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21 hours ago, SheungWan said:

No it doesn't show on the bill and nor do I spend all day in a coffeeshop. BTW, if you knew about these things you would know that Starbucks access to wifi is time constrained. What we do know for sure is that the charge for a coffee or massage or meal in any of the mentioned places is exactly the same for smartphone user or dumb phone user, so less of the attempted pedantics please. The same goes for my apartment wi-fi. Same rental whether the wi-fi is used or not, so no discount for only having a dumb phone. As for the silly reference to sex, not very impressive George.

The sex reference is about AV's comment about his girlfriend's online modeling and his own "entertainment" needs.

If you use the wi-fi or not it is still part of the company accounting and ultimately part of what you pay for the apartment service charge or coffee, massage, etc etc... If you live on the ground floor you still pay for the lift and roof, and if you don't swim you still pay for the pool.

I do not pose in Star#uck and I can make good coffee at home thanks.

You clearly don't know much about business.

Sorry Bill, you need to do much better.

Here's a guy without a smartphone who was pretty smart...

Over and out!



On 16/09/2017 at 8:10 AM, amvet said:

I see smart people using phones intelligently.  You see dumb people using phones stupidly.  Maybe we are both seeing reality only our paths are different. 

Good comment, possibly you can see what I am talking about at last.


Unfortunately one (or two) on here are not able to comprehend (yes you Bill).

There is no definitive evidence to prove what you asked in the first place.

"Are people who use smart phones smarter?"


Connectivity is convenient and very useful.

However, you do not need to be smart to use or own a smart phone all you need is the money to buy one.

Owning one does not make anyone smarter, cleverer or more intelligent, it just makes access to information easier.

Many people cannot justify spending £1,000 on a new iPhone X that does nothing more than the 4 year old one they have when they have kids to feed and mortgages to pay.

Some "poor" people have been successful and are intelligent but have been cheated by unscrupulous bankers, financial advisors, or cleaned out by ex wives.


At 72, I am surprised it has taken you this long for the penny to drop.

Dumb people have smart phones and smart people have smart phones.


I'm off here as of now.

The whole thing was pointless IMHO.

Best wishes.

G :thumbsup:

13 hours ago, amvet said:

Smart phones are also fun.  It is technological fun appealing to those not afraid to learn a new skill.

'Fun' is a relative concept unique to each individual. What might be fun to you is not to me. Smart phones and most of modern technology is not 'fun' to me. I like to hear about new technology, I find it interesting and impressive and I'll use it when I need to, but it's not fun for me to engage in. I have a friend that has fun tinkering around with car engines. To me that is not fun. How an internal combustion engine functions is interesting and I understand it, but it's not fun for me to tinker with them.


You keep referring back to people being 'afraid' to learn a new skill. In my job, before retirement, I was required to incorporate new forms of modern technology as they came along. I was not afraid. I was not incapable. I did it, but simply did not enjoy it. I've tried it, I don't like it. It has nothing to do with fear of learning new skills. Granted, some people like my parents are afraid to learn to use technology, but others simply are not interested because it does not appeal to them and not something they need in their own unique daily life.



8 hours ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

'Fun' is a relative concept unique to each individual. What might be fun to you is not to me. Smart phones and most of modern technology is not 'fun' to me. I like to hear about new technology, I find it interesting and impressive and I'll use it when I need to, but it's not fun for me to engage in. I have a friend that has fun tinkering around with car engines. To me that is not fun. How an internal combustion engine functions is interesting and I understand it, but it's not fun for me to tinker with them.

You keep referring back to people being 'afraid' to learn a new skill. In my job, before retirement, I was required to incorporate new forms of modern technology as they came along. I was not afraid. I was not incapable. I did it, but simply did not enjoy it. I've tried it, I don't like it. It has nothing to do with fear of learning new skills. Granted, some people like my parents are afraid to learn to use technology, but others simply are not interested because it does not appeal to them and not something they need in their own unique daily life.

