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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. It's good of them to put transport on to the correct location. Free or not, it's a good idea, and certainly not what I expected.

    Good on them. I think they deserve some credit for doing this.

    Look a couple of posts and the first old git has already had a moan about it.

    I'm not old & I'm not moaning. Just having a laugh you miserable git.

  2. Everyone reading this, who is as disgusted by this as I am, need to post it to their FaceBook (if they have one), and ask everyone to share. Make it go viral and just embarrass the crap out of the A-hole.

    thats all very well but you may have not seen the recent "if you post sxxt about high ups on social media you maybe charged" dictum

    wonder how the memorize number plates thing will work outfacepalm.gifrolleyes.gifcheesy.gif

    Only need to post a link to the original Khaosod news article.

  3. Well Ford Pattaya called my wife today and asked if we want and come see/try "a new car" this weekend.

    My wife said yes and when I asked her; what car? She said; don't know, maybe same same as our ranger but like a vancheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif

    I will keep you postedwink.png

    Yeah, I've been thinking about it too, but I really don't have the need for a big 7 seater anymore.

    That's really funny, a Ranger van. Wouldn't surprise me if some redneck somewhere has already welded one together. wink.png

    Funny you should say that...



    It's the new Fordtuna cheesy.gif

  4. I've eaten Red Lion's fish and chips many times always enjoyed them I think that was just a bad day

    The chips are always good, maybe too much fish sometimes

    Mushy peas available as an extra

    Makes you wonder whether someone was trying to "rubbish" the Red lion by posting that photo. never heard a bad word against the place (apart from night market tourist prices) since I've been here.

  5. ME Smith:

    Got a better place? A better version of F+C?


    Than, shut up. We're NOT in the UK, we are in Chiang Mai, Thailand in case you forgot.

    I'd rather do without than accept that burnt POS.

    Best you shut up than stick that up on the internet as something worth eating & paying too much for laugh.png

    Might as well have chucked the salad in the bin. W'T'F is that?

  6. Two Questions.

    1 How high up can they strike? I know many snakes can only strike down unlike the American Rattlesnake which can strike higher than it's head.

    2 Are they very similar in looks to the golden tree snake?

    1 and 1/2 their length when coiled ........ so above your knee.

    Nothing like a golden tree snake.

    Thanks for the information. I had heard the golden tree snake looked a lot like a highly venomous snake and wasn't sure if the Malayan Pit Viper was the one.

    I think the golden tree snake looks very similar to the banded krait, which is venomous. Main difference is the head colour I think.

    If you've got major vision defects, maybe...

    Golden tree snake


    Banded krait


  7. REd Lion report:

    I decided to give these guys a try. I think it was 270B for fish and chips.

    Firstly, you get two HUGE chunks of fish. Like, as in RIDICULOUS.

    The fries are about 2 cm thick!

    Only thing missing was tartar sauce; maybe it was on the menu and I didn't see it?

    The batter is really dark, and crunchy. Nothing is "greasy" or "sloppy"about this meal.

    Regardless to the arguments above about whether it's actually Cod or not, it sure a heck tastes like cod.

    Some peas, a key lime for the fish, tomato slices, and Heinz ketchup on hand.

    The lady who owns the place is super friendly, and speaks decent English.

    I only wish that their beer wasn't so bloody expensive, (65B for a SMALL bottle of Chang?! Come on!!!)

    BUt that being said, they have a TON of imported beers to choose from costing you about 150-200B per bottle.

    She also told me her pork chops were quite popular, and promised me that if I wasn't impressed, I would eat for free!

    Bottem Line: NOT the best I've ever had, but pretty damned close. Get a beer with the meal, but don't expect to get "hosed" there, at least not at those prices.

    Including photos photos of what you get.

    If you have an EXIF reader you can get GPS coordinates from the redlion photo

    That is HORRIBLE!! bah.gif

    And I do like fish n chips. Last in UK on the quayside, Scarborough biggrin.png

  8. Add me to your diss list. I hate C M Traffic and the road system was designed by ( IMO ) a bunch of ling.

    I will go to almost any length to avoid driving in C M and refuse to go anywhere other than the direct route to Central Airport.

    The red songtheaws are a rip off (usually ), and the lack of pedestrian lights on the moat is a disgrace.

    Which parallel universe are you living in? cheesy.gif

  9. As I have my July 13 appointment for my annual visa extension by marriage, I'll ask and post regarding if this type of extension will be handled at the new office (sure would make sense).

    According to CMI, extension of Visa by marriage remains at the old location by CNX - retirement visa extensions do move to Promenada. Just completed mine yesterday with an online appointment.

    Very smooth sailing and I was in and out in about one hour and 10 minutes.

    I guess there will be a lot of afternoon appointments at the Promenada so folks can grab a Dukes hamburger before Immigration's 1PM reopen.

    With ref to appointments, GRAB what you can thumbsup.gif

  10. Wife explained that many locals use 'local' knowledge. The Ping 'flows' across a wide area under the city and is accessed by bore holes and wells. Thais call these access points 'taa naam' - eye of the water. Buckets and pumps in back gardens have always been used to supplement the government's supply of water.

    The current mayor has been attacked because his flood prevention scheme, that includes using deep concrete walls to block city flooding, also obstructs underground water reaching traditional taa naams.

    What do they want? Flooding or wells for drought? I'd have thought the aquifer would flow round the deep concrete walls from upstream. Groundwater levels most likely lowered due to farmers pumping 24/7 to grow rice.

  11. "Streamline" jam in Rimping Nawarat @ 95 Bt a jar

    Kasem Rachawong " Bonne Maman" jam buy 1 get 1 free @ 175 Bt - only 3 flavours though

    They had great jam at Tescos a while back called Sauerkirsche which was imported but not that expensive. The heathens have rearranged their jam to mostly have the cheap horrible stuff only.

    I have had to become a bit of a jam fanatic since the taste of Vegemite went down the drain.

    You should make your own then, much better than the muck you buy in jars.

    Frozen raspberries 165bht/Kg at Makro, sugar 23bht/Kg. (makes about 4 jars)

    Boil equal amounts for 8 minutes = jam.

    Frozen raspberries from where? China? Defrosted & refrozen how many times? No thanks. Big C have their own Casino brand @ 99 bt. Better than most here.

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