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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. IMHO, do you live in Isaan, or deal with these folk...?

    I do, they don't give a toss about market share and all that stuff. They care about a wow phone and drive a Toyota or Isuzu....The rest are has beens, if they go down other routes like me with my ancient Nokia phone, BUT, my old 4x4 Vigo is wai'd at at every intersection...Of course I wave and nod, which is only expected from a non Ford owner..giggle.gif

    "wai'd or Why'd"?

  2. here ya go ... some pics of todays event smile.png

    one fella did part of it on an electric skateboard and another

    on a battery powered disabled trike and there were a lot of these

    fat tyred bikes in the pack !


    Well it is a bit nippy this time of year, Might've snowed wink.png

  3. From reports there was not to many T Shirts sold and i dealt they have interest. Personally I feel there selling the colour not the event smile.png

    Great marketing Mr Prayuth

    Tee shirts sold ???? Not Tee Shirts BUT what looks to be very good quality Polo Shirts. Within our Tambon, here in the rice paddies, they were given away by the 'Or Bor Tor' to ALL participants including young children. (I have one, a very small XL ((Largest)) which I'll never fit into 55555).

    We had a big attendance ride the 11 km course around our area.

    Plenty of shops selling the shirts. No idea if they're just trying to cash in with copies.

  4. Taking a whole lane going super slow. Don't know who i dislike the most in this video

    I was cycling at 40Km/hr, which is the legal maximum speed in CM.

    Not to mention, she was entering a main road from a side road, a cement lorry would have wasted her.

    Her drivers window was in clear line of sight of my camera the whole time.

    Two m/cs driving behind me also nearly hit her.

    What's wrong with you, is the big question?

    You should've got off & climbed over her bonnet with your bike laugh.png

  5. Rubber tappers, fruit pickers, tea pickers often wear thick rubber boots fruit pickers sometimes get tagged by green tree vipers, caution on trails where foliage or branches make a narrow passage, use a long stick to disturb the forward foliage, look down for ground snakes and maybe, just maybe you will get out of the park alive.blink.png

    to get run down by a minibus facepalm.gif

  6. With pics, I am using the size as per the official application form. There is a rectangular box showing the required size.

    As already posted on this and other threads, the box on the forms are probably not the correct size. The correct size in 4 cm x 6 cm and that is written on the form, but in Thai script. There have been reports that they have sent people to have new photos made at the copy shop next to Imm. when they submitted forms with photos the size of the box on the form, not 4 cm x 6 cm on blue background.

    You've been warned.

    I've been aware of the 4 x 6 cm photo requirement (through this thread, so thanks!) BUT now I see that is has to be ON A BLUE BACKGROUND - which I haven't seen mentioned before. Is this another NEW requirement or possibly just 'forgotten' information? Certainly not complaining - only asking!


    The colour of background will probably change daily, but, rest assured, the photoshop next door will have the necessary colour de jour...

  7. What if, the child's expired passport shows the child as a baby or 1 year old, & now the child is say 10 years old? How do you prove the child is the same as in the passport?

    The name in the Thai passport will be the same.


    Also, the UK only issues kids passports with a maximum validity of 5 years (versus 10 years for adults) due to the fact that infants and kids grow up and change more rapidly.

    (Boy... do they ever!)

    I know that, but my son's passport expired when he was 6. Have only just renewed it. He hasn't needed a UK passport for a few years. Interesting to know, he could've travelled to UK, before renewal.

  8. I didn't see anything in the article that says the garbage was on the ground. For all we know, this collection was from the garbage bins provided.

    Garbage needs to be picked up on a regular basis, right? Most people don't just dump it on the ground. If there is a bin nearby, most will use it.

    I wonder why TV members always assume the worst?

    It's "non story", unless they dumped in ravine out of sight.

  9. I've bought the locally "home made" before from Rimping. Can't remember the brand, but was excellent. Fortunately, my Thai wife & the kids didn't like it, so I ate it all (1kg) over a few days biggrin.png

  10. Cobra seen on Palaad trail, but i'm told the dangerous one is (I think) the Malaysian Pit Viper because it doesn't wriggle away like most snakes.

    Friend has seen one I think it was on the higher trail up to Suthep temple.

    Yep, vipers are on the mountain. I've seen one up near the summit of Doi Pui.

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