I've had 5 dumb phones and 5 smart phones and after comparing them extensively see no rational reason why anyone would want a dumb phone.  I don't think you have had enough experience to make a good decision about the issue and further that you are the kind of person who would not admit error even if you were wrong.  


For example I believe you think the chicken came before the egg.  You are not correct the egg came first.  But. I don't think you will be able to admit your error. 


If I am not correct and you can admit error about the chicken being first that's a good first step in acknowledging fallibility and I'd suggest buying and utilizing a smart phone extensively for a year or so and then make a decision. 

13 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Good comment, possibly you can see what I am talking about at last.


Unfortunately one (or two) on here are not able to comprehend (yes you Bill).

There is no definitive evidence to prove what you asked in the first place.

"Are people who use smart phones smarter?"


Connectivity is convenient and very useful.

However, you do not need to be smart to use or own a smart phone all you need is the money to buy one.

Owning one does not make anyone smarter, cleverer or more intelligent, it just makes access to information easier.

Many people cannot justify spending £1,000 on a new iPhone X that does nothing more than the 4 year old one they have when they have kids to feed and mortgages to pay.

Some "poor" people have been successful and are intelligent but have been cheated by unscrupulous bankers, financial advisors, or cleaned out by ex wives.


At 72, I am surprised it has taken you this long for the penny to drop.

Dumb people have smart phones and smart people have smart phones.


I'm off here as of now.

The whole thing was pointless IMHO.

Best wishes.

G :thumbsup:


13 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Good comment, possibly you can see what I am talking about at last.


Unfortunately one (or two) on here are not able to comprehend (yes you Bill).

There is no definitive evidence to prove what you asked in the first place.

"Are people who use smart phones smarter?"


Connectivity is convenient and very useful.

However, you do not need to be smart to use or own a smart phone all you need is the money to buy one.

Owning one does not make anyone smarter, cleverer or more intelligent, it just makes access to information easier.

Many people cannot justify spending £1,000 on a new iPhone X that does nothing more than the 4 year old one they have when they have kids to feed and mortgages to pay.

Some "poor" people have been successful and are intelligent but have been cheated by unscrupulous bankers, financial advisors, or cleaned out by ex wives.


At 72, I am surprised it has taken you this long for the penny to drop.

Dumb people have smart phones and smart people have smart phones.


I'm off here as of now.

The whole thing was pointless IMHO.

Best wishes.

G :thumbsup:

George, I imagine you had an ancestor who bought a horse and buggy in 1908.


That's OK -- it was worth it to have the OP write that he would send text messages back-&-forth to his wife about how bored they are with their dinner companions as if the dinner companions would have no idea what the text back-&-forths were about.

1 hour ago, JLCrab said:

That's OK -- it was worth it to have the OP write that he would send text messages back-&-forth to his wife about how bored they are with their dinner companions as if the dinner companions would have no idea what the text back-&-forths were about.

That doesn't strike me as too difficult.  Of course you would not include my quote which contained many things one would converse with a wife about that are private so a text would be appropriate.  


2 hours ago, manarak said:

another thread where stupid people discuss correlations and causalities after an OP written by captain obvious... :facepalm:

Didn't you start a thread once about where to buy chocolate. :shock1:  Talk about captain obvious. 

2 hours ago, JLCrab said:

On my last trip to USA I drove RT through NY State and noticed this sign for compulsive texters:


He says as he writes another text.

On 9/20/2017 at 3:34 AM, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

The sex reference is about AV's comment about his girlfriend's online modeling and his own "entertainment" needs.

If you use the wi-fi or not it is still part of the company accounting and ultimately part of what you pay for the apartment service charge or coffee, massage, etc etc... If you live on the ground floor you still pay for the lift and roof, and if you don't swim you still pay for the pool.

I do not pose in Star#uck and I can make good coffee at home thanks.

