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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. Zip lining is not about risk taking. It's an adrenaline rush in a controlled environment. Off piste skiing, free fall sky diving, are adventure sports. Zip lining is a theme park ride, like Alton Towers, & Disney Land, where deaths result from bad organisation.

    Let's for a moment believe that you are correct...

    Then why do so many thousands of companies call it an 'adventure sport?' Are they all incorrect? All of them?

    It's not just one or two, you know. It's thousands of them. I listed five companies right here in Chiang Mai that call it an adventure sport. Are they wrong? Are all the thousands of companies giving it the wrong name. Or are you?

    It's marketing! Make it sound adventurous. If done properly, no risk.

    Hot air ballooning over Everest. That's adventurous thumbsup.gif

  2. Indeed, it's not as if there's any surprise requirements for copies of documents any more, that's been done to death, if in doubt copy everything twice beforehand and bring it with you as backup, if not needed, discard later.

    PS: copies are available at under 1 baht in many locations in CM.

    Shocking to you perhaps, but many of us live in rural areas, (not CM) and will need to make other arrangements if no shop is close by . I for example, can do photocopies at home, but will perhaps need to seek out a convenient photo shop enroute, which is a 2 hour drive.

    I live in a very rural area in CM Province. Look around, there will be local outlets for the tings you need.

    Me too

  3. Indeed, it's not as if there's any surprise requirements for copies of documents any more, that's been done to death, if in doubt copy everything twice beforehand and bring it with you as backup, if not needed, discard later.

    PS: copies are available at under 1 baht in many locations in CM.

    I still pay 50 satang

  4. It's probably too early to expect this, but will there be a vendor close by to do photocopies and photographs. It would ? I assume, be quite expensive for someone to set up such a small shop within the Mall

    If folk had all their photocopies sorted before arriving at immigration, things might flow a little quicker. How many times do you see people being sent out back to get the right copies, & while they're at it, nothing happens!

  5. So *if* they move, will this new building somehow make them smart and efficient? Will it end the day long process of getting a visa extension?

    I understand extensions for retirement in Bangkok and other places are sometimes processed in as little as ten minutes. How, I wonder, do they do it?

    My last extension for retirement took 10 mins to process. Then had to wait for photo (why?) & then more waiting for "the boss" to sign off, then more waiting for them to give passports back sad.png

  6. My frozen salmon tails from MAKRO begin with 885. Does that mean the salmon is Thai?

    Could it be that the OP is just another one that fell for a internet hoax?

    Not according to Snopes.Com. the urban myth busters.

    So they catch salmon in Thailand these days?

    Packaged in Thailand

  7. I think its unbelievable in a country that has so much ground water to be suffering drought conditions and to put it bluntly it shouldn't happen I will state again boreholes and wells are the answer something which should have been done a long time ago but there again this is Thailand its all about money, i feel sorry for the growers but not the orchard owners they shouldn't have any problems fruit trees take moisture from the ground they don't need water every day .

    Boreholes are not cost effective for 6 baht a kilo rice. Agree with you 100% that they sure could make a difference on other crops, but other than talk their is not many options in the country yet for "other crops".

    Tell that to all the rice farmers where I live. Flood their rice fields with water from boreholes in dry season, and now due to lack of irrigation water from canals,

  8. but that's a big increase for locals. Tends to be the less well off that use them. No m/c or car.

    It tends to be the M/C riders, who have rods and pins in their legs, too. If you pick a good location; you can do fine without,car or M/C. Walk 15 minutes to go to a bar, or drive 10 and spend another 10 finding an iffy parking space...then there are the roadblocks on the way home. If you must live in the exurbs (with the "less well off") then being on a Songtaew route actually adds a good bit of value to your property. Have you learned that yet in the 2+ years you've been trying to sell your house, Mr. Smith?

    My house isn't for sale coffee1.gif

  9. Safe journey and may you and all the family have a happy and prosperous new life.....God Bless.

    Who's god?

    Fink it's only one, well, there can be only one or shit will happen.............Drat....coffee1.gif


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