from the dam. No significant rain yesterday or last night in the catchment area. This area has flooded at least twice this year. South of SK the village PAs are warning of flooding from the Kuang.

  14. Regarding the link that showed half hourly pics of the flood gauge at Narrawat Bridge, is it down or has been designated with another link??? Anyone know ????



    You should have your own gauge set up by now ;)

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