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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. No, there aren't any big "ifs" in my statement. Pasteurized lager from large breweries have a shelf life of between 4-6 months unrefrigerated and up to 5 years in a temperature controlled environment. There are modified hops which can be used that are resistant to light damage and with many beers it doesn't matter what colour the glass is. If you don't want to buy "old 2 month beer" fine.

    Bottled beer here in Thailand doesn't travel well. 2 months old max here in Thailand. Bottles travel on trucks in direct sunshine, stored in hot conditions. I buy the 500ml cans now. Always tastes fresh. Also those 3 cans a night compared to 3 large bottles help me keep my consumption down, a little bit thumbsup.gif

  2. Best fish and chips I've had in the past ten years was in Devon, a chippie in Tiverton, absolutely stunning cod and chips, GBP 5.20

    Years ago, when I was a lad (!) in Bridlington, the town was saturated with high quality chippies, sadly most all long gone. Back n them thar days the cod would be swimming in the North sea at 3am, be in the hold of a trawler by 4am, on the pier in a box by 7am and on a plate in a local restaurant by noon, eee by gum!

    Bridlington's my first choice for beach & Fish'n'chips when visiting UK. We made the mistake of going to Scarboro this year sad.png Was OK, but too crowded & a longer drive.

  3. Thanks for the replies. Lack of info on this brand was enough to convince me to fork out the extra cash to buy a Goulds pump, from one of the shops on SE corner of Chotoana intersection, Chiang Mai. Even our driller hadn't heard of Saxon, & Goulds was his recommendation.

  4. Need to have it returned by registered post.

    Not a requirement to SAE registered, mine have always used EMS going and 3 baht return. Sent afternoon one day and arrived at immigration the next day even with the Lamphun side trip. Stamped that afternoon and immigration posts it the next day and arrived a day after that. So 3-4 days maximum turnaround consistently on all my 90 day mail ins so far.

    Not a requirement, but recommended. Sent stuff with 3 baht stamp before & never heard of again.

  5. Tried mail in for the first time,posted last Thursday received at immigration on Friday morning.

    Still no receipt as of today.

    How did you send it? Registered with tracking or EMS?

    EMS takes longer as it has to go to Lamphum or was it Lampang? Anyway all EMS routes there first even if leaving the town it is destined for ( silly I know )

    Registered gets there the same day or next at latest.Because it goes direct without detour to EMS sorting station.

    I sent mine registered with tracking both ways on 7/27 was 36 baht total

    I see they got it on the 28th (next day)

    I see today via online tracking they mailed mine back at airport post & I am sure I will have it tomorrow.

    If you went EMS expect a couple days extra

    But likely no worries as this is my 4th or 5th mail in & I have never had a problem.

    I am guessing you will be fine too.

    EDIT: Ooops I re-read your post & see you mailed Thursday & they got it Friday so assume registered.

    I think you will see it tomorrow as it was likely sent Monday morning

    Also in my example I live right in town so may be faster than you depending on where you live

    I followed the Tywais pinned route with the 3 baht sae so perhaps that is the delay. Two days holiday now so Saturday is the earliest I am likely to receive it.

    Need to have it returned by registered post.

  6. Have the rules changed?

    A Thai friend married to a disabled Brit (Wheelchair bound etc) went to do his 90 day report at Promenada on Friday,she was told that you now have to report in person. She has done this on many occasions and knows the rules,she thought! She questioned the response of the young man and lady captain who sat next to him said nothing.

    Fortunately her husband was in the car waiting so she had to produce him,wheelchair and all, to complete the 90 days!

    Now this is contrary to all that I am familiar with and makes little sense when there is now mail in, online and agents doing 90 days on behalf of people.

    So, have the rules changed?

    Maybe we'll have to personally deliver our postal reports facepalm.gif

  7. With this law you can more or less close all bars nationwide in all cities , because you can always find some kind of educational institution within this radius.

    From now on all drinking wll have to take place in rice fields , fruit orchards and forests.

    Excellent! That's where I spend most of my leisure time thumbsup.gif

    But it's cr@p for everyone else sad.png

  8. The Pub on Huay Kaew has been visited and told they are within 300 metres of a school, and possible the Maya is also in the same radius. I talked to a friend in management at Tesco and he says Tesco are seeking clarification, but at present they believe any place, including supermarkets, 7-11, etc will not be allowed to sell alcohol in the vicinity of a school. The Airport Plaza is bang opposite the Far Eastern University, so I suppose that will be included.

    Isn't The Pub a World Heritage Site? Time to call in the UN!

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