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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. We rode up past the Botanical Garden this past Sunday. The line of cars waiting to get in extended back roughly three kilometers...

    I believe it's open now. smile.png

    We are entering, or already have, a period where going to a National Park or an attraction is just not on unless you are prepared to queue up.

    Entrance to Doi Ithanaon is apparently one long car park. Thais just love coming out of Bangkok at this time of the year.

    Wish they'd all visit our wonderful, unique Shopping Malls, instead biggrin.png

  2. I thought they were cracking down on cafes etc in the National Park. Or was it just Valley Cafe, behind Doi Kham?

    Right, but if it's on the property of that Thai Navy station then that won't really apply. wink.png

    Anyway the food looks like a very typical Thai interpretation of Western food, but the prices do reflect that so I'd be inclined to try it when in the area.

    Any good views/surroundings?

    I know, but I wanted to post, anyway wink.png

  3. Actually, I'm surprised that it hasn't happened, multiple times, already.

    You know where is Nong Ho intersection ? Is it in the city ?

    Nong Ho intersection is close to the Resorts Condominium where that busy road intersects with the multiple lane Canal road. Crossing Canal road is tricky at the best of times and doubly so at night. The full article makes clear that the green light the woman was crossing with was not green in the direction she was going rather it was green for vehicles traveling in the direction she was crossing. In other words, she stepped out in traffic.

    Also agree that being a pedestrian in Chiang Mai, which I am often, requires constant vigilance and giving way to traffic.


    Roads do have names & numbers here. I've no idea where Resorts Condo is & I'm not going to google. But "busy road" & "multiple lane canal road" is very specific.....

  4. You must be a busy person to not be able to keep 30m2 clean yourself from week to week, but I can find help with my 3 bedroom place for 300 baht for about 4 hours.

    Do you have a washing machine in that little place, and a dryer?

    The OP might be living in a 30m2 apartment, but is specifically asking about cleaning his/her HOUSE. Not sure why the 30m2 apartment is relevant. Unless it means they're really poor wink.png I guess the house is being rented out?

  5. I see you are new here so you may be excused. It is no more time consuming than it was at the Airport. At the Airport they had two officers handling it now they have one at the Airport and one at Promenada. If it is more time consuming that is because more people have moved to Chiang Mai. At the Airport people were told to come back tomorrow same as what is happening at the Promenada. The only negative difference now is you can not get your passport back as fast as you could at the airport.

    All the whining you are hearing is about the same thing that was happening at the airport except some people have to go farther to get it. It is no more difficult to get than it has been for years with the exception because Chiang Mai is such a great place to live more people are coming here hence more people at immigration so the time factor comes into play. If the 3,000 baht the agent next door charges you there are other ones no where near there that you can pay 5,000 and 5,500 baht at. No body is twisting your arm to go next door. m

    The marriage one can be iffy they do come up with some of the wall ideas.

    But the normal one is the same. You are going to hear people crying about no more on line appointments. They will not mention that there was only 1 out of 5 getting it and you had to be lucky to get it. One poster said he had two computers going at 1 second after midnight on the first eligible day to get it and he could not get through on one of them. You can imagine what it would be like 50 people trying to get 10 spots at the same time on their computer.

    Really is a nonsense post.. Its no more time consuming, except for the fact there loads more people.. Which makes it much more time consuming.

    And getting online appointments was trivial, I got one every time I tried to get one, looking in the first 5 minutes after midnight.. Hell I even got one the early am when I looked. Yes you needed to be aware of your 100 day window and 30 days pre application.. You needed to use your brain, wait until the week before and no they were booked. But getting an online queue if you had an ounce of sense was simple.

    Please read my post before you reply.

    It is no more difficult to get than it has been for years with the exception because Chiang Mai is such a great place to live more people are coming here hence more people at immigration so the time factor comes into play.

    While you are at it explain I why it is not trivial. If it was so easy why did not a lot more people use it. Simple answer only 1 out of 5 could make an appointment.

    Like the one man said he had two computers at 12:001 and only one got through.

