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  1. Copy the regulations and give them to them. or contact the SSO hotline (1506) and tell them about the denial and ask if they cab do anything for you. If that doesn't help, ask for a formal decision to deny you. They than have to give a formal letter stating the grounds for deniying your application. And this letter you can challenge with the courts, so the SSO-office will think twice about denying you as they will want to cover their back.
  2. I would check if the school doesn't want to get rid of its foreign teachers. The norm is that you get 3 waivers, expecially since you enrolled to the course and stay with the same school. I see no reasons why you shouldn't get a third waiver, unless you had already another waiver with another school..
  3. Since you are coming from the US I would sue them in administrative court. Dit you appply through their website? My renewal of the 5 year teaching license took less then 2 weeks last March.
  4. File an official complaint. That is what I would do.
  5. Or do it online or by mail?
  6. They need a non-O visa for volunteering. An Ed-visa or a tourist "visa" will not do as volunteering requires a work permit and that is not given on those visas. 1 year extensions of stay are only given if there is a goevrnment official involved with a high enough status. If the NOGO idoes not work with the government that will be problematic. In that case they need to get a multiple non-O visa and leave the country every 90 days.
  7. You cannot change a non-Immigrant visa into another non-immigrant visa. What immigration in Thailand can do is give you a 60 day extension to visit your wife OR give you a 1 year extension of stay based on your marriage. (But you don't live with your wife) If you do not qualify for the 1 year extension you have to get a (multiple) non-O visa abroad.
  8. You have to be living with your wife and your wife have to go with you to immigration. They might also want some witnesses to confirm you live to gether and the marriage is genuine. Immigration will not convert to a non-immigrant via as you already have one, but give an extension of stay based on marriage with If you de not meet the requirements, you have to leave the country and apply for a non-O at a Thai consulate, poosibly a multiple non-O.
  9. Just a small reminder as they often seem to get mixed up: TM 30 is the form for reporting that a foreigner is staying at your property. The website is mostly for hotels and such TM 47 is the form for reporting your stay of 90 days in Thailand.
  10. A visa is not transferred, but lost. What would be transferred is a permission to stay and extension there of. But a valid multiple entry visa is lost.
  11. He is not charged with a sex crime. He is charged with leading a minor away from her parents, which leaves the qustion of sex and consent outside the legal proceeding. A strategy that is not uncommen in Thailand.
  12. One can complain tom the head of immigration, at immigration headquarters. In that case a formal investigation will take place and you will be heard (get visited by immigration to tell your story). Immigration officals are scared and can be in trouble if one folows this route. Regarding denied applications for an extension you can appeal the decision and a higher officer will than have a look. Ultimately you can go to the court and immigration will have to defend its decision and give reasons why they do not follow the rules or ask for extra docmentation. Often it is simpler to just call the immigration hotline if you think immigration don't follow the correct procedure. Often they will than contact the local immigration office and try to sort things out.
  13. 2 days would mean a 1,000 fine at the airport. Going to immigration will be 1,900 bath for an extra 7 days. Given the checks that are often performed now adays I would get the extension and be worry free and legal.
  14. Labour department comes not into play regarding drugs as with drugs you normaly get deported and banned from entry. Criminal records which include serving time are grounds for deportation, incuding if it is a conviction from abroad.
  15. Home visits are normally only for the first application or when you change address.
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