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Apple Stuns World With Amazing New Iphone


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I have always been a Nokia fan because way back when I got into cell phones they were by far the best - they were pure bliss to use, simple to start and with tons of nifty features later on. And unbreakable. Then the others caught up. And recently I see big trouble - Symbian, the smart phone OS Nokia likes to use in order to not get locked into the Microsoft trap, is crap. My 19,000 baht N73's Symbian is exactly the same as on my 4 year old 6600. It's even just as slow as the old one! The hardware is gorgeous, but Nokia really dropped the ball there on software - open the camera and wait 30 seconds. Do pretty much anything and wait xx seconds! This is 2007, hello? All they did in 4years was a shiny display and a 3MP camera?

So to conclude: The timing is not a co-incidence. Back when Apple first looked at phones, in the heydays of Nokia, they decided not to enter the market because the competition was too strong. They said so in an analyst meeting! Now, there are smart-phones, lots of them, and they all more or less suck. The iPhone will change that, or at least try. What people under-estimate is that the iPhone is running OS X - it will be able to do things others just simply can't do even if they wanted to.

I think you'd find the Nokia N80 is a different phone. I too had an earlier smart phone. It did what I wanted but I found it to be a real pain because I didn't find it user friendly at all and the delay in the program was irritating to say the least. The N80 still boots slow, I timed it at 40 seconds but since I rarely turn it off it is not important. My old phone was turned on and off a lot because that's all I could do to clear the hangups and crashes. The camera in the N80 comes on within three seconds. The latest software must be a lot faster because I have no complaints about the program speed. The best part is the speaker and call quality. After all, it's supposed to be a phone. :o

Before the dodgy software smart phone I used a Nokia 6230. That's the one that made me a Nokia user. The one after the 6230 would have really turned me off if it had been my first Nokia smart phone. My faith has been restored by the N80. The latest software upgrade for the N80 was a whopping 66mb. It took forever to complete.

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I think you'd find the Nokia N80 is a different phone. I too had an earlier smart phone. It did what I wanted but I found it to be a real pain because I didn't find it user friendly at all and the delay in the program was irritating to say the least. The N80 still boots slow, I timed it at 40 seconds but since I rarely turn it off it is not important. My old phone was turned on and off a lot because that's all I could do to clear the hangups and crashes. The camera in the N80 comes on within three seconds. The latest software must be a lot faster because I have no complaints about the program speed. The best part is the speaker and call quality. After all, it's supposed to be a phone. :o

Before the dodgy software smart phone I used a Nokia 6230. That's the one that made me a Nokia user. The one after the 6230 would have really turned me off if it had been my first Nokia smart phone. My faith has been restored by the N80. The latest software upgrade for the N80 was a whopping 66mb. It took forever to complete.

For all I could find out, the N80 has the same processor as the N73, so it must be the software. I did a full software upgrade too, at 60MB or so - at least they finally allow firmware upgrades! N73 is still slow though. I don't care about startup because the phone never needs to be restarted (good) but the speed of opening the camera, the clock, the gallery... yawn. maybe I just need to add more memory, I will try that.

However, my point remains valid: Even if all the included features were blazing fast, they are still the same as in the old 6600, give or take a few. Nothing too exciting, nothing you couldn't do 4 years ago. Ok I give you that: The basic phone functions work reasonably well :D

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Yeah, but I'm lucky if I get 2 hours from a fully charged 18 month old i-pod.

They exaggerate the battery life somewhat!

you should replace with a higher capacity aftermarket battery. I now get get nearly 8 hours on my Gen 3 Ipod. After 2 years I was down to about 2.5 hours also. The battery only costs $20 plus shipping from the states.

Most of the aftermarket batteries are about 30% higher capacity.

the OKER 200Baht 1 Gig player with MP4 seems like a better buy than Ipod. what do you guys think ? :o

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Yeah, but I'm lucky if I get 2 hours from a fully charged 18 month old i-pod.

They exaggerate the battery life somewhat!

you should replace with a higher capacity aftermarket battery. I now get get nearly 8 hours on my Gen 3 Ipod. After 2 years I was down to about 2.5 hours also. The battery only costs $20 plus shipping from the states.

Most of the aftermarket batteries are about 30% higher capacity.

the OKER 200Baht 1 Gig player with MP4 seems like a better buy than Ipod. what do you guys think ? :o

There will always be cheaper stuff that does somewhat the same thing and there are a lot of cheaper music players. I find since I use my Ipod all the time that spending 10,000 baht for something I will use for 3 or more years is completely worth it. Being able to use the itunes software is a huge plus for organizing etc. I can automatically download the various podcasts I listen to and all I have to do is plug my Ipod into my computer and its updated. Next time I am out and walking around then I am listening and enjoying. Also I play my music from my laptop to stereo via wifi and being able to use just one high quality library and my remote control for laptop is priceless. Apple is definitely not entry level quality and price.

why buy a toyota when you can buy a proton or some other cheaper option? Some people enjoy higher quality.

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  • 7 months later...

8 months after the introduction of the iPhone:

1 millionth iPhone

Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:53AM EDT

Apple shares rise after sells 1 millionth iPhone

NEW YORK (Reuters) -Shares of Apple Inc (AAPL.O: Quote, Profile, Research) rose 2.3 percent before the bell on Monday, after the company said it sold its one millionth iPhone.

