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Mukdahan cracking down on smuggling following new excise tax rate


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Mukdahan cracking down on smuggling following new excise tax rate


MUKDAHAN, 21 September 2017 (NNT) – The Excise Department in Mukdahan province has stepped up control against smuggled liquor, beer and cigarettes along the Thai-Lao border following an adjustment to the excise tax rate for the goods. 

Excise official for Mukdahan province Chawakarn Makawong said that after the new excise tax rate for vices came into on September 16, all excise offices were instructed to stringently monitor against stockpiling and smuggling across the border. The concern is that lower prices in neighboring countries such as Lao will prompt rampant illegal imports. 

Chawakarn made known that between the beginning of the year and September 15, 400 cases of liquor smuggling were uncovered with over 300,000 baht worth of contraband confiscated. In the same period, 218 cases of tobacco smuggling were stopped with 1 million baht worth of goods seized. He urged retailers to aid authorities in suppressing smuggling and to adhere to legal pricing limits. 

The Excise Department is coordinating with the army, immigration officers and border patrol units to make sure it is successful in blocking illegal imports and has promised severe penalties for those caught.

-- nnt 2017-09-21
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Wonders never seize. 

Did anyone of the Thai Excise Department or the Ministry of Finance (under which you'll find the experts in the Customs) wonder, how the Laotians can sell the same stuff for less than half the price, despite being landlocked and forced to haul the stuff overland - through (bonded) Thailand)? 

Nobody in his right mind smuggles any booze into Laos; interesting behind the whole thing is that the Commies got it right this time. Even the Cambodians, upon Khon Thai loves to look down to, manage to make more money with lower prices - go figure ! 

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