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Buddhist organisation objects to ‘Fight of God’ video game featuring warring deities


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6 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Freedom of speech is the right to say as you please (without inciting hatred, etc) Just cos you include one fictional character, doesn't mean you have to include another. 

I mildly disagree with "the right to say as you please." Everything should be measured against potential ramifications. Freedom of speech does not imply freedom from forethought, which you sort of alluded to in parentheses. Conversely, you can say what you want, but there should always be real-world consequences. If you are not prepared to defend it, don't say it. Know what I mean?

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Just now, Songlaw said:

I mildly disagree with "the right to say as you please." Everything should be measured against potential ramifications. Freedom of speech does not imply freedom from forethought, which you sort of alluded to in parentheses. Conversely, you can say what you want, but there should always be real-world consequences. If you are not prepared to defend it, don't say it. Know what I mean?

Just cos you can say what you please doesn't mean you should. When I see an overweight person, I wouldn't go and say, "Wow, you're fat!"


We know we will be judged by the words that we say. Use tact and be sensitive, but never allow people to tell you that you can't talk about something. Discuss it and let the best ideas win. 

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2 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Just cos you can say what you please doesn't mean you should. When I see an overweight person, I wouldn't go and say, "Wow, you're fat!"


We know we will be judged by the words that we say. Use tact and be sensitive, but never allow people to tell you that you can't talk about something. Discuss it and let the best ideas win. 

Agreed. We should be mature enough as a species to wage war with ideas, not guns, hyperbole, or oppression. 

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"Now, the invention of the scientific method and science is, I'm sure we'll all agree, the most powerful intellectual idea, the most powerful framework for thinking and investigating and understanding and challenging the world around us that there is, and that it rests on the premise that any idea is there to be attacked and if it withstands the attack then it lives to fight another day and if it doesn't withstand the attack then down it goes. Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? - because you're not!' "


Douglas Adams.




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A lot of good responses. As far as beliefs being sacred I propose that they aren't. Because if they were there wouldn't be so many.


You know what should be sacred? Human life. And religions don't have a good track record there. So their profaning of the sacred seems to be the epitome of why religion is not sacred.

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3 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I looked it up. They didn't have the cajones to put Muhammad in there. 

So the game which basically mocks people's beliefs, is made by cowards who, like the Islamists only attack those who won't fight back.

If they were equal opportunity offenders they may have had an argument against censorship.

You took the Muslim argument away from me right off the bat. I wonder if it will be banned in Thailand. I understand disrespectful portrayal of the buddah is a crime here?

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5 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

"Now, the invention of the scientific method and science is, I'm sure we'll all agree, the most powerful intellectual idea, the most powerful framework for thinking and investigating and understanding and challenging the world around us that there is, and that it rests on the premise that any idea is there to be attacked and if it withstands the attack then it lives to fight another day and if it doesn't withstand the attack then down it goes. Religion doesn't seem to work like that; it has certain ideas at the heart of it which we call sacred or holy or whatever. That's an idea we're so familiar with, whether we subscribe to it or not, that it's kind of odd to think what it actually means, because really what it means is 'Here is an idea or a notion that you're not allowed to say anything bad about; you're just not. Why not? - because you're not!' "


Douglas Adams.




I can't love this enough. Pure, unadulterated bullshit does not a belief system make. It would be no different than waging war because someone refused to accept the 'belief' (a concept which is in itself dubious) that Santa Claus was somehow the creator (maybe they can find some special gold tablets proclaiming such in Las Vegas, the true Vatican) and that elves should be venerated (and I admittedly would want this for the elves). Give us a break. In the NT even the non-existent Paul himself stated that there comes a time when we are to "put away childish things." Telling, when a fictional character has to be the voice of reason for extant beings. I think that was an encoded message blatantly telling us that eventually everyone has to abandon clinging to the past and the death-grip we have on our initial parental figures and the lack of personal responsibility for outcomes that their proximity falsely implied. Well, they're gone or at least will be shortly, and there will be NO ONE to take their place (Excluded of course are the nitwits who come here expressly to dupe themselves and some unsuspecting, sorry-assed, well-intentioned Thai into becoming a girlfriend (a euphemism for a cobbled-together proxy for mommy-freaking-dearest, which kills me) for the rest of the parasites' odious existences, leaving said ladies in a state of pre-planned obsolescence by the time the coward finally and mercifully gives us a death rattle, the only worthwhile thing ever accomplished, in many cases (Colin Neil, this is in no way directed at you or anyone of your caliber). This will be my final rant of the day. When I toss a stone, I tend to go after a lot of birds. Pardon. Sh*t got real for me recently. I'm not taking any more prisoners. (I tried to go back and insert paragraph breaks, but the system wouldn't allow it. Next time I'll try to put them in as I go.)