Apple's shares rose to $134.80 from Friday's close of $131.77.

Anybody has experience and owns one ? :o


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I'd be more interested in authoritative figures from AT&T as to activations.

Why, what's the difference? I don't think people buy iPhones to use them as paperweights, for the most part. Anyway as far as AAPL is concerned, what counts is how many were sold.

I find the price cut pretty cool, though its meaning is shrouded in mystery. Generosity? Aiming for market share at the expense of profit? Finally factoring in that AT&T is subsidizing the phones? Preparation to enter the EU market?

Who knows, what I do know is that I want one, but only once it's unlocked. SIM-free is such an important feature for me that a phone that doesn't offer it is near worthless no matter what else it can do.

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8 months after the introduction of the iPhone:

1 millionth iPhone

Mon Sep 10, 2007 8:53AM EDT

Apple shares rise after sells 1 millionth iPhone

NEW YORK (Reuters) -Shares of Apple Inc (AAPL.O: Quote, Profile, Research) rose 2.3 percent before the bell on Monday, after the company said it sold its one millionth iPhone.

Apple's shares rose to $134.80 from Friday's close of $131.77.

Anybody has experience and owns one ? :o


I stand corrected:

The official launch was:

"The iPhone was launched to much fanfare in late June and combines a touch-screen phone, Internet browser and music and video player.

"One million iPhones in 74 days -- it took almost two years to achieve this milestone with iPod," Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said in a statement.

Apple has said it will sell 10 million iPhones by the end of 2008."

From: http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews....nl_ustechnology


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8 months after the introduction of the iPhone:

1 millionth iPhone

72 days after they went on sale - the time since the introduction means little in sales figures. When they actually went on sale starts the clock.

It took Apple two years to sell their millionth iPod - they did the same with the iPhone in a little over two months.

Yes, I have one - love the iPhone, hate AT&T. Overall, the benefits of the iPhone make up for the deficiencies of AT&T. Once the iPhone is unlocked (I'll unlock one of mine this coming weekend), it'll be interesting to try it out with another US carrier, and later that month in Hong Kong and Thailand.

I find it amusing reading from other Nokia or 'smartphone' fanbois how their brand-X does everything the iPhone does, or does more - and while the iPhone does have some things missing (to be added via software updates), it is the best ###### phone I ever owned, and does what it does do INCREDIBLY well.

- Best web browser on a phone, bar none.

- Best email on a phone, bar none.

- best Syncing of data, bar none.

- Best video iPod

- Neatest iPod and music interface.

- Awesome 'maps' interface

- Awesome photoalbum interface

What it lacks:

- real iChat client (the text messaging chat is kinda half-assed)

- video on the camera mode.

- means to send contact/address cards

- means to add enclosed pictures to the photo album

Those who are mighty proud of their (now) overpriced dumb-phones, enjoy them while they last. Invariably, those folks will end up with an iPhone as well, and you know it. Just wait until the real asian models hit the market next year.

Lastly, to those having troubles with their battery life - it might interest you that my 5 year old generation 2 iPod still holds a good 6-7 hours of battery life, and that none of my prior iPods has lost much battery life. How is that? I'm aware of doing battery maintenance, which all batteries need to have performed in order to retain at their peak - otherwise they deteriorate, even those claiming to have no memory effect.

How do you do that?

- discharge your iPod fully. Let it shut itself off from lack of power.

- plug it in.

- let it charge a full 12 hours. Do not unplug it. Do not cut this time short.

- let it discharge fully, again. Set it to play, or play a series of videos, and let it run down.

- let it recharge again for a full 12 hours.

- repeat the full discharge cycle.

Bottom line, you need to go through this discharge cycle 3 (three) times, then you can start using it normally. Repeat the full discharge cycle at least once a month after that, and your iPod will run at peak battery efficiency. You should, after a neglected and deteriorated battery was thus recharged, recover to about 80% of prior full charge.

If you do get less, it may be worthwhile considering a battery replacement - do not go for the cheapest battery. Rather, find the one with the highest mAh charge capacity, for your model. Once you start with a fresh battery, perform the first charge cycle completely, then perform the discharge cycle once per month.

This *does* work.

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Presume you are in Thailand now, given your response in another thread about supporting Mac in Thailand.

I guess a number of people will be interested to see the results of your unlocking "one of" your iPhones for use with AIS/DTAC and how it operates. I "" the one of since I've spoken to a number of iPhone owners who for reasons which puzzle me bought at least 2 units, hence my question about activations.

Most interestingly everyone I know with the iPhone makes a comments similar to "Its a great update to the iPod, but the phone is not so good". Anyone who has been exposed to the SMS culture, which I accept does not have such a take up in the US, complains bitterly about the poor SMS interface, announcement and lack of delivery receipt functionality {though Motorola has similar issues with some of its' UIs as well}. On the Motorola point the new V8 {RAZAR2} here with Opera as the web browser looks interesting, but the ones here are the first release without upgradable memory {512mb only}.

Look forward to hearing your unlocking report.


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