    Everyone I've spoken to about it, always got an appointment.

  6. Good for them.

    Go and organise your stupid moneymaking fun run somewhere else.

    You are right. Why would anyone want to build up Thailand's tourist market, where there are better places that respect foreign investment ?

    As if the organiser gives a flying ---- about Thailand's tourist market.

    All he's interested in is $$$$$$$s and he doesn't care what the environmental cost is.

    He's not investing in Thailand, he's taking money off people.

    Better ban travel agents selling tours, & close all the businesses those tours visit thumbsup.gif

  7. Cyberfarang, Northernjohn,

    Are you guys aware there is a box at the bottom of the page "Reply to this topic" where you can type a few lines without reposting a whole screen full of the prior stuff.

    Please try it and save us a lot of scrolling. Thanks.

    No I was not aware of that.

    I tried the Attach files box also the browse box and the clear selection. nothing. Would greatly appreciate the information. I admit it I often feel guilty on the longer post's.

    Don't fret about the "Scroll Troll", except for really long posts & oversized photos.....

  8. Looked the wrong way, I would bet.

    When I first got to Chiang Mai... back in Feb 2013..... coming from a country where they drive on the right... I made it a point to look BOTH ways when crossing.... . until I got used to people driving on the other side of the road.

    But still... one day... crossing with the green light from Malin Plaza on Huay Kaew Road to go to the 7/11.... a guy in a truck blasted right through the red light.. and almost hit me.... At his speed... I'm sure I would have been killed, or in the hospital for months..

    You have to always be aware and looking... looking.. It sometimes seems that the traffic laws.. .are only traffic suggestions...

    When living in Chiang Mai and the surrounding area of Thailand for the next four months... .. and riding around on Tuk Tuks and Song Taews for the first time... the words "organized chaos" came to mind to describe the traffic and the way people drive there...

    Always be aware.... always watch carefully... .

    Been here full time since 1998. I still look BOTH ways before stepping into the road T.I.T thumbsup.gif

  9. So, the current situation is : You go to the immigration on your own and they make it time consuming and difficult to get an extension, or you could go to the visa company, situated, conveniently, right next door to the immigration, pay extra money and get a visa extension quite easily .

    So, the more problematic it become to get a visa extension, the more people whom go to get assistance from the Visa company situated right next door and the more money they make, the visa extension company , that is

    I see you are new here so you may be excused. It is no more time consuming than it was at the Airport. At the Airport they had two officers handling it now they have one at the Airport and one at Promenada. If it is more time consuming that is because more people have moved to Chiang Mai. At the Airport people were told to come back tomorrow same as what is happening at the Promenada. The only negative difference now is you can not get your passport back as fast as you could at the airport.

    All the whining you are hearing is about the same thing that was happening at the airport except some people have to go farther to get it. It is no more difficult to get than it has been for years with the exception because Chiang Mai is such a great place to live more people are coming here hence more people at immigration so the time factor comes into play. If the 3,000 baht the agent next door charges you there are other ones no where near there that you can pay 5,000 and 5,500 baht at. No body is twisting your arm to go next door. m

    The marriage one can be iffy they do come up with some of the wall ideas.

    But the normal one is the same. You are going to hear people crying about no more on line appointments. They will not mention that there was only 1 out of 5 getting it and you had to be lucky to get it. One poster said he had two computers going at 1 second after midnight on the first eligible day to get it and he could not get through on one of them. You can imagine what it would be like 50 people trying to get 10 spots at the same time on their computer.

    Really is a nonsense post.. Its no more time consuming, except for the fact there loads more people.. Which makes it much more time consuming.

    And getting online appointments was trivial, I got one every time I tried to get one, looking in the first 5 minutes after midnight.. Hell I even got one the early am when I looked. Yes you needed to be aware of your 100 day window and 30 days pre application.. You needed to use your brain, wait until the week before and no they were booked. But getting an online queue if you had an ounce of sense was simple.

    Yep, first time, every time. Had to double check my 800,000 was seasoned.

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