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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Transam, when you bought your vigo, it was probably the best truck on the market here. Fast forward to today. Now it isn't. Get over it coffee1.gif

    But But it has a chip......oooooop's it don't now.....Drat, it wasn't a Toyota part.....sad.png

    Trade it in for a Revo clap2.gifcheesy.gifthumbsup.gif

  2. At 63kg, I quite like that bit of belly fat I have left smile.png

    Depends on how tall you are....at 1.40 it is a lot belly fat, while if you are 1.80 it isn't much laugh.png

    I am 1.70, relative muscular but not bodybuilder like and at 68 kg there is quite a bit. At 63 kg there is a good 6pack......

    The question is have a 6pack or drink a 6pack facepalm.gif

    1.80 unless I'm shrinking in all directions.

    Stick to a 3 pack myself. Cans are bigger biggrin.png

  3. As you say if the officers loose 30 minutes a day with correcting paper work. That is 6 less a day they can process. Plus as you say the time they go back and for the for the photocopies and correct pictures. That can be more time wasted.

    Officers time wasted = less applicants processed. This is not rocket science people.

    Just to point out that, when I did my own retirement-extension in October, the officers concerned were mainly spending their time playing on their mobiles, not actually processing anybody's paperwork. facepalm.gif

    I can only hope that things will have improved by next year.

    Same observation when I did my extension. Mind you, after making a couple of posts on TV, I like to have a lie down to recover whistling.gif

  4. Any sightings? Just had a look outside. Lot's of stars, but nothing else. Doesn't help, having standard govt fluorescent tube street lighting, even down our dead end, dirt road soi in the middle of no where. Plus, the idiot next door has his 50+ garden lights on....

  5. Of course its an advert from Passion...they are sponsors after all. And me being a red blooded guy love the look of their meat, havent had a decent medium raw (Not med rare) beef steak for ages. Partially due to the cost of good beef.

    I think the advert is beautiful!

    Well they've over done their sponsors adverts for me. Putting them on my ignore list. No more spam 1zgarz5.gif

  6. Whatever else it does, Bike for Dad essentially gives royal endorsement and validation to biking, which in the long run can only be a good thing.


    The more bikes on the road the better. It doesn't matter whether it's racers out training, kids on fixies, or grandma going shopping.the only disappointing part about Bike For Dad was how few of the serious Thai riders and how few farang showed up for the ride in CM.

    I ain't a sheep.


    I guess you are wink.png

    And let's not mention what this "show" was really all about.

  7. Should be "fun" over New Year period laugh.png

    It's always dangerous this part of the year but at least they get slow downed now by the road works. Btw one more thing to consider is that they let you drive over still wet tar dirt for a couple of hundred meters so don't complain about a hard to clean if not forever stained vehicle if you use your own.

    I was thinking more like it's going to be one long, slow moving traffic jam. Bring BKK driving to northern Thailand laugh.png

    Wont catch me on that road over NY, it's bad enough without roadworks thumbsup.gif

  8. Another successful mail in.

    Registered going out, 6 baht stamped envelope coming back. CM Immigration received it 1 day later... it was numerous holidays 1st week of December... I was getting nervous I had not received it back in 5 days.

    Day 6 Juristic lady sees me in parking lot, gives me envelope from Immigration. She points out that I did not put my name or room number on the envelope (what an idiot).

    AND a red stamp warning alerting me the current extension expires during the next 90 period with the date of expiry.


    Awards to CM Immigration for another successful 90 day mail in. Total days about 4.

    Awards to Post Office for another successful delivery.

    Awards to Juristic lady (she is excellent) for knowing that was my letter and alerting me to it's arrival.

    Just got mine back. Received on 4th, posted back on 9th.

  9. Anywhere outside the city light pollution will be OK; no need to be up high. Saw a few last evening - look to the NE left of Orion which is just rising after dark. After midnight would be better.

    Except for the layer of "haze" that is kept close to the valley floor by cold night temperatures. Climb a hill in the morning & look across the valley of Chiang Mai. It's not all mist. Still there in afternoon.

  10. Laphroyg tastes like it's been sitting in charcoal for a month.. Maybe they had a big fire at the factory and they just went 'Ah never mind, let's sell it anyway'? I prefer Sang Som. I bought an aged bottle from Gekko.

    Sang Som is for pouring on the Xmas pud & setting alight thumbsup.gif

  11. Any Rimping Supermarket, not the small Rimping Grocery stores, has a small selection. If you want Laphroaig your best bet is the small liquor store on Charoenphratet, about 400 metres from Thapae Rd or the one on the corner of Huay Keaw and Canal Road. Jameson is much easier to find, being an Irish whiskey that is much less expensive.

    It'll probably end up being Jameson, after I see the prices of single malts.

  12. Whatever else it does, Bike for Dad essentially gives royal endorsement and validation to biking, which in the long run can only be a good thing.


    The more bikes on the road the better. It doesn't matter whether it's racers out training, kids on fixies, or grandma going shopping.the only disappointing part about Bike For Dad was how few of the serious Thai riders and how few farang showed up for the ride in CM.

    I ain't a sheep.

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