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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. I'm wondering if my appointment for Aug.27 is still valid.

    The C.M. Immigration office has informed that the Queue Online application will not available, and stated that the annual visa application can now be made at the office 45 days before the end of the current visa..

    They suggested that visa applicants should arrive early in the morning at about 7 AM, the office will open at

    8. A.M and will take 20 applicants to finalize their visa application..

    20 applicants per day times number of days immigration is open = ?

    How many retirees in Chiang Mai province sad.png

  2. In 8 years of living near Sukhumvit Ive never even seen 2 bumpers kiss. I find that kind of strange and can only put it down to Thai drivers being very alert of the surroundings and imagine that would extend to farang bike riders as well

    I find that kind of strange too. see minor accidents or evidence of such (newly painted outlines of cars, motorbikes on road by police) every day. A lot of thai drivers seem oblivious to their surroundings. Maybe you should get out more.....

  3. 4 close calls yesterday on my ride. Cars / pickups WAY TOO close for comfort. No need as nothing coming the other way, plenty of room 1zgarz5.gif

    I avoid major highways as cars are travelling fast. At least these cars on my ride were at moderate speed.

    Minivans are the most evil, coming at full speed (140 km/h) on relative small streets facepalm.gif

    I have to admit, the majority of vehicles back off & wait for room to pass, or give me a wide berth when passing. You have to wonder if the "too close idiots" even saw me sad.png

  4. 4 close calls yesterday on my ride. Cars / pickups WAY TOO close for comfort. No need as nothing coming the other way, plenty of room 1zgarz5.gif

    I avoid major highways as cars are travelling fast. At least these cars on my ride were at moderate speed.

  5. Much as I dislike 'Y'all' it is vastly superior to the Australian and increasingly English 'Youse'. I'm also seeing it in more and more in writing now too - with various spellings as no spell checker can correct - which has only come about in the last 4 or 5 years, so not Facebook related. It's awful.

    I see "y'all" and I think of a poorly educated redneck. I see "youse" and I think of a poorly educated scouser.


    There's no need for the "poorly educated" qualifier. Same with cockney or Brummie wink.png

  6. A friend told me last night that Derm Derm, a popular student bar near CMU, has been told to close. Unlike some bars we could name, Derm Derm is not known for fights, drugs, or prostitutes, it's just a convenient place where university students and other young Thais of legal drinking age like to hang-out. I don't see how closing places like this make Chiang Mai a better city.

    Are other parts of Thailand enforcing this vague proposal for a law? If not, why is it being enforced here?

    I was talking to one of the promo girls that work there two weeks ago, and she confirmed it was under a closure order. I regard that as being ridiculous - while accepting that it's within the 300 m radius, and that it does attract the student crowd, mainly from the engineering faculty, it's a well run business that employs more than twenty full time staff.

    What are they to do now?

    I was talking to the guy that owns Riverside a while ago, and he was telling me that between R1 & R2 he has around 120 staff. John's Place has 27 full time staff. These places are major employers - shutting them down is short-sighted.

    It is a real shame that there are so many people who don't know any other trade, except to serve alcohol to foreigners. Maybe, they could learn to do massage or hair dressing. Those jobs don't take any talent or experience, either. I know, it is forbidden for these people to actually learn a useful trade.

    clap2.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif Thais don't drink? Get back under your bridge 1zgarz5.gif

  7. Because not y'all of us are like y'all from the y'all Bible Belt. Y'all

    I grew up in a bible belt town, and it drove me to drink. I wasn't the only one, there were more bars than churches in that small town, and there were a lot of churches.

    Another side effect of my bible belt childhood is that I'm happy to live on the other side of the world in county with pretty ladies and a religion that doesn't proselytize. If only the beer were better.


    Praise the lord and pass the moonshine!

    Sounds like a toast in Saudi thumbsup.gif

  8. I don't understand why y'all have to drink alcohol. What's the matter with non-alcoholic drinks? Why are y'all so desperate to drink alcoholic drinks?

    Because not y'all of us are like y'all from the y'all Bible Belt. Y'all

    I grew up in a bible belt town, and it drove me to drink. I wasn't the only one, there were more bars than churches in that small town, and there were a lot of churches.

    Another side effect of my bible belt childhood is that I'm happy to live on the other side of the world in county with pretty ladies and a religion that doesn't proselytize. If only the beer were better.


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