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Mystery Pickpocket: Belgian man robbed on Beach Road


A Belgian man claims he was pickpocket by a lady boy on Pattaya Beach Road, taking 6,500 Euros from the foreigner’s pocket!

At 3 am on 2nd January, Mr. Christophe Ottevaere, aged 35, a Belgian tourist came in to Pattaya police station to inform that a lady boy on the Beach Road had just picked his pocket and got away with 6,500 Euros (approximately 308,476 baht).

The informant stated that he stays in Soi Buakhao. At that time he went for a walk on Pattaya Beach Road and when he passed in front of Hard Rock Hotel, a lady boy aged around 20-25 years approached him. And began his antics by hugging and kissing him and offered him sex.

The Frenchman quickly refused the offer and walked away. Later when he put his hands in his pocket, he realized that thirteen 500 Euro bank notes, totaling 6,500 Euros, were missing. He immediately believed that the lady boy must have taken it.

The police started the investigation by showing the folder with photos of lady boys that parade along the Beach Road and have been arrested before. Unfortunately, Mr. Ottevaere did not recognize the lady boy he met earlier that morning.

-Pattaya People

5 Jan 2007

lol, theres a note worth 300 pounds+, madness.

and walking along the beach with 13 of them in your pocket at 3am = more madness lol

Not necessarily madness, just few alternatives.

What are the alternatives?

Leaving it "hidden" in the hotel room? One of the maids might take it.

In the hotel room safe? Someone in the hotel probably has a spare key, and might make good use of it.

In the main hotel safe? Things have vanished out of hotel safes.

He should have relied on a combination of cash, credit cards and debit cards, but in the end you will have some serious cash in your wallet.

What I do when I have large amounts of cash on me is, I put my wallet in one of the front pockets of my jeans, not in one of the rear pockets. Never had my wallet picked so far.


Never carried more than 10k on me personally. Normally leave it in hotel safe deposit box - travelers cheques. :o The lad is mental for carrying that sort of dosh on him - could have been murdered over less.


As with the Iranian story - carrying large amounts of cash around in this area at this time of night or indeed any time is sheer stupidity, these crooks have a sixth sense and seem able to sniff out the money carried by these dumb people. There is no excuse. The hotel safe deposit box is and should be safe enough, I have never had any problems with them - has anyone else?


308,476 baht! what an idiot!!

I don't think they'll be finding this ladyboy anytime soon, he doesn't need to be hanging around Beach Road for a little while, I certainly don't know what the going rate is, but 308,476 baht = a hel_l of a lot of BJ's. :o

Ladyboy last seen being chauffered in Pink Cadillac whist drinking copious amounts of Champagne and wishing all Belgian visitors a `happy new Year` :o

Maybe lose or spent his money somewhere else and tryto find a good excuse by accusing a ladyboy not known by police.

Mystery Pickpocket: Belgian man robbed on Beach Road

At 3 am on 2nd January, Mr. Christophe Ottevaere, aged 35, a Belgian tourist came in to Pattaya police station to inform that a lady boy on the Beach Road had just picked his pocket and got away with 6,500 Euros (approximately 308,476 baht).

HOW SICK MUST YOU BE to walk at 3 am anywhere in Pattaya with 6,500 Euro in your wallet. Idiots never die..... :o

lol, theres a note worth 300 pounds+, madness.

and walking along the beach with 13 of them in your pocket at 3am = more madness lol

probably just as safe in his pocket, than in the 'safe' deposit box of the average

Soi Buakhao doss house ... erm ... Hotel.




Seems to me the cops should put out a bulletin to banks and exchange booths. My guess is the ladyboy will exchange the whole wad at once for thai baht. A large exchange or deposit like that could be easily spotted.


3 in the morning carrying 300k Baht? Sounds like a scam or cover up to me.

If I'm carrying a tenth of that amount anytime round any town I am suspicious to the point of paranoia. Nobody gets nowhere near me unless I know them. Sure something didn't get lost in the translation and it's 6500 Baht?

If you have to carry a large wedge split it up between all your pockets and stuff some down your socks (provided you're wearing any).

He could have hidden it in several places around his room after the maid has done her duties (whatever they may be depending on the quality of his digs). Even if she returns and discovers one of the stashes chances are she'll scarper sharpish and be satisfied with what she got.

Either way I cannot believe that he's never heard of travellers checks.

Oh well, one born every minute.


Going back around 12 years, I liked the adrenaline rush of Phnom Penh at night. I used to keep 10 bucks in my pocket and maybe another 50 down my shoe. I remember one bar I underestimated the drinks prices and I had to take off my shoe to pay the bill. Never pickpocketed though.

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