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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. It's called Nana Bakery and the one at Nong Hoi is just on the way into Ban Siriwattana on the left hand side. See my map - it's the 7th entry down on the index.

    Almost everything they do is good but I favour the croissants and pork lasagne (although not at the same meal).

    Regular shop hours, or does one have to partake in a "social media induced" mass hysteria event at the crack of dawn?

  2. I thought his comments about the cover bands were spot on, but I don't get out much now sad.png

    Hopefully, this will go viral. Far too many westerners coming here. Much better than those blogs encouraging people to retire here, coz it's so cheap.....

    Hire him as the new foreign spokesman for TAT thumbsup.gif

  3. Or save all the running around and go to ProAuto who will do it all for you - inspection, insurance and tax. No need to visit Land Transport office especially for those unfamiliar!iar with the process.

    Any of the many private inspection stations ALL OVER town will provide this service.

  4. MESmith, maybe your online application was too close to your re-entry date. I know arrival computer entries should be immediate but the systems here aren't optimal. Did you apply recently or was it when the online option was first offered? There has probably been many improvements within the past month. But I'm glad I didn't read about your lack of success because I wouldn't have even tried. Guess I was lucky--an unusual experience for me in matters involving bureaucracy.

    I tried in the window required.

  5. Mission accomplished...my 90 Day Report online application was approved and the new slip downloaded. I'm amazed at the smoothness of the procedure. So much easier than mailing which I've been doing for the last several reports.

    I fit the present criteria--reentered Thailand in 2014--so that probably explains my success. If you also fit that requirement, try out this option. Very quick. I filled out the online application at 11 AM and received notice via email at 4:30 PM of the approval.

    I re-entered Thailand in April this year. Didn't work for me sad.png

  6. If you've lost the parking ticket, why would you stop to give them money? Never seen them lower the barriers. Just slow down, window open, speed up, give them a wave thumbsup.gif

    could be leaving yourself open for some one thinking you had pinched the car,not its not a fail save method the cards,but I suppose the powers in charge think its a good method for car security,any way keeps people in a job,tescos used to be the same until they installed cameras,jobs lost.airport plaza same

    Drove out of tesco the same way before when they used cards. The look on the guy's face was priceless. Those cards are a total waste of time.

    Wanna keep people employed? open up more freaking checkouts!!

    a flippant attidude and a disregard for rules is only going to get you in trouble some were along the line,grow up and act like a responsible adult,if its possible.

    Rules? We're talking about a shopping centre for freaks sake cheesy.gif Find your own children to scold 1zgarz5.gif

    And learn how to use the quotes or you'll have to retake K3coffee1.gif

  7. bring back Charlies Fish and Chips now that was a dinning experience.

    Fish & Chips is to "Dining Experience" like a quickie handjob in a car is to love making in a king size bed.

    Though I do do love the occasional fish & chips.


    You can eat fish & chips in the car at the same time. Not allowed in king sized bed wink.png

  8. If you've lost the parking ticket, why would you stop to give them money? Never seen them lower the barriers. Just slow down, window open, speed up, give them a wave thumbsup.gif

    could be leaving yourself open for some one thinking you had pinched the car,not its not a fail save method the cards,but I suppose the powers in charge think its a good method for car security,any way keeps people in a job,tescos used to be the same until they installed cameras,jobs lost.airport plaza same

    Drove out of tesco the same way before when they used cards. The look on the guy's face was priceless. Those cards are a total waste of time.

    Wanna keep people employed? open up more freaking checkouts!!

  9. Beware many Honda engines are Chinese knock offs, especially at shops on the superhighway in CM. Original Honda will cost 20k/24k for manual/self propelled - Briggs and Straton machines widely available for between 10k and 17k.

    That's exactly right and the reason why it's best to buy a 100% Honda mower from a Honda dealer. A friend bought a bastardized mower -- not Honda brand, but with Honda engine, only it turned out to be a Honda Knock-off engine and the engine shaft broke after about six months. Some of the knock-offs have skins that make it almost impossible to tell.

    are you sure they're Honda copies? Or just Honda engines bolted onto cheap chassis? The cheaper ones in CM are on the same rust prone chassis as my B&S . Or Chinese made Honda engines? I read online that Aussie Rover mowers are now made in China, & quality not the same as old Aussie made ones.

  10. Recently bought a briggs & Stratton 4.5hp mower from one of the shops at Chotana / Superhwy intersection for 9000 baht. Same mower at the time 13,500 in the big DIY stores. Same chassis as much more expensive Honda. B&S easy to maintain - youtube tells all. Our 14yr old B&S still working on new 4000bt chassis bought in CM. Use one for lawns, one for orchard so as to keep weed seeds off the lawn.

    OP how small is your lawn? If really small, get electric.

    Do you do your own repairs? I tried a shop down by the Muang Mai market repeatedly without luck. They have parts but .....fouled plug within 4 hours, loping, and and and

    Age has reduced my repair effectiveness so if you know a shop that can really fix it please let me/us know. Or is there a day that the ME Smith shop is open for business?

    Basic servicing is easy. Search youtube. eg change diaphragm, clean carburettor. Not much else to do. The old engine fouls the spark plug, & plug needs cleaning after each mowing session, but that's a really small job. Takes a minute or 2. But it runs & cuts the grass. Suffered a lot of abuse mowing 50cm weeds around orchard, & edge of pond. Hence the new one that was a bargain, but is reserved for flt lawn duty.

    Tried the same shop as you, gave up & decided to DIY. Get parts on ebay, mailed from UK, much cheaper than here.

    Main problem with the mowers sold here is the chassis rust easily. Engines last for everish.

  11. You can walk to Promenada. Take the underpass under Superhighway, Or cross at the lights near Makro thumbsup.gif

    attachicon.gifwalk to prom.jpg

    I am 77 years old living close to KSK central. All I have to say to this idiotic suggestion is "Take a Hike"

    Why take the walking option so personally?

    Is this your thread?

    Take a taxi...

  12. Recently bought a briggs & Stratton 4.5hp mower from one of the shops at Chotana / Superhwy intersection for 9000 baht. Same mower at the time 13,500 in the big DIY stores. Same chassis as much more expensive Honda. B&S easy to maintain - youtube tells all. Our 14yr old B&S still working on new 4000bt chassis bought in CM. Use one for lawns, one for orchard so as to keep weed seeds off the lawn.

    OP how small is your lawn? If really small, get electric.

  13. Well done Chiang Mai immigration, good news indeed.

    Good News? What's good about a limited hours (open 11am) Immigration at the Prom? 85% of expats needing services live within 3 km of the Old City,...not the LONG ride to the Promenada. In 2 years I've only been there twice,...transportation there is a headache (and costly) from Nimman neighborhood.

    Dumb, dumb. dumb,...accept those getting a bonus for creating this inconvenient hardship.

    The shops open t 11, immigration at 8!!!

    How do you know 85% of expats live near the old city?

    This is the best move immigration has made!

    In 2 years I've only been to immigration twice. Visit promenada once a week thumbsup.gif

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