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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    No school tomorrow affects bangkok only or here as well? Kids are having a pre-celebratory dance so deciding to put them to sleep or not.

    Announcement said "nationwide", but just heard that CMIS is still planning to be open. Nothing official.

    My son is a teacher at one of the CM international schools, he just called to check, his supervisor confirmed all schools primary / high school / govt/. / pvt / whatever are ordered closed 23 to 25 May inclusive.

    Sounds inadvisable to challenge these orders.

    Couldn't they have had the coup in the school holidays? Thai schools just gone back. Which army department is issuing refunds for school fees?

  2. I use Amway organic dish cleaner for my veggies, it claims it rinses away all the chemicals used if soaking for a few minutes.

    After reading an article that pretty much everyone in Thailand can put 'organic' on its products without much checks I am lost also about how to get healty and clean food so for now, amway seems to do the trick

    The chemicals they spray on our crops go on the crops, into the soil and into the water. So i assume the chemicals get right into the roots and the whole vegetable or fruit. I don't know this is the case, but our whole earth on big farms is riddled with chemicals which of course washes into the whole water system, so even organic produce is probably tainted by nearby use of chemicals.

    One can often tell what is organic by looking at it and then tasting it. Plus if you find the farmers and growers themselves (eg the two places i mentioned in the OP), then you can talk to them and know that way.

    I've seen garbage (plastics) being burned on the banks of water tanks (small reservoirs) from which the water is pumped to irrigate crops. Also very common to see garbage being burned in dry irrigation canals that when full are used to irrigate fields. Loverly isn't it. NOT!!

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    555? I lived here for many years and still can't figure out what they are fighting about. Both side is corrupt no matter who is in office? I guess if you are not getting your share it is certainly something to fight about.

    I just want to know how soon will my $$$ be worth more so I can ship some more over? And can the Boy scout army really impose and enforce a thing like this?

    Apparently the fight is between what tastes best: Shit sandwhich or Turdburger ...anyway, something like that. Take your side and argue it out.

    Eanie meanie, mynie moe....

  4. New office makes life easy... park outside door, walk in fill out form, hand over docs + 500Bt, out the door in under 10mins. Pick up letter 1pm tomorrow.

    Would be so much better if you picked up the letter 10 minutes later rather than a day later. That's what it was like 4 or 5 years ago when I got my last one thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  5. One year Into the thread, Mr Fall guy, can you remember what what you needed the duct tape for?

    You never said....

    And it would be annoying if a better solution was available from the brains out here.

    The original need was to repair the grass cuttings catcher bag on my aged lawn mower. More recently it's been used to hold the rusting lawn mower chassis together. And the most recent use was to "cure" a veruca on the sole of my foot.

    And last week I bought a new lawn mower....

  6. ...

    Now that's my kind of engineering - but can you get wd40 here? Someone(s) will tell me it's everywhere but I have yet to find it...

    Yes you can. Got mine at Thai Watsadu, Amorn to name 2 places. Stationery shops & 7-11 probably don't.

    Duct tape & WD40 sort out most of my practical problems smile.png

    • Like 1
  7. This is now rainy season so we will no longer need to post for each event.... let's put this thread to bed 'till next dry season.

    It's raining, the frogs are singing, I'm happy smile.png

    Stop your moaning laugh.png

    • Like 1
  8. Saw a couple of decent sized petrol driven shredder/chippers here 18.811662,98.984982

    SE corner of Chotona intersection with Superhighway. Next to last shop before the lights. Expect them to be pricey.

    Global House had a smaller TUF brand electric model last time I went. Probably made in China.

  9. Do I understand this correctly? They are building an observation tower at

    Doi Suthep Temple (got it) ... where one can observe (?) exactly what? I'm guessing

    the fine city of Chiang Mai is visible from the temple maybe 20 days a year wink.png

    No, the observation tower is so people can "look down" upon a Buddhist temple.

    I'm so outraged that a pimple has grown on the end of my nose.

  10. Not sure but the strange thing is the other way with the same airlines LHR-BKK-CNX they could not check me or my luggage all the way through to CNX....a bit strange!

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You can, but you really have to push the clueless check in staff. Insist on the supervisor helping out.

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