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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. True Nancy

    But when you live in the wife's home - rent free?

    Copy of wife's blue book.

    Receipt of TM30 submitted by wife to notify immigration of alien residing in house.

    How easy was it for her to file the TM30?

    Did she go to the re-entry permit counter?

    Was a fine payable or are they being lenient as this is a new TM?

    This TM 30 business is something I am just finding out about

    Wife went to immigration near airport. It was several months late. 1600 baht fine bah.gif

  2. OK..... online rejected my 90 day application so I need to go in person! What's the current daily timescale am/pm for 90 day reports?


    Just do it by post ,quick,easy and cheap, see pinned topic on how to do it.

    regards Worgeordie

    And you can do the mail in report about a week from due date. That 15 day thing is BS.

  3. Word of warning about Wine Connection wines. If you peruse their entire stock you will not find a single label you have ever heard of before. No Hardys, No Marlborough, No Penfolds, literally none of the well known labels you will always see in most Wine Shops or Supermarkets.

    Reason for this? A very astute and clever marketting ploy. I am led to believe by a quite reputable source that they bottle most if not all inside Thailand, put posh looking labels on that kind of look good but youve never heard of before, then knock it out at quite high prices, so in fact, a lot of what you are buying is of similar quality to what you can buy in Rimping and Makro for around 300 baht but you might pay double that or more in Wine Connection.

    Before anyone disputes this information, count to ten and think about it......have any of you ever, anywhere in the world, be it Australia, USA, GB or France or wherever found yourself in a wine shop and not recognised a single label? ( And by that I dont mean the grape variety, I mean the actual manufacturer!)

    Very easy to see.. The color coded strips shows local bottling (and the fruit blending done for tax reduction) and bottles imported.. Orange v blue..

    The one trip up is vietnam applies the same tax game, so your still buying shit even tho its technically not bottled here.. I cant remember which way they get labelled on the tax strip.

    For me the wines (which is now almost all boxes) which they fruit blend, give me shocking hangovers..

    Try drinking just half the box in one evening, then work down from there laugh.png

  4. You can road bike to Chang Khian(sp?) Hmong village now. Concrete road from the turn off to Doi Pui summit past campsite, down to the Hmong village. Can road bike to the sala just below Doi Pui summit, too.

    I'm guessing you haven't done it this year!

    After San Goo, from the campsite, down past the university coffee shop is now just rough track.

    When was the last time you were there? Been along a few times & new concrete. Surprised me!

    5 weeks ago.

    Have they resurfaced in the last month?

    Well, I'm not going to bet my bike on it, but it mostly was concreted last time I went that way. Lots of new concrete road Maybe a short section of dirt (i thought it was all concrete), but in the dry season, no problem on a road bike. Has there been a landslide in the rainy season?

  5. ...... I just returned from the prom to do my 90day... oh my. Based on recent posts, and my last visit. I took a free shuttle from town arriving just after noon, did my photo copies played with the brown poodle in the copy shop and then waited to get my number at the outside desk. At 13:00 the girls came out and put up a sign saying 90 day que closed for today.

    I asked her why she did not leave the sign up during lunch? blank look... now normally in these situations i am gentle, know she probably didn't get enough iodine in her diet as a child.. but today, I insulted her and made her agree in the future she would not let it happen again.

    she said return tomorrow at 7am. .... ah no.

    So I went into the office and explained that it was not possible to return tomorrow at that time and since I was there during normal hours and many hours before closing they should give me paper saying I would not need to pay the late reporting fee (farang logic) I was there during proper time , had all papers etc., the problem was with them, not me. He said go to the 90 day desk and she will take care of you...ok cool go to the desk and the pumpui lady would not budge, come back tomorrow, ah no, not possible.. but if you promise no late fee in writing, I will leave...haha.. I finally told her that in the time she took to talk to me she could have done her job and accepted my paper. This did not please her and she waved me away.

    I returned to the info. desk and explained that I had already been waiting an hour and was in full compliance... I think he realized i was not leaving so he said talk to the"big boss".

    I stood in front of big boss lady desk and was told to sit down by her hot assitant... She listened to my story and smiled, took my papers stamp, stamp rip, staple. And with a big smile she said you are special, but this is only one time, do not do it again.... I told her she was special too. big smile from her.

    So bottom line do it online or mail it in. That will be my last visit for 90s... another reason I did not mail this time was I wanted interview the visa agent located there for my annual extension....(as well as hit Rimping). he did not impress me, i will check out Assist.

    Yes and it only gets worse. Thailand is not a IT country. They cannot even set up a online queue system or a online reporting system that works what an embarrassment.

