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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. I paid 200 baht to get a photo done next to immigration, this one was 4x6 cm and showed a little more of my shirt, but my head was actually smaller.

    If you look at the TM7 where the info for the photo is it does say 4x6 though why in Thai only beats me.

    They've always accepted passport sized photos, despite the 4x6 cm on the form. What the hell do they need a photo that big for?

  2. Looks like this clown (the organizer) is still intent on holding the race which has been "banned". Basically, this is a for-profit event run by an "organization" of which there is no evidence it is registered in Thailand, has any Thai people involved in it, has a license for holding such an event, or cares in the least about the protected environment that hundreds of people will "run" through, including the summit of Doi Luang Chiang Dao.

    He's just run the same event with about 5 people (which is sustainable), and is adding events for 10 people, which are AFTER the big race which has hundreds signed up and paid.

    - https://www.facebook.com/SportNatureThailand/ Still has all the posts and no signs of cancellation on Facebook

    - http://ultra-thai.com/packages.php More tour packages, is this a real Thai registered tourism company?

    - http://ultra-thai.com/thailand-mountain-trail.php Organization is made up of two foreigners

    - https://scontent-kul1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t31.0-8/q84/s2048x2048/11080637_442576435905740_6715390590387610591_o.jpg The actual path, through a large number of protected areas.

    - Yet another recent article extolling the greatness, pictures of a single runner, pristine views (and trails) and a few ethnic faces. Yet the reality is 400 actual people. http://www.toughasia.com/blog/ultra-thai-chiang-mai-04-06-12-2015/

    And yet another French organization is doing a similar trail, for 30 people over 140km.

    - http://thai-ultrarace.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=94&Itemid=105〈=en

    - https://www.facebook.com/THA%C3%8F-ULTRA-RACE-214597332061525/

    What is it about French runners wanting to drag dozens if not hundreds of runners over protected and fragile trails? The joy of discovery combined with the horror of destruction? Is this really even consciously possible?

    This has been clearly opposed and no permission was ever sought (and the route is on some private /protected land that requires permission). http://www.bangkokpost.com/print/551435

    Have you seen the state of the campsite below the summit of Doi Chiang Dao? A hundred runners wont have much impact there wink.png

  3. The type of road bike that might suit the riding you a looking for is probably going to be cyclocross/gravel or endurance road.

    CX and gravel will have wider tyres than the normal road bike (between 28-32mm).

    If you like disk brakes as well then these are also available, you can look at Specialized Roubaix, Giant Defy/TCX/Anyroad or Trek Domane or even Pinarello FCX. There is something in almost every budget range ;-)

    The giant Anyroad also comes with the brake extensions you asked about, at least they did on the 2014/15 models, but personally I think they look a bit weird (the bike not the brake extensions).

    With CX bikes the gearing will be lower as well, so more like an MTB to help you spin up those hills.

    Lots of choice, happy hunting!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Fuji have a model with disc brakes, too.

  4. The pink line will run at the end of my soi. Preparations for it have already begun. It will improve the life of hundreds of thousands of people in this area by encouraging the use of public transport and making other parts of Bangkok more accessible for work. The idea that it will not generate income is absurd. And what is so wrong with concentrating on Bangkok where 40% of GDP is generated. You would hardly expect a skytrain to be put into Nakhorn Nowhere. Other good news is that the value of my properties will increase as will their rental value. No one can build higher in the immediate vicinity and there is ample parking in the older properties. Win win! Eat your heart out all those people who reject Bangkok as a place to live and work (actually because most of them can only afford a studio in Udon or some such backwater). Invest in Bangkok and encourage more people to leave the countryside to work in its sururban manufacturing industries.

    Totally agree. Wish half of Chiang Mai would piss off to Bangkok, rather than the other way round bah.gif

  5. Hang the punks high. Could it possibly be that some of the Thai's attitudes toward us derives from morons like these? Most probably. Is this what they do at home when they go on a drunk? Again probably, as many western countries barely issue slaps on the wrists. They were damaging this person's livelihood and property not to mention assaulting him. If this happened in North America these idiots, if caught inside the premises, there is every chance they would have been gunned down or at least got several years in prison. So whatever the Thais do to them will be light by comparison. I look forward to stern sentencing then perhaps the next group of drunk morons will think twice.


    Thailand, the home of the 500 bt fine & free to repeat at your leisure.....

  6. Our experience 2 days ago was almost the same as MESmith's. The way I understood it is 15 years late and my wife's fine was 1600 THB and a receipt issued.

    Well it was several months since my last arrival from a UK visit, but nearly 10 years in wife's house. Don't know what the wife told them.

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