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I'm posting this here, rather than the Travel Section, because I feel it's more relevent to the economy.

A friend of mine from Western Canada was thinking about coming to Thailand for a vacation. She and her husband both have free time at the end of next week so were looking at options to fly over. They went to a reputable travel agent and were told that the current instructions from the Canadian Government prevents travel agents from selling flights to Thailand at the present time. Even if they had been able to book a flight and/or package online they would have not been able to get insurance, so they were told.

I'm a bit surprised, given the 'everything is fine' messages coming from the tourism officials here in Thailand, and given the charm offensive that is supposed to have taken place earlier this week with embassies and consulates to reassure them. That's one couple that will not now be coming and spending their money here in the next few weeks.

I am not being critical of anyone in any way - I just feel that because tourism is so important for Thailand everything possible needs to be done to allow those thinking of coming here to actually go through with their plans.

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Does the Canadian Govt really have the authority to ban travel agents from selling airline tickets to Thailand? Seems a bit farfetched to me. And if true, far more of a nanny-government than I would ever want.

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I thought so too .. but this comes from someone I have known for many years and I trust what she is saying. It might be down to insurance more than anything I feel, rather than an actual directive from their government.

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"advised" is far different than what you posted:

the current instructions from the Canadian Governmentprevents travel agents from selling flights to Thailand at the present time.
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Indeed ... but the word 'prevent' is exactly the one that was used by the travel agent to my friend. Perhaps that it was how it is being interpreted by the agents in Canada - but at the very least it means people trying to buy airline tickets from one reputable and large chain of travel agents in the Vancouver area are being told it's not possible.

It just underlines the need for clear information right now, both here and elsewhere in the world.

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Indeed ... but the word 'prevent' is exactly the one that was used by the travel agent to my friend. Perhaps that it was how it is being interpreted by the agents in Canada - but at the very least it means people trying to buy airline tickets from one reputable and large chain of travel agents in the Vancouver area are being told it's not possible.

It just underlines the need for clear information right now, both here and elsewhere in the world.

Would the need for "clear information" include reporting information gained 3rd hand from "friends" and reporting that 3rd hand information as the gospel truth?

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Travel insurance policies usually exclude coverage from areas under official travel warnings.

It's possible that the Canadian travel agency has some sort of liability coverage which similarly excludes coverage if it sells tickets or tours to a warned-off area. Thus, to protect itself, it doesn't service travellers to these areas.

Solution: try some other agencies or certainly the airlines themselves.

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Indeed ... but the word 'prevent' is exactly the one that was used by the travel agent to my friend. Perhaps that it was how it is being interpreted by the agents in Canada - but at the very least it means people trying to buy airline tickets from one reputable and large chain of travel agents in the Vancouver area are being told it's not possible.

It just underlines the need for clear information right now, both here and elsewhere in the world.

Would the need for "clear information" include reporting information gained 3rd hand from "friends" and reporting that 3rd hand information as the gospel truth?

All I was stating was the facts, as told to me first hand by a friend, former colleague and, incidentally a journalist too. I've no reason on earth to distrust what she has told me. As far as I am concerned, she and her husband were unable to buy a ticket to travel to Bangkok from Canada - that is a fact. I just felt others should know, especially given how much tourism means to Thailand. By bringing this to everyone's attention then perhaps something might be done.

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