You clearly don't know much about business.

Sorry Bill, you need to do much better.

Here's a guy without a smartphone who was pretty smart...

Over and out!



Einstein could have really used a smart phone.  Einstein’s memory was notoriously poor. He was unable to remember dates and could not remember his own phone number. As a student, one of his teachers claimed that he had a memory like a sieve. Once when he was traveling on a train, the conductor approached to collect his ticket. Einstein began searching his pockets, but the conductor recognized him and said he could ride for free. Einstein responded, “Thank you, but if I don’t find my ticket I won’t know where to get off the train.


Since he could not remember his own phone number he could not call home.  I'm sure he would have appreciated a phone that would have done this for him. 

15 hours ago, amvet said:

I've had 5 dumb phones and 5 smart phones and after comparing them extensively see no rational reason why anyone would want a dumb phone.  I don't think you have had enough experience to make a good decision about the issue and further that you are the kind of person who would not admit error even if you were wrong.  


For example I believe you think the chicken came before the egg.  You are not correct the egg came first.  But. I don't think you will be able to admit your error. 


If I am not correct and you can admit error about the chicken being first that's a good first step in acknowledging fallibility and I'd suggest buying and utilizing a smart phone extensively for a year or so and then make a decision. 

Pot calling the kettle black as far as admitting an error even if you are wrong. You believe your way is the only way, and assume that you know me even better than I know myself based on a few forum comments. Arrogant.


The chicken/egg dilemma could be more complex than you want it to be depending on whether a person believes in evolution, creationism, spontaneous generation or a combination of the above. I know a bit about Biology, it was my major, eggs were around before chickens. However, they were not chicken eggs, which the question may or may not imply. There are a variety of ways to approach the question. I suppose you believe if a tree fell on an uninhabited island it would make sound.


Of course I am fallible, I make errors all the time. I used the technology for years, long enough for me to make an informed decision. I didn't like it. I prefer outdoor activities; hiking, biking, camping, sitting in a lawn chair with a beer and a paper book. I don't like what you like, why is that so impossible for you to fathom? After getting to know a bit of your personality on this forum, your suggestions as to what I should do have zero value.

1 hour ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Pot calling the kettle black as far as admitting an error even if you are wrong. You believe your way is the only way, and assume that you know me even better than I know myself based on a few forum comments. Arrogant.


The chicken/egg dilemma could be more complex than you want it to be depending on whether a person believes in evolution, creationism, spontaneous generation or a combination of the above. I know a bit about Biology, it was my major, eggs were around before chickens. However, they were not chicken eggs, which the question may or may not imply. There are a variety of ways to approach the question. I suppose you believe if a tree fell on an uninhabited island it would make sound.


Of course I am fallible, I make errors all the time. I used the technology for years, long enough for me to make an informed decision. I didn't like it. I prefer outdoor activities; hiking, biking, camping, sitting in a lawn chair with a beer and a paper book. I don't like what you like, why is that so impossible for you to fathom? After getting to know a bit of your personality on this forum, your suggestions as to what I should do have zero value.

Point out anything I have posted in error (include a quote) and I'll be happy to admit my error.  There is no debate about creationism it's religious nonsense. Two birds who were not chickens combined to produce an egg that was a chicken.  I don't know why they would cover that in college biology they never mentioned in my college biology courses. 


1. I drove from Atlanta to Vermont and back and while on the road I sent one text message and that was when I was parked at a gas station/convenience store in Pennsylvania.


2. How many in this photo do you see text messaaging?



6 minutes ago, JLCrab said:

1. I drove from Atlanta to Vermont and back and while on the road I sent one text message and that was when I was parked at a gas station/convenience store in Pennsylvania.


2. How many in this photo do you see text messaaging?



4 people.  You think they are writing but they are actually using a stylus.  Ha ha.  You missed my point.  It is a dinner gathering that would be mandatory but maybe boring and I don't know if the Secret Service lets people use a phone of any kind around the President.

