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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. http://www.lazada.co.th/superlock/?searchredirect=superlock&brand=1935

    much cheaper than supermarkets & they work

    left a sandwich in a superlock box in my backpack after a hike. A week later, no mould on sandwich. Didn't eat it, mind you wink.png

    Was it 7/11 bread.

    What i noticed about the plastic bread compared to the makro/tops daily made bread is that the fresh quickly acquires mold in a day or two.

    Check out the plastic bread full of chemical preservatives it stays white for a week........then i throw it on the compost to feed the worms ants everything.

    One week later bread as white as the day i dumped it and insects not touched it.

    I understand what you're saying about the plastic bread, but even the bbq chicken filling looked normal.

  2. The colonoscopy at Bangkok Hospital was 17,000 baht. And if I'm kept waiting for more than 5 or 10 minutes for an appointment there, the nurses are all over themselves explaining that the doctor is held up in traffic, has an emergency case, etc, without my asking. Plus they don't seem to have the practice of changing three times the outside rate for prescription drugs. Admittedly I've only bought a couple prescriptions there, but they compared very well with the outside pharmacy prices. Within 10 - 15%.

    That's a great price, but I'm guessing it was either special promotion to drum up business or you got a discount as chairperson of the CMEC. I don't think any other hospital will do it at that price.

    Rajavej does a colonscopy only for 15k (for me), Mrs CM had one at the start of the year and paid 9k, hmm!.

    They charged me the same as you. What pi$$ed me off, was when you're in hospital gowns, waiting to be seen to, had the laxatives the night before & in the morning, but you still need to "go", you have to wander through the hospital foyer in hospital clothes to get to the loo.

  3. could use someone for half a day (four hours) five days a week

    I'm just asking, so don't burn me at the stake, but I am just curious what needs to be done five days a week for four hours each time (more or less). I have about 120 wa2 with lots of trees, plants, shrubs, pot plants and a yard. I take care of it myself but other than water a bit, there is very little pruning, trimming, repotting or mowing/raking to do on a daily basis.

    Just curious how big your place is and what you have the gardener do every day, if I may ask.

    Some folk measure their garden by rai, not talang wa whistling.gif

  4. Much the same way that people do not regard bargirls as prostitution .

    Some people are quite boastful about their exploits with bargirls in Thailand .

    Yet, not many back home boast about seeing prostitutes

    In similar way to some who seem to think that having to buy a motorbike car and house to keep a Thai girl is not prostitution ! But i agree with your second sentence certainly not something to be boastful about.

    Well it isnt really, is it ?

    Prostitution is the selling of sex , on a hourly or nightly rate.

    and a Thai gf is a monthly or yearly rate?

    And a Thai wife is a gift from Heaven w00t.gif

  5. If presenting to immigration incomplete or incorrect documentation by retirees in Chiang Mai is such an issue, why is there not a sticky detailing exactly what is required? There is a sticky for 90-day reporting procedures, so why not for retirement extensions?

    I think that would be useful.

    I wager most don't read TV

  6. You can check this, but an American friend of mine who has lived in Thailand for almost 30 years now (perfectly fluent in spoken and written Thai) says that insulting or confronting an immigration officer can result in a two-year jail term.

    Recently, we were both re-entering Thailand at the Chiang Mai airport immigration hall and the woman officer told my friend to take his passport out of the plastic holder (the kiosk next to him was where I was going through, with the exact same plastic holder which I was not told to remove). My friend was inconvenienced and said, "I've never had to do that before," and then the woman, in Thai which she assumed he -- being a dumbass foreigner -- could not understand, began mocking him and all the immigration officers laughed, one saying: "Don't let him in!"

    After he told me that the confronting an immigration officer proscription is real and that you have to just stand there and take whatever crap they sling at you.

    I'd be very cautious about brow-beating an immigration official.

    And by the way NancyL, you just been owned! biggrin.png

    That's the same the world over. Let's not mention the C word again.....

  7. Thank gawd, thais would never ride the wrong way coffee1.gif

    Not saying Thais would never drive the wrong way. But they wouldn't try to blame the other person too. If you are driving the wrong way then it is totally your responsibility.

    They would try to blame the other party, & they would have no idea that they were in the wrong.

  8. Who is Ton? I've got a 1990 Toyota Corolla. It use to pull to the left until I put new tires on it about 2000 km ago. After the new tires, the steering smoothed. However, our rural road in Lamphun has a lot of potholes. The suspension sounds loud and rattles a lot when hitting potholes. And now it pulls a little while driving. I'm wondering if it needs new shocks and an alignment check. Do you recommend ProAuto???

    Apparently so....

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