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Oh, when people get offended. Makes them feel all poweful like they're part of some special and privileged group. 


The greatest trick religion ever pulled is not making people believe in a god or the worship of ideas - it's making people believe you can't question it. Can't sit down like adults and ask questions that they don't have answers for. 


"If there is no god or next life, then what's in it for me?"







Actually read my previous comment where I posted a statement by the Buddah teaching people to question religious texts and teachings. 

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

It's called freedom of speech and expression. You don't have the right to not be offended. You telling me you're offended by something is like me telling you my back hurts. Who cares?


    Where have you been?  Don't you know that freedom of speech and expression are now suppressed?   Google, Apple, Governments, Schools and Universities....  and YES, even ThaiVisa.com, are now suppressing and killing freedom of speech and expression.    The left wing extremists and Islamists have won.....  We've lost.   Be careful what you say or print.... very careful.     Google even fired an employee for simply making a note expressing his opinion and claiming that women had biological issues that prevented them from being as successful as men in high tech.    

   It cost him his job ! !    Be careful......  even in ThaiVisa.  

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

I do agree to expose them. 


However I also do believe that hate speech is not a right. 


I believe hate speech is a right, but a right with ramifications. A common argument is a person shouting "fire" in a packed theater. 

When a person makes hateful remarks that person should be prepared to back them up. 

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8 minutes ago, chuang said:

More virgins waiting in heaven......:post-4641-1156694572:

In order for there to be virgins in heaven, they would have had to be virgins here, first. I've seen the virgins here. Doubtful they would be any more desirable in heaven. Men or women.

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15 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I believe hate speech is a right, but a right with ramifications. A common argument is a person shouting "fire" in a packed theater. 

When a person makes hateful remarks that person should be prepared to back them up. 

I think they should be prepared to go to court/gaol.

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30 minutes ago, Songlaw said:

Buddha himself, had he existed, would be doing cartwheels for all eternity in the afterlife over this sh*t. No doubt about it. 

Actually many people believe such characters really existed. Perhaps they did perhaps they didn't. 

What the problem I see is many forgot these were men not dieties, men who taught peace and how to deal with humanity. Then the followers forgot the teachings and worshipped the idols representing the teachers. 

What I feel the big mistakes were that followers follow respective teachings they find useful and cling to them as they worship the teachers and not the  Deities. I believe in all religious texts for every story that is told will have another story with an opposite moral. 

I hope what I said makes sense. 

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Some gross misunderstanding by the parties in the news piece about others potentially misunderstanding.


Money is the new god ('cos Frankie goes to hollywood said so :o/ ).

Jesus from my schooling days didn't claim to be a god.

The first Buddha never claimed to be a god so far as I'm aware.


I guess you could say they're both 'paths' to the way, the truth, the light, enlightenment or whatever you're intending.  But then so are some martial arts, and they can appear quite violent [confused]

Now that I've said blasphemous things I'm going to have to go out and buy a bottle of red Fanta, a spirit house and say 3 hail Mary's.  Divisiveness, brilliant innit.


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18 minutes ago, Shiver said:

The first Buddha never claimed to be a god so far as I'm aware.

For what this is worth.

A translation of truncated portions of the original sutta: 

"On seeing him, [Dona] went to him and said, “Master, are you a deva [a god]?”


“… a human being?”

“No, brahman, I am not a human being.”

“Then what sort of being are you?”

“Remember me, brahman, as ‘awakened."




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5 hours ago, NextStationBangkok said:

Very bad taste game. Not sure who develop such senseless games, and i am not sure how Apple and Google allowed in their app stores?


All religious fight game should be banned.

Yes I totally agree as there is more than enough of the real thing

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4 hours ago, Tchooptip said:

It's reassuring when people do respect other people's beliefs ?...  tolerance is a form of intelligence.:clap2:


The problem is that this concept works quite one sided in practice. Having religious beliefs makes people feel entitled to lecture others.

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