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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Roundabouts are so easy if only the powers at be decided to educate their people. Hell even put some community service announcements on the TV. Give way or yield to anyone already on the roundabout on your right

    Another words if you pull into the roundabout and they are likely to hit the drivers door then dont proceed.

    Or is that too simple?

    Ok lets make it complicated....then they might understand.

    Roundabouts are far to cheap to build. Better to build underpasses & flyovers. More kickbacks....

  2. I know I have & always squint thinking how dangerous it is & how these types also cut-off those waiting to U turn visibility by blocking their line of sight

    I always thought that was one of the dumbest ideas and I hate them and will sometimes go out of my way to not have to use it. That is the dual direction u-turn spots. Offsetting them by 50 meters would be a huge improvement at those spots.

    The best solution is to have big wide center lanes and no median barriers so cars can just go to make right turns, u-turns not required. Like San Kampang road going towards Hot Springs...except that one is just a tad too narrow. But the right idea.

    Bad idea! The median barrier stops head on collisions & people turning right or crossing everywhere. The 1317 is an accident waiting to happen. Single lane underpasses would be cheap to construct. Roundabouts the easiest solution.

  3. Thank you. It's just that I have never seen in any of the manufactures brochures a "low rider" option, so I wasn't sure if they had been done as an aftermarket option or from the factory.

    I know the ones you mean and it hasn't really been clearly answered for you whether they come from the factory as low as that. Myself, I have always thought that it was a "to look cool" thing.

    yeaaaaa! 39 posts to get to the answer. it looks cool. now lets add 'it happens all over the world' to the thread.

    coming up next-

    why do they stick plastic film which is designed to look like carbon fibre all over their cars?

    'because it looks cool'

    why do they do anything at all to alter the appearance of their cars?

    'because it looks cool'

    why do they fill half the ampur with black smoke when they pull away from the lights?

    'because it looks........ well actually that looks pretty dumb as its unburnt fuel but to them it 'looks cool'

    You missed my point. I was asking if the low ride versions came from the factory like that, and the answer is, some models do and some don't. I wasn't particularly interested in the aftermarket modded versions by boy racers, but the low ride factory pickups.

    They're not low ride models, they're normal, regular ride models. The others are raised up.

    This has got to be the most ridiculous thread in motoring forum history.

    One more on my "ignore" list coffee1.gif

  4. Went to Promenada today at 3:30 pm to do my 90 day report. Learned a few things...

    There is an outside desk that says "retirement visa check documents"

    well, since i was not doing retirement visa i walked past that desk and stood in line inside in front of the 90 day report desk.

    Once i got to the desk, i was told that i need to go to document check and get a queue number

    Went to document check desk outside and was told - no more queue for today. Come back tomorrow... this is now 3:40pm - REALLY?

    so i went back to the inside desk, once again asked them to process, they told me no queue number, no process.

    Then the lady kindly took my passport, checked my dates and said come back any time later this week... and smiled very nicely

    and said: all full.

    LOL laugh.png Mail it next time thumbsup.gif

  5. A friend called to report on how his retirement extension was processed this morning. He had an appointment and the Immigration officer was 20 minutes late in calling his name, but apologized for being late. He said there was only one I/O for each function -- one for retirement extensions, one for 90 day reports, one for re-entry permits and they didn't have assistants like they did at the old office. Customers have to wait outside in the heat and there aren't enough chairs. He wondered how people without appointments were even being seen -- at best the one officer could handle maybe one between appointments.

    His appointment was at 10:30 and he was told to come back after lunch to pick up his passport.

    He wasn't asked to provide any proof of address.

    They did have a couple of interns screening documents, but they missed a copy that he needed. He also heard them tell someone that doing a retirement extension counts as doing a 90-day report. Wrong!

    He says the new office is very clean and uncluttered. I guess that's nice anyway.

    90 day reports can be done by mail if online doesn't work. Re entry permits are done at the airport. That would free all i/o to do the real stuff.

  6. Whats the 220 Volt for.?. Its not a R.V, Nor are there sites here with Power Docking, except Marinas.....?.weird extra...............

    No need for extension cord for my electric hedge clippers. Just drive to other end of garden & plug 'em in thumbsup.gif

  7. The one thing I have missed in all the posting is what time will you be able to get into the Mall?sad.png

    Rimping opens early.

    Early do you mean 5:30 in the morning. That seems to be the time people are showing up at the airport site.

    Is there a way to block the rest of the mall off from immigration. I take it no one knows yet.

    Would be nice if it was like a mall back in Canada. It opened two hours early. It had a Starbucks stand in it and a Cinnabun (sorry about the spelling there) that would open early. Lot's of people would go there just to walk around it for exercise. Really nice in the snow and cold weather.

    8 o'clock, I think. That's a lot earlier than most malls, or supermarkets.

  8. Peera is a great pharmacy and she stocks just about anything, but she's not the cheapest.

    I know there are some members taking other medications, that they buy in bulk at a reasonable price, but I couldn't tell you where.

    Maybe someone will come along soon, it's early days.

    Good luck.

    So in other words you have nothing to add to this thread ? But on the bright side you added another post to your numbers.

    Kinda like your post then. facepalm.gif

    ...and yours. Where will this all end I wonder! laugh.png


  9. I know I have & always squint thinking how dangerous it is & how these types also cut-off those waiting to U turn visibility by blocking their line of sight

    I always thought that was one of the dumbest ideas and I hate them and will sometimes go out of my way to not have to use it. That is the dual direction u-turn spots. Offsetting them by 50 meters would be a huge improvement at those spots.

    Saw an accident a few months ago at the 1st u-turn coming from BigC to go back to Hang Dong road. Queues in both directions for u-turns making it a blind spot so cars slowly creep out to try and see what is coming. One pickup did such but he accelerated fast and got hit hard by a fast moving oncoming car. They have since put up a CCTV camera at that spot. Guess it happens often.

    U turns on major highways are dangerous. But they're cheap. That's why they have them here.

  10. I heard from a friend that the police in their infinite wisdom had set up a checkpoint at the bottom of one of the underpasses (yes that's right at the bottom) on the highway (I think the one at Chang Puak - as that is where my friend is located). A motorbike carrying 3 young passengers (yes I know overloaded) shocked by the sudden presence of a police check point did an automatic u turn and hit an oncoming truck and the rest is predictable. I am trying to find a news piece on this as my source is pretty reliable and this supposedly happened last night. Has anyone seen any news on this?

    Best the police stay in the police stations. They don't contribute to society sad.png

  11. "conveniently located adjacent to the mall's accessible downstairs car park at the ground level under the larger of the two Promenada Buildings"

    For who is this convinient .located .. ? Anybody live out there at all ... ?

    Wonder where they are gonna make Cert. of Res. - still the corrupt office opp. Promenada ... ?

    Conveniently located for many people thumbsup.gif

    Anyone with m/c or car.

  12. I still like my 2014 model best.

    Some guys treat cars like wives, and stick with them trough "thick and thin".. you know "she's been good to me..." biggrin.png

    Others treat them more like girlfriends, and are always willing to step up to a better looking, better performing, more economical, or even just quieter, model tongue.png

    And others hang out at auctions to pick up a bargain used model or old banger laugh.png

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