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Prayut says SET rising because of junta’s economic management


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9 hours ago, jgarbo said:

I respect Gen Prayut. He's the best boss Thailand's had for years. But the SET is a cranky beast. It's a rigged,  pump-and-dump game that we play, milking suckers to pay for home improvements. 90% of trades are by computers - no humans need apply - while we humans play catch up for the scraps. It's a living.

90% eh? where did you make that up from?

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20 hours ago, Media1 said:

Yes he is not bright

But brighter seemingly than the economics know-nothings on this thread slinging their opinions around with either no data or made up stuff to match their bogus conclusions.

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On ‎15‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:47 AM, rooster59 said:

“Prime Minister General Prayut did not want people to believe that the announcement of the election timetable was the only thing pushing the index up,” said Sansern.

Prayut KNOWS what the people believe, unless he's blind, dumb and deaf. He knew, from the very start, there'd be no public acceptance of his entirely selfish, establishment-driven motives for the junta power-grab . . . hence his ludicrous nightly TV attitude-adjustment rants. Whatever he does and says simply digs the hole deeper for this paranoiac puppet who needs to consult a sooth-sayer to help him decide which way to go next. And, with his wardrobe of majestic suits, he even thinks he looks like a PM . . . what a loser.


To his credit, though, he did surround himself with the most comprehensively inept bunch of stooges, all well past their sell-by-dates. A stronger, younger and conscience-driven entourage would have rallied against him, long ago, returning him to the shooting ranges where he belongs.

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After dropping for 4 years with no mention as to why it did...


Any rise much be an achievement of Mr Prayut work and an endorsement to his eventual proposal as a candidate for elections that may never happen..


All within the 20 year frame.. 

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On 10/15/2017 at 12:43 PM, djjamie said:

Quite correct to an extent. 


When looking at the SET over 10 years one can see that it dropped not when protests started, but when the previous govt supporters went on their rampage through the city. It bounced back very quickly when Prayuth brought stability back to Thailand.


In 2015 in dropped again in line with all other Asian stock, but rose again in January 2016 and continued to record levels in 2017. Of course Prayut cannot be congratulated solely for this rise although he has played a big part in it. External factors played a role like U.S. economic policy, UK’s strategic plan after Brexit, China’s measures to boost liquidity, and Japan's exports rise for the first time in 15 months in December, 2016.


In short, the Thai SET is a success story under the Junta.


Of course Yingluck can be congratulated for the rise in 2012 and for the rise recently when she left Thailand ran away from accountability.


Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 11.09.25 AM.png

Hahahaha... the SET spikes upwards at the mere suggestion that Junta rule will soon come to an end and you somehow conclude that the Junta are successful in their economic management of the country.


Your graph shows sustained growth from 2012 (Yingluck's government) followed by a sharp drop during Suthep and Praytuh's treasonous street mob period followed by a small uptick, most likely as a result of the perceived calm at the end of Sutheps street mob but this false dawn is followed by the most significant crash on your chart, definitely a result of Junta economic mismanagement (why was the Juntas economic czar Mr P. Devakula sacked?) all of this is then followed by a steady rise, due to massive government deficit spending to reach what..... the very same point Yingluck was at back in 2013 before Sutheps and Prayuth's criminals hordes descended upon the streets of Bangkok.


The cost to Thailand of the military's interference in politics from 2006 until now is 10 times (maybe even 50 times) that of the losses of the rice scheme!


This Junta, like all before it, cannot manage a modern economy.

Ipso facto - the joy shown on the SET at the possibility that the clowns currently in charge may soon be gone.

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On 16/10/2017 at 2:34 PM, CantSpell said:

After dropping for 4 years with no mention as to why it did...


It really irks me when people post ill-informed (and probably prejudiced) nonsense with a total disregard for the facts.


Attached is a graph of the SET for the last 5 years.  There is no way any rational human being could conclude it was "dropping for 4 years".  And incidentally, the junta only came to power on May 22, 2014 - less than 4 years ago.


The day after they came to power the SET was at 1396.84.  Today it's at 1720.30.  In other words, since the junta came to power the SET has risen 23%, and that is (of course) excluding the dividend income that an investor would receive.  Again no "dropping".








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On 15/10/2017 at 9:07 PM, jgarbo said:

mind boggling that you believe anything on the Media. Snow predicted for December. Snow shoes on sale at Central, quick before they're all gone!


I suspect that they were mosquito-zappers, rather than snow shoes, there's a shocking difference ? :ohmy::smile:

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