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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. I need a net suitable for goalposts for my children.  The cargo net I used last year has disintegrated in the sun here.  They have proper nets at Sportsworld, but they're full sized & expensive.  Any suggestions?  3x2 m is large enough. 

  2. ME; how did your pvc rack work out?  In case not, FYI, I was in Top Gear today and asked for you.  She doesn't want to sell the two in use in the shop, but she will order similar one for total cost of 700 baht. Same as I paid about 4 years ago.

    Don,  I have the pipe, I have the connecting pieces, but as usual, with umpteen projects on the go & 2 little fellas to keep tabs on, & the dogs, & the garden etc, etc, have not progressed any further, yet  :D

    I'm sure I can make good use of the pvc pipe if it doesn't turn into a bike rack.  Good info to know about Top Gear.  Ta very much.  

  3. Am I missing something here or what ? A car brakes to turn right or for whatever reason and the car behind slams into it as they were either going to fast to stop or were not taking enough attention and you think they are the innocent party ? <deleted>!!!!

    Regardless of whether the songtheau was registered the guy that ran into it is responsible for the damage. PERIOD!!!!

    All those here saying it is just the Thai trying to cheat the Farang tell me that in the same scenario back home it would still be the guy who stopped and was hit fault ?

    I know back in the UK that if you run into the back of a vehicle after failing to stop you are judged to be at fault and responsible for the accident and costs. Why should it be different here ?

    Maybe the driver of the car that failed to stop in time needs to either slow down or take a lot more attention to the road next time !

    Read the OP.  "NO Brake Lights"

  4. First time poster asks: Is there a place I can buy hiking sandals in Chiang Mai?

    where to find hiking sandals is a legitimate question to ask.  Folks asking "where to buy towels or deoderant" deserve all the stick (roll-on)  they get  :lol:

    btw where on 3rd floor Airport Plaza do they sell hiking sandals?  on second thoughts, will stick to my boots, too many creepy crawlies on them there hills.....

  5. Was in Phnom Penh for Songkran 13 yrs ago.  Sat outside a cafe near the river in the evening, watching the tracer bullets arc across the sky.  Who needs fireworks.......  :unsure:

    These weren't single rounds, but something more like a machine gun or automatic assault rifle.

  6. Took this route to Friendship bridge, Nong Khai, last month. 10 hrs. Before KK I took hwy228 & hwy210 up to Udon. Came back along the Thai side of Mekong River then through Loie & Nakhon Thai, hwy 211, hwy203, hwy 1143. As Gotlost says "fill up after Pitsanulok" - long stretch on hwy12 through national park without gas-stations.......

    btw Thaihog, I think you'll drive a bit faster than me in that Pajero of yours ;)

  7. There is an Aggi Equipment dealership on the Fa Ham Road. This is the river road on the east side of the PING About half way north  between the RimPing Condos and the Pun Pun on your right hand side is the shop, very very large can not miss. The will have what you are looking for.

     I thought the Ag(ricultural) Show alternated between CMU & Mae Jo Uni.   That should make it at Mae Jo this year, with probably a smaller one at CMU?

  8. Cheers for the suggestions.  I have, in the meantime, found a website with instructions to make one with 1" pvc pipe, as used in the plumbing here.  This matches perfectly with my limited DIY skills, so probably give this a go.  If it's a failure, will check out Top Gear.

  9. Thanks for the suggestion Ta22, but I was rather hoping that one of the many car accessory shops here would stock or be able to order one.  There are so many car accessory shops & I would prefer not to have to do the rounds.    

  10. Looking for a bike rack to mount in the bed of my pickup, preferably one that doesn't require bikes to be dismantled, like the one pictured.  I just need to load up the family's bicycles to transport to bike friendly locations in the valley.

    Does anyone know where to buy in Chiang Mai?


  11.  Oh; and beer here works out at about 70p a pint if you buy a box of 12 bottles.  Over 3 quid a pint now in most British pubs!

    Don't compare wholesale prices here with pub prices in UK.  Hardly a level playing field.  How about comparing the "by the case price here" with the special offers you get in the likes of Tesco in UK.  Last time I was there, a year ago, I was getting very tasty ales by the bottle at 1 quid a pint.  

  12. Should look ok when finished.  They could make it look a lot better if they transplanted a load of mature trees to provide a bit of shade, look a little less barren.  The saplings they've planted will take a few years to mature, some look dead already.  I was there 13 yrs ago, & the riverfront was an undeveloped eyesore .  Even half finished as it is, it was a nice to sit on the steps leading down to the river to watch the sunset. 

  13. The reservoirs are full or near to full.  This should allow the rice farmers on the east side of the valley to grow a second crop this year, something they haven't done for at least 2 years.

  14. It's coming down in buckets out hear in Doi Saket. What about where you are?:rolleyes:

    We had a fair bit about an hour ago.  It's a small localized storm, as shown on the TMD radar.

  15. What is the deposit amount? I got UBC about eight years ago and I'm sure I paid something like B12,000 for deposit and installation. Unfortunately, I no longer have the original receipt. My wife called them last year and they said the deposit was B4,000 which has put me off cancelling.

    I have the original receipt, but didn't need to show it.  It's all on their computer, they volunteered the info about my deposit without me mentioning it.

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