    It's a freaking joke that you can turn up at an immigration office to do what you have to do (by law) & they say no, cannot today! And not because of too many people queueing to do the same thing. Well done, daoyai, for standing up to them. Freaking shame on you, CM immigration. National disgrace post-4641-1156693976.gif

  6. Right MaeJoMTB;

    you can go to Pupping Palace with a road bike and also a little bit more because they did a new and beautiful road but very narrow.

    When this narrow road is finished it's a ground and rock and sand road, impossible to cycle there with a road bike .

    You can road bike to Chang Khian(sp?) Hmong village now. Concrete road from the turn off to Doi Pui summit past campsite, down to the Hmong village. Can road bike to the sala just below Doi Pui summit, too.

    I'm guessing you haven't done it this year!

    After San Goo, from the campsite, down past the university coffee shop is now just rough track.

    When was the last time you were there? Been along a few times & new concrete. Surprised me!

  7. Right MaeJoMTB;

    you can go to Pupping Palace with a road bike and also a little bit more because they did a new and beautiful road but very narrow.

    When this narrow road is finished it's a ground and rock and sand road, impossible to cycle there with a road bike .

    You can road bike to Chang Khian(sp?) Hmong village now. Concrete road from the turn off to Doi Pui summit past campsite, down to the Hmong village. Can road bike to the sala just below Doi Pui summit, too.

  8. Í watched the vid.. the guy is an idiot.. but why the hell did he do it. It does not become clear from watching the vid. Did I miss something.

    Yes....he was in the left hand lane and turning left and while turning left he was also blending into the right hand lane....

    Meantime the camera car was already in the right hand lane and also turning left while the pick up truck was ahead of him slightly in the lane to left and apparently believes he has the right away if he is ahead of the camera car and moving over into the right lane and in effect cutting in front of the camera car to get into the right hand lane ...but the camera car kept on going and did not allow the pick up truck to continue to move over into the right lane while the pick up truck more or less had to slightly swerve back into the left hand lane that the pick truck was trying to move out of.

    So the pick up truck driver was pissed because the camera car driver did not give way and let him make his move into the right hand lane.

    The pissed off pick up truck driver is driving just like the Thais drive where they make a move and rely on every other person driving to see the move they make and then accommodate that move...... or the other drivers are forced to accommodate the move or there could be a collision.

    By the book: If you are in the left lane and turning left ...as seen in the video..... you are required to stay in that left lane and complete the turn to the Ieft while staying in your left hand lane until the left hand turn is fully executed and you are now going straight ahead in the left lane, then you would use your right hand signal and signal to move over into the right hand lane.

    Regardless if the vehicle in the left hand lane is slightly ahead of the vehicle in the right hand lane the vehicle already occupying the right hand lane has right of way and does not have to give way to any vehicle trying to move into the right hand lane in front of him...rather the vehicle in the left lane, trying to move over to the right lane, has to wait until the right hand lane vehicle or vehicles pass by and leave appropriate distance and then the vehicle in the left lane can move over to the right hand lane......safely..... and fall in behind the passing vehicles in the right hand lane.

    Naturally, if the vehicle in the left hand lane is far ahead or a safe distance ahead of the vehicle(s) in the right hand lane then the left hand lane vehicle can move over into the right hand lane safely and uninhibited.

    That is by the book.... as we know it...but meaningless here in Thailand as they quickly chuck that out the window along with the repair manual as soon as they start driving.


    couldn't be bothered to read everything you wrote, BUT the camera car was directly behind the Ford, in the same lane. The cam car then started to overtake as they both turned (not a good idea). The Ford was in front & making the same move into the right lane. Cam car should've given way. coffee1.gif

    You are partly correct...but after both vehicles turning left the pick truck momentarily stayed in what quickly became a center lane ( as seen in the video ) while a right hand lane was presented and available.

    The left hand turn was made with one vehicle behind the other but once the left turn was made by both vehicles the pick truck momentarily stayed in what became the center lane while a right hand lane ( seen in the video ) is now there to be occupied if no other vehicle is already in the right hand lane coming through and from the intersection they both turned left at.

    The vehicle behind the pick up truck quickly began to occupy the now available and unoccupied right hand lane as it presented itself "before" the pick up truck started to also make his move to the right hand lane.

    You can see the cam car is already in the right hand lane while the pick truck was trying to do the same thing and in effect closely cut in front of him.

    Defensive driving says that the camera car should have given way to avoid an accident ...but he stubbornly figured he had right of way because he was already in the right hand lane BEFORE the pick up truck ( as seen in the Video )

    But yes, that is a close call but still the camera car fully occupied the right hand lane before the pick up truck so the camera car would have the right of way.

