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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. "Section 35 (400-1000B) The driver of a truck, passenger vehicle, motorcycle, vehicle of low speed or traveling at lower speed than those of other vehicles moving in the same direction, shall keep to the curbside of the roadway as close as possible."

    My interpretation is that the right hand land is to be used for passing rather than cruising. Very different from saying the lane can't ever be used.

    As long as the cop that sees you passing in the right lane interprets it that way as well, you're fine. But, given some of the traffic law interpretations I've seen, I wouldn't count on it. wink.png

    Never seen the cops abuse that "law" in CM for 4 wheel vehicles. Elsewhere is different.

  2. You do know Thailand is number 2 worldwide in road deaths, the U.N. is putting pressure on them to cut their death rate in half by 2020. I have driven it always a shocked how many roadside deaths you see. the Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai road drunk female mowed down 5 cyclist just happen in May. How long have you driven in Thailand? if you do never during holidays drinking and driving is a national sport, never at night,and thai's will never stop after an accident.do not want to have to pay out for there mistake.

    Thanks for the advice, but I've already got one mum thumbsup.gif

  3. Fire all the cops and contract a foreign police force. Sorted.

    I like this.whistling.gif

    Fire all the cops and employ foreigners. Indeed, get rid of the Thai politicians (such as they are at the moment anyway), transfer all Thai workers out of the country and employ hard working farangs, hang on to the women i guess?.

    I sometimes wonder why foreigners bother to stay here, it's so depressing.wink.png

    Sounds good to me thumbsup.gif

  4. wine is a joke here, probably even worse than the cheese situation. But those are two good examples of things you can a) simply do without, and save $$$$ or cool.png pay 300% more than you would in the US. If everyone refused to pay; they might consider at least lowering the excise taxes.

    I buy mozzarella at Yok and it's 300฿ per kilo, not much more than I used to pay wholesale in Canada.

    Mozzarella is produced incountry. Lot's of buffalo here thumbsup.gif

    Cheese to enjoy with wine is more expensive sad.png

  5. After reading your crap, I hope there's a massive thunder storm when fireworks are ready to be lit, & it's a washout. Som nam na... laugh.png

    One of the most bloody minded replies I have seen on Thai Visa.

    I am sure it is not the feeling of most members.

    I hope it is a wonderful day and night and the families and kids have a magic night without an evil wish bringing rain down on them.

    The organizers shouldn't get so offensive, just because of a few criticisms. Half price for small kids? LOL. Jarhead started getting nasty. Som nam na!

    Too many retired folk here who meant to get on a plane to retirement heaven Florida. but ended up in Chiang Mai.

  6. Car was poorly parked, with rear end sticking out into traffic. Is this on a slight bend?

    The car was slightly sticking out. But jeeze!

    Hope the motorcyclist sues the ass off the car owner thumbsup.gif

    joking, right?

    the car stuck out much less than the margin by which the motorcyclist hit it... I guess the driver was texting.

    Not really, people should be more careful how they park.

    btw I drive a pickup, not m/c

  7. been driving here on and off for 6 years and I can say that at least in Bangkok, drivers are more polite and respect the rules.

    I see less people using the emergency lane to pass everyone.

    more and more cars use the rightmost lane correctly, only for overtaking.

    cars actually stop to let people across!

    maybe not all is lost wai2.gif

    That's strange, cos most drivers with BKK plates visiting Chiang Mai drive like complete a-holes, with "I own the road" attitudes bah.gif

  8. After reading this crap for numerous days, and yes thank you for all the experts, complainers and whiners I have only concluded that you have a sense of entitlement and ego's that no one satisfy, and all you great talkers what are you doing, yes. I see you still just talking and not doing nothing, that is why a lot of good folks think that this forum is for the secluded and frustrated many individuals that post on here and you sit at your little computers all day and just talk and talk and talk and not do nothing. Is thaivisa the only place that you have a captive audience? Will other people give you the time of day to listen to your whining?

    Yes when you do have one of these events I will support you by buying at 1200baht ticket to set at your VIP table, put up or shut up all you geniuses and leave the people alone who are trying to so something here in chiang mai other than running their mouths and doing zilch. Lets put it this way, if I put this on I would charge 1200-1500baht to keep out the rifraff and compensate me for having to listen to whiners and complainers and geniuses that all they do is talk, talk, talk, talk, etc.. Have a nice day and git away from your secluded little room and go out and get some sun and get a life and let David live his.

    After reading your crap, I hope there's a massive thunder storm when fireworks are ready to be lit, & it's a washout. Som nam na... laugh.png

  9. So in Thailand it is the other way around. In the restaurants here in my area in Bangkok a dish at a Thai eaterie costs 40 - 60 baht. When I go to the supermarket to buy fresh vegetables and fruit and everything you need to cook a healthy meal - it is costing 5 or 10 times as much.

    But this thread is about CM, and food for cooking at home here costs about 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of eating out.

    Wouldn't classify a 40 bht meal as healthy. Or filling if you want decent portion of meat & veg.

  10. Price for adults is fair. Kids under 30kg accompanied by adults should be free, as they eat & drink almost sweet fa. Kids over 30kg will eat the buffet clean w00t.gif

    On second thoughts,not being an amurican, myself, charge what the hell you think the richer folk will be willing to pay thumbsup.gif

  11. The 3rd line of the OP says 9:30

    I'll be with MESMITH enjoying the show, I'll bring the burgers, you bring the drinks ok?

    JC, come join the Brits on the other side the river. Let the missionaries pay for the fireworks. We can throw some teabags in the river laugh.png

  12. i'm curious too. saw this on facebook at least a week ago. probably long gone by now - under layers of silt.

    they won't say how it happened. sounds weird i think.

    If it's under the silt, it ain't long gone thumbsup.gif

    Saw it on FB. Sounded like wife or gf tantrum to me, but might be wrong.....

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