26 minutes ago, amvet said:

Point out anything I have posted in error (include a quote) and I'll be happy to admit my error. 

I don't believe you will admit an error, so I won't waste my time scrolling back through the pages to find quotes. Why do you time after time avoid my straightforward questions like, "I don't like what you like, why is that impossible for you to fathom?" 


Looks to me like someone taking notes with a pen. But whatever. Nobody at the table seems to texting their spouse saying 'What a boring bunch of people -- hopefully I can get out of here soon so we can play.'

37 minutes ago, amvet said:

Two birds who were not chickens combined to produce an egg that was a chicken.  I don't know why they would cover that in college biology they never mentioned in my college biology courses.

Can't make much sense of what you wrote there....

1 minute ago, JLCrab said:

Looks to me like someone taking notes with a pen. But whatever. Nobody at the table seems to texting their spouse saying 'What a boring bunch of people -- hopefully I can get out of here soon so we can play.'

My point was there are gatherings everyone one must attend or does attend that may turn out boring. 

3 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Can't make much sense of what you wrote there....

The chicken egg came first.  It was produced by two birds who were not chickens.

9 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

I don't believe you will admit an error, so I won't waste my time scrolling back through the pages to find quotes. Why do you time after time avoid my straightforward questions like, "I don't like what you like, why is that impossible for you to fathom?" 

I understand what you said but you don't have enough information to make an intelligent decision on the matter.  My daughter as a baby was afraid of her shadow until she came to understand what it was.  It is the same with you and a smart phone. 

16 minutes ago, amvet said:

I understand what you said but you don't have enough information to make an intelligent decision on the matter.  My daughter as a baby was afraid of her shadow until she came to understand what it was.  It is the same with you and a smart phone. 

Provide some evidence, other than your arrogant opinion, as to how you could possibly know this about me with 100% certainty. You've stated it as if it is fact, not a possibility or an opinion.

16 minutes ago, amvet said:

My point was there are gatherings everyone one must attend or does attend that may turn out boring. 

My apologies -- I didn't realize you were making a point.

45 minutes ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Provide some evidence, other than your arrogant opinion, as to how you could possibly know this about me with 100% certainty. You've stated it as if it is fact, not a possibility or an opinion.

Have you completely used a 30,000 baht smart phone for 12 months during the last 2 years? 

1 hour ago, amvet said:

I understand what you said but you don't have enough information to make an intelligent decision on the matter.  My daughter as a baby was afraid of her shadow until she came to understand what it was.  It is the same with you and a smart phone. 


1 hour ago, ColeBOzbourne said:

Provide some evidence, other than your arrogant opinion, as to how you could possibly know this about me with 100% certainty. You've stated it as if it is fact, not a possibility or an opinion.


14 minutes ago, amvet said:

Have you completely used a 30,000 baht smart phone for 12 months during the last 2 years? 

This is not evidence. Why do you need to ask questions and gather more information when you already made a statement as if it is hard fact rather than a possibility or opinion? I'd still like to see evidence, not opinion, that proves your statement based on the information you had at the time you made the statement.

19 hours ago, amvet said:

I don't think you have had enough experience to make a good decision about the issue


19 hours ago, amvet said:

I'd suggest buying and utilizing a smart phone extensively for a year or so and then make a decision

Following your logic can we plug in other things people typically like or dislike? I grew up owning guns and hunting, but I realize many people have no interest in that and I respect their decision. But following your logic I could tell them, "I don't think you have had enough experience to make a good decision about the issue. I'd suggest buying and utilizing a shotgun extensively for a year or so and then make a decision." 


Plug in whatever dislike many people might have (eating liver, dating ladyboys, skydiving, watching horror flicks, bantering on forums) and see if it seems credible to make such suggestions. I figure adults can make up their own minds about what they like and dislike, and it's not my place to question them or tell them they are wrong.

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