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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. And the truck insurance ?

    The guy in the truck had no insurance sounds about bloody right .. to be honest with you ..

    So if that truck owner a thai had no insurance that's OK right? where as if it was a foreigner then you bloody hell take care of the victim and victims family for the rest of your life??? Makes me sick.

    You know I think most of the laws should be reciprocate. Like In Europe or USA or any other country if a thai commits accident he/she will be liable for the victim and victims family for the rest of his life. Or how about making same policy for residency???

    Only then they (may) understand.

    Unfortunately, there is no justice system in this country. Think "feudal Europe".....

  2. I have taken out accident insurance with KasiKorn Bank, but the THB 2 million for death or dismemberment is reduced to THB 300,000 if it's a motorcycle accident (small print).

    In April, I ended up in Pattaya Memorial hospital needing 6 units o blood for a Helicobacter Pylori infection. Unknown to me, my brother had taken out additional insurance as he thought I might have a bike accident, but it also covered hospital admission and saved me THB 152,000 medical bill!

    Don't get caught short in Thailand! Insure yourself properly!

    Your accident insurance covered this?

  3. TV Chaos still not working using TOT. I dont think TOT have blocked the site as such because occasionally, like for a few minutes every couple of days TV Chaos works. I still hope that its some technical glitch within TOT that TOT might fix...eventually? Its been about five days now. Still hoping.

    Anyone else got any feedback or updates?

    Can't even access the website now. This morning OK, but not the torrents.

    There is a topic in their forums, but can't access that now.

  4. If you mean the Tapae Gate it is a reconstruction. I don't remember the original as having stairs although the original of the outer wall may have had stairs.

    The actual original old sections are ancient monuments so if you are going to preserve it you can't have people climbing on it, same as any old structures.

    Are any original? I doubt it. Hope someone proves me wrong.

    All original apart from Tapae Gate. Some sections of the wall were "filled in" using a grant from the Japanese about 20 yrs ago.

    Interestingly it is the Japanese that took the walls apart in their efforts to build a road to Burma in the 2nd WW

    Original from when? A quick web search indicates the walls were rebuilt around 1800 by Chao Kawila


    Not exactly "ancient".

  5. I have an appointment with Grace tomorrow, looking at their fees on their website, they're pretty much on par with my UK dentist, who is really awesome. So they better be good. And the Grace website prices are from 2014 and are subject to going up it seems.

    NHS or private prices?


    The dentist I use here charges prices close to NHS prices, but "private" quality.

  6. If you mean the Tapae Gate it is a reconstruction. I don't remember the original as having stairs although the original of the outer wall may have had stairs.

    The actual original old sections are ancient monuments so if you are going to preserve it you can't have people climbing on it, same as any old structures.

    Are any original? I doubt it. Hope someone proves me wrong.

  7. I have an appointment with Grace tomorrow, looking at their fees on their website, they're pretty much on par with my UK dentist, who is really awesome. So they better be good. And the Grace website prices are from 2014 and are subject to going up it seems.

    NHS or private prices?

  8. That's a nasty road, even for a decent driver in a pickup truck in the day time. Night time, wet roads and driving a bus compounds the problems. Next time there, check out the number of spirit houses on top of the hill.

    I have to disagree. Enjoy driving that road in all conditions (the road, not me).

    I also enjoy driving the road to Pai, but always leave early morning to avoid the idiots.....

  9. There are quiet a few companies already making very good sausages ,bacon,and other meat

    products here in Chiang Mai, only Rimping seems to have decent steaks though,

    As for Folk guitar saying Twinning' s tea not been premium,they have only been at it

    for 300 years,so they must be doing something right,not that I drink it,but prefer premium

    Yorkshire tea,but then there will be those that swear that Liptons yellow label is the tops!

    regards Worgeordie

    Nowt wrong with Twinning Tea. Earl Grey loose leaf is for my use only. Visitors get a Yorkshire Teabag. VIP treatment thumbsup.gif

    Great tea that Yorkshire. No comment on the Liptons bah.gif

  10. Seriously? You want to take a ballroom dancing class?

    Only a man who wants to get his arms around a succession of different women and start moving would want to, um.....

    You know, that's a good question. Are there any ballroom dancing classes in Chiang Mai?

    Salsa might be more up your alley thumbsup.gif

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