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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Over 5 hours in a mall? Some folk need to get a life! Or find somewhere else to park, while spending the day elsewhere whistling.gif

    No argument from me - longest I'll be in a mall is to watch a movie and grab a bite to eat wink.png

    Something must've sparked this off. Before Festival opened, Big C Extra (Carrefour) car park always seemed to be full, even though the shop wasn't busy. I guess folk are taking advantage of free parking.

  2. Sounds like they put some people out of work, too.

    Oddly enough it didn't appear so - when you push the button on the machine that gives you the card there is still a person who takes it from the slot and hands it too you

    Plus on the way out you still hand the card to a person in the the booth and it appears that they ask for and check the receipt for those who have spent over 5 hours in the mall

    Over 5 hours in a mall? Some folk need to get a life! Or find somewhere else to park, while spending the day elsewhere whistling.gif

  3. There's a place I cycle past SE of Chiang Mai, where there's a pond, surrounded by garbage, that gets burned, & drains into the pond. Farmers pump from the pond to grow their veggies. I wonder what the effect of burned plastics etc in the water, used to irrigate the crops is. Not seen any 2 headed children in the area....

    Probably goes on all round the valley sad.png

  4. Fact # 1: The MORE fruits and vegetables you consume, even if they are laden with pesticides, the LESS your chances of getting cancer.

    Would you happen to have a source for this rather controversial fact?

    I tried to verify it myself, but I just found study after study linking pesticides to various forms of cancer and leukaemia.


    "A fascinating 2012 study used research-based models to predict what would happen if half of all Americans increased their (conventional) fruit and vegetable intake by a single serving each day; it predicted that doing so would prevent 20,000 cases of cancer a year. When the authors modeled whether this increased intake might pose risks due to the greater pesticide exposure, they concluded that yes, there might be 10 additional cases of cancer every year in the U.S. Put another way, the benefits far, far outweigh the risks."

    The report concludes,"the overwhelming difference between benefit and risk estimates provides confidence that consumers should not be concerned about cancer risks from consuming conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables."

    What about "conventionally-grown", the Thai way sad.png

  5. This website:


    Shows the current level of water stored in reservoirs in Thailand. The colored numbers show the percent of usable water in each Dam. The first section in the North, - Average 41% full, then the North East - Average 48% full, and then Central Thailand - 48% full.

    We are less than a month away from the end of the rainy season and all of these reservoirs are dangerously low. Only the south currently has enough water.

    If the farmers ignore this warning, your household faucets will run dry before next Songkran. The thought of living in a city with 11 million people who have not been able to take a shower is horrifying!

    Sad but true. However, it will not stop these people from blindly planting rice.

    I note some are talking drilling wells, I wonder if anyone at the decision making level actually understands water management and hydrology enough to even worry about that?

    Expect subsidence :(

  6. Isn't it wonderful when millionaire politicians can tell poor farmers to suck it up and be even poorer.

    One might argue that it's the farmers own fault and that they should diversify into less water intensive crops.

    But then one could counter argue that if the incompetent politicians did their jobs and actually helped the farmers (and Thai society in general) improve their lot instead of just lining their own pockets, then this problem wouldn't exist in the first place.

    They could become politicians? Could not do worse than the present lot. Representation for the people by the people.

    Unfortunately, a university degree is required. Keep the downtrodden down....

  7. Is it legal to grow tobacco being a ricefarmer? If they even can make cigarettes from it and are allowed to sell those then i would see a good future for them.

    Or they could grow a crop to make alcohol from. I wonder if that would reach BKK though gigglem.gif

    Maybe they can grow cloves and make kretek-cigarettes like in Indonesia.

    I am fairly sure that tobacco used to be grown in Issan around Nakhon Phanom when I worked up that way years ago.

    There's a large tobacco leaf drying plant south of Chiang Mai.

  8. They wont take any notice,will go ahead and try and grow

    rice,the rice will most likely die through lack of water.and

    the farmers will want the government to compensate for

    their loses.

    regards worgeordie

    What choice do they have?

    Out my way, (Chiang Mai, east side) a lot of dry season paddy fields are used for tobacco, chillies, beans, corn & other veg.

    Understand.....there's plenty of things for them to grow......but the resources needed to grow alternative crops for many farmers is too expensive for them...........and most need water!

    But a lot less water than rice!+!

    Resources too expensive? To plant corn or beans? I'm speaking from my observations in an area of Chiang Mai that gets little water in the dry season. The tobacco farmers probably get help from the tobacco buyers that have business in Chiang Mai. I think farmers have guaranteed market for corn.

  9. They wont take any notice,will go ahead and try and grow

    rice,the rice will most likely die through lack of water.and

    the farmers will want the government to compensate for

    their loses.

    regards worgeordie

    What choice do they have?

    Out my way, (Chiang Mai, east side) a lot of dry season paddy fields are used for tobacco, chillies, beans, corn & other veg.

  10. What exactly does zoning laws have to do with illegal motorcycle racing?

    Am i missing something, are they going to have designated areas for this "illegal" event?

    It's just a typical Thai article. They start off on one subject and slap on another topic that has nothing to do with the original. In this case they sandwiched alcohol zoning into an article about illegal racing.
    Supplemented with a photo depicting....not a single motorcycle !

    But it's a street thumbsup.gif

  11. I'm not THAT upset with this news. Her family gets 1.1 million, which is 1.09 million more than I expected.

    But this is going FAST, I think, because high season is upon us. Dragging out this story would not be good for business.

    As I've said before, best to just avoid these kinds of "adventures" altogether.

    This moving fast, because the chinese embassy are pressuring the BiB. Read the full article.

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