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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Another collision between two people on a zipline. This one says on a zipline at Tambol Thep Sadet, Amphoe Doi Saket. I don't know where Tambol Thep Sadet is.

    The two were both Americans, one male received minor injuries and a female who was seriously injured.

    Someone with better Thai reading skills than me may be able to tell more.



    Thai news source sorry, don't know of an English one yet.

    Probably Jungle Flight or Dragon Flight.

  2. The irrigation canals here have been flooded continuously for the past seven days, the klong that runs through our garden has not stopped. Mae Rim

    Other side of valley, different source. San Kamphaeng canals dry as a nun's.....

  3. Your a growth boy and can't figure out how to be romantic by now. Why involve drinks, how about an excursion, an adventure. Sex in the woods, under a waterfall, try mother nature not a BAR.

    The guy wants a night out with the wife, away from the kids! They want to party. Guess you don't have a family facepalm.gif

  4. Would be a great help if you tell us where you are, one mentioned Soi 7 so poss you are in Pattaya, if so great place on beach rd just past 777 seafood restaurant called "We are the World" great music group and singing and have a good dance.

    Seeing as we are in the Chiang Mai forum, let's have guess where the OP is clap2.gif

  5. The law is completely unenforceable- America tried to ban alcohol once and it never worked. A rash of illegal bars, clubs and drinking emporiums sprung up over night. When business and money is at stake- you will see just how clever Thai's will become. I remember during the military governments of the 1960's, actually drinking alcohol in a bar was banned between 2 and 5 PM and the closing hour was midnight. Bars served suds and drinks in coffee cups and when the police came in they saw people drinking 'coffee'. That law is still on the books but only enforced in the large markets- although there are ways around that also. If they really want to stop people under the age of 20 from drinking- it is simple- check their ID cards and enforce it.

    Far too easy. Let them do it their way w00t.gif

  6. Has there any study that proves that a 300m radius ban on selling alcohol reduces student consumption? Or that enforcing existing age laws wouldn't be more effective?

    So how do they justify interference with free, legal trade, and the restricting the alcohol consumption of students of legal age?

    Probably hasn't.

    Let's see if there is an increase in alcohol related traffic accidents.

    As a student mentioned in the Bangkok Post, it just means he has to travel further to get a drink. It won't stop him drinking.

    So how many youngsters will now jump on a motorcycle and ride to the pub instead of walking?

    Walking? I thought they ride their m/c to cross the road!

  7. Bad idea! The median barrier stops head on collisions & people turning right or crossing everywhere. The 1317 is an accident waiting to happen. Single lane underpasses would be cheap to construct. Roundabouts the easiest solution.

    But you forget; Thais don't know how to use a roundabout.

    They think its a funfair and invite everyone on to it; being too scared to exit it.

    multiple traffic delays will occur all because they think its the right thing to do...........and equally dangerous for us who know that Thai law. like ours says "right of way to those on the roundabout"

    They don't know how to drive safely, full stop. No reason not to chuck another idea their way.

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