    Just because the pick up truck is slightly ahead of the camera car does not give him right of way when also trying to move to the right when the right hand lane is already occupied.

    I surmise the pick up truck, while making the same move to the right did not immediately see the camera car quickly occupy the right lane before him and had to give way...as he should have ...as the lane was already occupied.

    * If that right hand lane was already occupied by another vehicle or vehicles that had come through the intersection the pick up truck and the cam car would have had to YEILD to the any vehicles already in the right hand lane...correct....so in effect.... who ever is already in that right hand lane has right of way...correct"

    The camera car driver can not read the mind of the pick up truck driver.

    The fact is that the pick up truck driver "lingered" in the center lane momentarily before the cam car driver immediately occupied the right hand lane before the pick up truck driver realized there was another vehicle already occupying the right hand lane.

    Now bear with me here: In theory, both vehicles should have momentarily stayed in what became the center lane and then signaled with their blinkers to cautiously move over to the right hand lane ...but the driver behind the pick up truck made a very fast maneuver as the opportunity presented itself and quickly occupied the right hand lane before the pick up truck ahead of it had a chance to move over to the right hand lane.

    So, again, defensive driving says both vehicles should have stayed momentarily moving ahead in the center lane while the camera car would have seen that the pick up truck was also making a move to the right hand lane and then allowed that pick up truck in front of the cam car to make its move while the cam car cautiously moved in behind the pick up truck more or less at the same time and behind the pick up truck.

    I effect both of them were driving like Thai drivers making a fast move while relying on the other driver to see the quick maneuver while some one has to give way or forced to give way.


    You should ask the police for cctv footage from all intersections in CM for the last month. Should keep you busy for the rest of your life smile.png

  9. Í watched the vid.. the guy is an idiot.. but why the hell did he do it. It does not become clear from watching the vid. Did I miss something.

    Yes....he was in the left hand lane and turning left and while turning left he was also blending into the right hand lane....

    Meantime the camera car was already in the right hand lane and also turning left while the pick up truck was ahead of him slightly in the lane to left and apparently believes he has the right away if he is ahead of the camera car and moving over into the right lane and in effect cutting in front of the camera car to get into the right hand lane ...but the camera car kept on going and did not allow the pick up truck to continue to move over into the right lane while the pick up truck more or less had to slightly swerve back into the left hand lane that the pick truck was trying to move out of.

    So the pick up truck driver was pissed because the camera car driver did not give way and let him make his move into the right hand lane.

    The pissed off pick up truck driver is driving just like the Thais drive where they make a move and rely on every other person driving to see the move they make and then accommodate that move...... or the other drivers are forced to accommodate the move or there could be a collision.

    By the book: If you are in the left lane and turning left ...as seen in the video..... you are required to stay in that left lane and complete the turn to the Ieft while staying in your left hand lane until the left hand turn is fully executed and you are now going straight ahead in the left lane, then you would use your right hand signal and signal to move over into the right hand lane.

    Regardless if the vehicle in the left hand lane is slightly ahead of the vehicle in the right hand lane the vehicle already occupying the right hand lane has right of way and does not have to give way to any vehicle trying to move into the right hand lane in front of him...rather the vehicle in the left lane, trying to move over to the right lane, has to wait until the right hand lane vehicle or vehicles pass by and leave appropriate distance and then the vehicle in the left lane can move over to the right hand lane......safely..... and fall in behind the passing vehicles in the right hand lane.

    Naturally, if the vehicle in the left hand lane is far ahead or a safe distance ahead of the vehicle(s) in the right hand lane then the left hand lane vehicle can move over into the right hand lane safely and uninhibited.

    That is by the book.... as we know it...but meaningless here in Thailand as they quickly chuck that out the window along with the repair manual as soon as they start driving.


    couldn't be bothered to read everything you wrote, BUT the camera car was directly behind the Ford, in the same lane. The cam car then started to overtake as they both turned (not a good idea). The Ford was in front & making the same move into the right lane. Cam car should've given way. coffee1.gif

  10. This are the type of people that should never come to Thailand they should be on there own countries no respect they still think they can do what they want and insult us. Is not just a gesture is an insult and I will kick his back side very quickly no worries then maybe understand ..... but maybe not .... must be one of those left overs from there own countries .... PO mate go home not here.

    We do not need people like that.

    Just a guy that love and respect this country with all their faults .....

    How about Thai drivers respecting other drivers, instead of hiding behind their 80% black tinted windows & acting like a$$h0les?

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