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Unit values on electric meter


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Still trying to figure out my electricity costs.  My meter has a 5 digit number above the spinning wheel.  It read 01559 at 13:30 and 01560 at 14:30.  A difference of 00001 in 1 hour with the ac, fridge and a fan on.  How does that unit relate to what I pay?  Please.


A number that stays the same on 2 bills is Ft -0.2477.  I pay between 1,200 and 1,700 pcm so it is not a big.  I would just like to know.


The guy at the local electric company is not very helpful and my wife does not really understand the bill either.  Even she is Thai.


Thanks for any help on this.





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Can you post a photo of the meter, some are 1 kWh others 0.1kWh for the rightmost digit.


From your load that's probably 1 unit, about 4 Baht at government rates.


FT is the Fuel Tariff, currently negative due to relatively low oil/gas prices.

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Hi, thanks for the reply.  It says kWh over the counter and WATTHOUR METER under the rotating disc.  Single phase.  I took a picture, below.


So if that 1 unit is, say, 4 baht and that was 1 hour's usage then 24 x 30 = 720 hours x 4 baht = 2880.  My bill for last month is more like 1200 plus tax, however.  We have only 20 w led lights x 6 at night and a fridge and a couple of fans and the small AC is on low almost all the time in the bedroom.  And one heated shower used 2x per day normal not long time. 


It is not so important just now but we are planning a pool and I have a sauna that hasn't been used much recently and I am curious what I could be getting into with that.  


Thanks again for your comments.




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OK, so that is kWh on the right.


Best to measure your consumption over a 24 hour period, obviously the A/C will use less juice at night.


What is the rating in Watts of the sauna? (should be on a plate somewhere)


How big a pool are you planning (so we can guesstimate the pump and chlorinator consumption)?


EDIT Our koi pond uses your entire month's power :sad:


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