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Posts posted by MESmith

  1. I love the drive. Especially the Mae Suay to Mae Lao curves. Excellent wide road, loads of overtaking, no radar traps. Enjoy pushing your ride to the limit. Pretend you're Jeremy Clarkson w00t.gif

    That was before the earthquake....

    Might be some unexpected slopes on the road, now whistling.gif

    Agreed - it is a really pleasant drive. More than one person, the cost of hiring a car and buying petrol is marginally more than the minibus with the bonus of stopping off as and when along the way.

    Stopping along the way? Get enough of that with all the traffic lights around Chiang Rai bah.gif Ring road, underpasses pleasethumbsup.gif

  2. I love the drive. Especially the Mae Suay to Mae Lao curves. Excellent wide road, loads of overtaking, no radar traps. Enjoy pushing your ride to the limit. Pretend you're Jeremy Clarkson w00t.gif

    That was before the earthquake....

    Might be some unexpected slopes on the road, now whistling.gif

    • Like 1
  3. Glyphosate 2 - 4%.

    Ounces per gallon? Even the UK doesn't do stuff likie that any more. Where do you buy a scale with ounces and and a measure with gallons in Thailand? Difficult enough finding metric measures. Don't forget to buy one when you buy poison...

    You don't need scales to measure "fluid ounces"

  4. I was looking forward to seeing Saturn tonight with a clear sky.....

    And now another storm, clouds and black sky.

    If you didn't read it earlier in the week, tonight from 7pm for10hrs saturn, earth and the sun are in direct alignment and its the closest we will be to the planet.

    Will be in south west, near libra constellation appearing as a yellow star.

    Looks like we will have to wait for next time around may 25th 2015

    The storm was great smile.png

  5. Duh... I'm from Cali. We're like Japan we build everything to survive such minor nuisances. It's my personal belief and experience with building construction that had it been a 6.9 like the North Ridge quake... Chaing mai would cease to exist.

    Chiang Mai residents wonder why the residents of SF & LA live on such an active fault line. I will wager a bet that those 2 cities are obliterated before CM.

    • Like 1
  6. [

    Earthquakes are a natural act, or an act of nature. What has some superstitious hocus pocus got to do with it. You're not an insurance claims surveyor by any chance?

    Now come on, Mr. Smith, let's not be pedantic. You're not the only one who believes man created god, well lots of them in fact, but an act of god IS an acceptable term for a natural disaster whether you choose to believe in one or not. coffee1.gif

    ...that's how they call disasters in US,at least..."The Act of God"...and this has nothing to do with any religion... wink.png

    Why are people talking in biblical language? I guess I don't come from a country where "in god we trust" is printed on the bank notes, and creation theory is taught in schools facepalm.gif

  7. No matter what one's beliefs may be, the fact that a remarkable, not to say unique building has been damaged is sad. In these days of ugliness, any work of beauty should be cherished by all.

    Spot on man. Perfectly put, I was up there a month ago and it was one of the nicest places I have ever been to in the Kingdom (and it was FREE!).

    Bloody shame its now gone into a pile of rubble...

    Pile of rubble? Have the dozers moved in already? There's some structural damage, but the main loss is the murals.

  8. A bit of an oxymoron is natural and tile, unless it is cut from a real block of granite or a block of sandstone...called a flag, then tiles invariably made from cement, clay,porcelain.

    Home pro actually has surprisingly the biggest range of tiles I have seen anywhere in cm and some great tiles with those natural polished granite veneers.

    I hope your tiling job isn't related to your last thread wanting to borrow hammer and bolster! sad.png

    It did cross my mind as to whether OP only wanted to "borrow" the tiles for a few years....

    Just kidding OP wink.png

  9. With the plethora of same same temples in Thailand this unique one gets ruined by an act of god.

    Is someone up there trying to tell us something?

    An act of god? Were you snoozing during geology lessons?

    Earthquakes are a part of the natural order, and hence an Act of God. ie: NOT man made destruction.

    Earthquakes are a natural act, or an act of nature. What has some superstitious hocus pocus got to do with it. You're not an insurance claims surveyor by any chance?

    • Like 1
  10. It's his initial reaction whilst probably still in shock.

    I am sure that as the weight of public and government support builds, he will make a dramatic re-consideration and restore it to its former glory.

    When you work as hard as that guy did to build something, you won't give up on it so easy no matter how hard the task.

    Sounds more like the murals have been destroyed. The buildings could be repaired, but 20 yrs of art work gone.

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